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Title 100年度高雄市戴奧辛與重金屬監測及管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行高雄市政府環境保護局之高雄市戴奧辛與重金屬監測及管理計畫,主要工作內容為進行稽查檢測戴奧辛排放源煙囪15根次和重金屬13根次、進行戴奧辛污染源稽巡查作業、進行環境監測介質包括污染源周界空氣、土壤與植物戴奧辛調查、進行戴奧辛暴露及健康風險評估及技術轉移訓練等。 大型都市垃圾焚化爐、中小型廢棄物焚化爐、燒結爐、電弧爐及其餘廠家各項巡查項目皆符合法規,除南區資源回收廠於12月袋式集塵器之壓差計異常,而高雄市殯葬管理處第一殯儀館缺失包含採樣設施無負重證明、煙囪高度低於20公尺、近期定期檢測7日前未送檢測計畫書核備、無提供檢測後60日檢測結果記錄及袋式集塵設備無操作條件書面記錄。 本計畫煙道戴奧辛稽查檢測工作中,除都市垃圾焚化爐MSWI-D和水泥窯CEM-D之戴奧辛濃度分別為0.523及0.646 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,超過法規標準外,其餘廠家檢測結果皆符合法規標準。高雄市100年PCDD/Fs年排放總量為5.90 g I-TEQ/yr,各類污染源佔總貢獻量分別為大型都市垃圾焚化爐(7.02%)、中小型焚化爐(0.00266%)、事業廢棄物焚化爐(0.575%)、醫療焚化爐(0.0328%)、煉焦爐(1.30%)、水泥窯代處理廢棄物(2.61%)、燒結爐(76.8%)、集塵灰熱回收(0.156%)、電弧爐(9.78%)、火化場(0.349%)、鍋爐發電(0.0507%)、鋁二級冶煉廠(0.925%)、鋅二級冶煉廠(0.0549%)及銅二級冶煉廠(0.309%)。 本計畫煙道重金屬污染源抽測作業中,包含大型垃圾焚化爐4根次、一般事業廢棄物焚化爐6根次、醫療廢棄物焚化爐1根次及鍋爐1根次、土壤熱脫附焚化爐1根次,各廠家檢測結果皆符合法規標準。 高雄市區周界大氣採樣點總I-TEQ濃度介於0.0252~0.0613 pg I-TEQ/Nm3之間,總I-TEQ濃度平均值為0.0467 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,周界植物採樣點總I-TEQ含量介於1.74~3.54 ng I-TEQ/kg之間,總I-TEQ含量平均值為2.56 ng I-TEQ/kg,周界土壤採樣點總I-TEQ含量介於0.142~3.56 ng I-TEQ/kg之間,總I-TEQ含量平均值為 1.91 ng I-TEQ/kg。由高雄市周界環境介質之等位濃度軌跡圖,推測高雄市小港區環境介質中PCDD/Fs濃度受到電弧爐及燒結爐等固定污染源之影響。 計畫中應用AERMOD模式來模擬大氣擴散濃度與HHRAP (Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol)模式來模擬各種介質與暴露途徑的濃度分佈,估算以99年高雄市地區的產銷因子為基礎的暴露情境之本次檢測的各煙道所排放的戴奧辛及重金屬濃度所造成的危害,戴奧辛危致癌風險主要來源,而非致癌則為砷。致癌風險分佈落於2.05E-10與5.22E-08之間,以小港區、三民區、苓雅區、新興區與前鎮區為前五危害區域;非致癌風險則分佈於2.26E-05與3.12E-03之間,三民區、苓雅區、新興區、小港區與前金區則為非致癌風險前五危害區;但不論是致癌或非致癌,最小皆為楠梓區。
EngTitle 2011- Monitoring and management of dioxin and heavy metal in Kaohsiung city
EngAbstract This project investigated the emission of dioxin and heavy metal sampled from stationary sources in Kaohsiung city. Major works included the emission source sampling of dioxin and heavy metals, the emission source inquiry of dioxin, the analyses of ambient environment (air‚ leaves and soil), risk assessment, and technology transfer.For the emission source inquiry of dioxin, most factories were corresponded to the regulation. However, differential pressure gage of bag filter for Southern District MSWI was unnormal on December. The problems for Kaohsiung city mortuary services office - 1st crematorium were no sampling-platform load certificate, lower than 20 meters stack height, no hand sampling plan and report, and no record the operating conditions of bag filter.The mean total PCDD/Fs concentrations of stationary sources MSWI-D and CEM-D were 0.523 and 0.646 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The values are higher than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The emissions of PCDD/Fs from other emission sources are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The estimated total annual emission of PCDD/Fs from these emission sources in Kaohsiung city was 5.90 g I-TEQ/yr (large-scale MSWIs, 7.02%; small-scale MSWIs, 0.00266%; industrial waste incinerators, 0.575%; medical waste incinerators, 0.0328%; coke oven planes, 1.30%; cement kilns, 2.61%; sinter planes, 76.8%; RHF, 0.156%; electricfurnaces, crematorium 9.78%; cremation, 0.349%; boiler electricity generation, 0.0507%; secondary aluminum smelters, 0.925%; secondary zinc smelters, 0.0549%; secondary copper smelters, 0.309%).The existing emission sources of heavy metals were surveyed, including 4 MSWIs, 6 small-scale MSWIs, 1 medical waste incinerator, 1 boiler, and 1 soil heat-desorption incinerator. The emissions of heavy metals from 13 emission sources are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA.The total PCDD/F concentrations of ambient air, leaves and soil were 0.0252~0.0613 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 1.74~3.54 ng I-TEQ/kg and 0.142~3.56 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. The mean PCDD/F concentrations of ambient air, leaves and soil were 0.0467 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 2.56 ng I-TEQ/kg and 1.91 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. The dominant contributions of PCDD/Fs concentration in Siaogang district were electricfurnaces and sinter planes.AERMOD model was applied to evaluate the concentration of dioxins and their dry and wet deposition in the environment, and then Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) model was used to calculate the concentration of each environmental media and the amount of exposure in each pathway. By integrating these two models, it is estimated that risk contribution of dioxins and heavy metals emitted from stationary emission sources sampled and monitored in this project. Dioxin and arsenic are the main contaminants which contribute to the cancer and non-cancer risk respectively. The cancer risk values are ranged from 2.05E-10 to 5.22E-08, and the first five affected areas are located in Siaogan, Sanmin, Lingya, Sinsing, and Cianjhen Districts. Moreover, the non-cancer risk values are ranged from 2.26E-5 to 3.12E-03, and the first five affected areas are located in Sanmin, Lingya, Sinsing, Siaogan, and Cianjin Districts. Nanzih District is the area accepting least cancer and non-cancer risk.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 正修科技大學