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Title 100年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂專案管理計畫
Abstract 環保署自民國八十六年所推動的「生活環境改造計畫」至九十九年所執行的「社區環境改造計畫」,其主要精神為採取由下而上的行動方式,配合地方社區的需求及特色,達到社區環境改善及提昇的主要目的。本年度計畫內容包括:(一)辦理縣市層級輔導會議、3場次環保小學堂輔導審查會議及3場次聯合提案審查會議,以提高縣市及社區人員執行能力及落實輔導各社區執行計畫;(二)辦理成果分享及下年度計畫申請說明會,以達到社區間互相學習、借鏡之目的及了解下年度計畫申請情形。;(三)辦理環保小學堂見學工作坊,提昇各環保小學堂營運、實作之能力,並達永續經營之目標;(四)協助直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」及「環保小學堂」推廣計畫,並辦理實地技術輔導及按季統計執行成果;(五)製作成果專輯及社區行動網資料更新,宣導社區環境改造計畫及環保小學堂的意義與作法,加強經驗傳承;(六)辦理社區環境改造後民眾滿意度調查,以了解社區環境改造計畫執行成效,及民眾對本計畫執行前後之滿意度,以作為爾後計畫執行方向之參考。
EngTitle 2011 Environmental Reforms & Learning Center Project
EngAbstract The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has implemented a series of environmental reforms since 1997. In order to promote the environmental quality of community, the main characteristics of these environmental reforms are focusing on both bottom-up mechanisms and local community demands. The major works of this project included: (1) to hold both appraisal meetings for multi-community and environmental learning center applicants and assistant meeting for local government public servants, (2) to hold experience sharing conferences for promoting the understanding among different communities, (3) to provide on-the-spot technical counseling for both multi-community and environmental learning center, (4) to assist communities in implementing projects of environmental reforms and to analyze community indicators on a quarter basis, (5) to hold an environmental learning center conference for providing new directions in terms of environmental education, (6) to compile the publications of the achievement in the multi-community and environmental learning center this year and to update the electonical information on the Community Environmental Action Website, (7) to assess the effectiveness of current community environmental reforms by analyzing a satisfaction questionnaire.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 嘉南藥理科技大學