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Title 毒性化學物質與環境用藥管理資訊系統應用整合暨維護計畫
Abstract 「毒性化學物質與環境用藥管理資訊系統應用整合暨維護計畫」今年計畫達成主要目標有:1. 推動毒性化學物質及環境用藥之公示資料查詢系統,提升對毒性化學物質與環境用藥之知識;2. 強化毒性化學物質與環境用藥登記申報系統服務功能,促使業者確實登記申報,提高系統資料之可利用性;3. 整合管理毒性化學物質及環境用藥相關資料,提供政策推動所需資訊以及簡化合併許可證件之業務;4. 為建全毒管處業務推動,加強列管資料之品質控管,定期協助資料庫管理,並進行例行勾稽作業,以強化管理工作;5. 提供全方位的操作說明與教育方式,增進使用流程正確性;6. 配合環保署資訊安全作業規範,落實資訊安全管理相關作業與演練。 本計畫係為了強化業者在申辦作業時的便利性,於今年度擴充線上申請與申報功能,如防災基本資料表與危害預防應變計畫、修改病媒防治施作紀錄申報功能、申報異常警示功能等。另外,為加強民眾對於毒性化學物質與環境用藥之了解,進而開發了毒性化學物質與環境用藥公示資料查詢系統,俾利使用者能得到更佳的服務以及更豐富的資訊。 在管理端方面,本計畫今年度開發毒性化學物質勾稽子系統、線上整合性資訊查詢功能等,並增修運送聯單軌跡追蹤功能、毒性化學物質及環境用藥相關類別資料查詢介面、許可證整併作業、環境用藥有效查核功能、自然人憑證登入機制等,讓管理者可藉由系統有效控管毒性化學物質及環境用藥流向,展現政府施政績效以及落實政府e化服務。 而在教育訓練方面,本計畫今年度辦理了毒性化學物質業者端系統操作說明會4場次,環境用藥業者端系統操作說明會2場次,並針對管理者辦理系統操作說明會2場次以及協助各縣市辦理相關說明會共22場次;以期能讓相關業者與管理者能更加熟練系統之操作方法,減少不必要的操作錯誤及提升系統使用效率。
EngTitle Applied Integration and maintenance Project of Toxic Chemical Substances and Environmental Agents
EngAbstract The accomplished goals of the project included: 1. Building the publicity information system of toxic chemical substances and environmental agents to provide knowledge about toxic chemical substances for the general population 2. Implementation of declare system of toxic chemical substances to promote data accuracy and availability in system; 3. Integration of toxic chemicals substances system and environmental agents system to provide necessary information from policies reformed of toxic chemical substances and environmental agents and integrated jobs of license application; 4. Improving the quality control of managed data to increase the database integrity and building the Audit Sub-system of upstream and downstream to strengthen the management jobs; 5. Providing a full range of operating instructions and educational methods to enhance the correctness of system operation; 6. Implementation of system security management and operation drills by using standard operation procedure. In order to enhance the conveniences of the application processes, this project team provided functions of online application, the disaster prevention basic table and contingency plans for hazard prevention, record function for vector control, abnormal alert function, etc. In addition, the project team to design the public system of toxic chemicals and environmental agents to enhance knowledge of toxic chemicals and environmental agents and to provide better services and more extensive information. As to the management system, the project team builds and modifies audit sub-system of toxic chemical substances, online integrated information query functions, citizen digital certificate log function, etc. These complete functions let administrators operate easily and access statistical data effectively, and therefore administrators could present management performance. System also provided real-time review of electronic applications and automatic reminder of project to fulfill the vision of government e-services. As to training, the project team held four training programs for toxic chemicals owners and two training programs for environmental agents owners, and two training programs tor administrators. Furthermore, the project team assisted in Environmental Protection Bureau with training courses for twenty-two times. We hoped users become more familiar with this system, avoid operational mistakes, and therefore system effectiveness could be raised.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司