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Title 台東縣環境保護局卑南溪風砂揚塵防制計畫
Abstract 本(100)年度本計畫主要執行項目包括:一、相關資料調查蒐集彙整。 二、建置河床裸露地揚塵預警系統。 三、規劃及建立揚塵惡化應變體系。 四、研擬卑南溪河床裸露地揚塵改善策略。 五、空品不良季節因應作業。 六、卑南溪巡查作業。 七、卑南溪河床揚塵防制宣導。計畫各工作項目執行內容說明如下:一、 相關資料調查蒐集彚整:1. 豐、枯水期期間,本計畫各完成1次卑南溪各河段水文條件調查,包括中華大橋、臺東大橋、利吉大橋、鸞山大橋、寶華大橋、電光大橋、池上大橋、初來大橋等包含河川斷面長度、水位、水量等8處,其中無論枯、豐水期之調查資料皆顯示卑南溪上下游流量變化頗大,原因可能為卑南溪流域複雜的支流匯入及農業、民生取水匯出之影響。2. 卑南溪裸露面積變化及相關圖像資料調查、蒐集、監測或購置。已向中央大學太空及遙測研究中心購置拍照日期分別為於100年2月7日、9月9日、9月26日及10月4日之衛星圖像各1次,計4次。而依3次不同時間之調查,卑南溪裸流域露面積約介於1000公頃至2400公頃之間。3. 分析100年8月26日(南瑪督颱風)、9月12日(熱帶性低氣壓外圍環流)及9月27日(熱帶性低氣壓外圍環流)等,計3次揚塵事件成因並評估揚塵對於本縣空品測站監測數據之影響。揚塵影響主要以ISCST3模式進行,模擬最大小時增量濃度,而排放量則分別採用環保署TEDS7.0及林德貴等利用風洞實驗數據建立之大甲溪揚塵排放係數。模擬結果顯示採用TEDS 7.0估算卑南溪揚塵有低估之虞。4. 懸浮微粒(PM10)人工採樣分別於7月及10月各進行6處次,並經判定皆非屬事件日樣品,化學組成分析顯示,離子成分普遍以SO42-、NO3-及NH4+含量較高,金屬成分以Al、Fe及Ca含量較高,OC/EC比約為1.47~1.86之間。二、 建置河床裸露地揚塵預系統1. 本計畫擇臺東縣森林公園,於5/30完成設置簡易氣象站(含風速、風向量測)及懸浮微粒(PM10) 自動分析儀各一套,5/28完成設置影像監視1套,及其訊號傳輸及接收設備,以提供即時之監測及監視資料。懸浮微粒自動分析儀設置後,各監測月份有效監測日數(有效監測時數>16小時)至少達25日,小時最大監測濃度339µg/m3出現於8月份,而各月24小時平均值均遠低於125µg/m3之空氣品質標準。2. 依計畫需求蒐集環保署臺東測站及關山測站之監測資料,並蒐集中央氣象局設於鄰近卑南溪之氣象資料,強化預警系統資訊來源。3. 完成建置LED顯示器(電子看板)連線至仁愛國小、寶桑國小、森林公園入口、火車站前、縣政府、環保局等6處,以提供相關機關、學校及民眾揚塵即時資訊及監測資料。三、 規劃及建立揚塵惡化應變體系 1. 依臺東縣砂塵災害應變中心開設作業流程,規劃河床裸露地揚塵惡化時之應變體系,並依「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」之規定提出修正建議。 2. 已建置卑南溪沿岸7鄉鎮之104單位村里長、58所學校及其他16單位聯絡資料,以利揚塵惡化時之通報方式及應變措施,並完成撰寫自動發布預警簡訊至各應採行應變措施之機關及人員,以即時通知各單位採行應變措施。 3. 撰寫自動發布預警簡訊至各應採行應變措施之機關及人員。本計畫於6月29日己完成發布預警簡訊測試。4. 依照臺東縣砂塵災害應變中心開設作業流程,規劃本年度河床揚塵惡化緊急應變演練實施計畫,並於100年12月22日召開兵棋演練籌備會議、101年1月11日辦理兵棋推演、101年2月13日召開實地演練籌備會議、101年2月17日辦理最終實地演練,由於事前規畫得宜及各單位之重視,並經多次排演,演練成果獲得各級長官正面肯定。四、 研擬卑南溪河床裸露地揚塵改善策略1. 經由研析歷史監測數據,並收集過去兩年之天氣資料,歸納卑南溪揚塵發生原因;另一方面,參酌卑南溪揚塵及其他河川揚塵過去防制經驗,研擬卑南溪揚塵防制對策。2. 依據上述對策,研堤卑南溪揚塵防制方式建議,並於8月12日及10月27日分別辦理研擬會議及專家教育訓練。五、空品不良季節因應作業1. 分別於寶桑國小及仁愛國小辦理卑南溪揚塵防制應變說明會各1場次,宣導河川揚塵成因、河川揚塵對於健康影響、受體防護措施及卑南溪河川揚塵防制措施。2. 分別於6月20日、9月19日及12月1日與八河局及其他防砂小組成員,召開3場次卑南溪揚塵防制聯繫會議,確認100年度卑南溪揚塵防制作業。其中,經濟部水利署第八河川局本(100)年度,於臺東大橋上游上面約100米處開始引水,走左側高灘,長度約1,750公尺,施作水覆蓋工法,一直到下游卑南溪轉彎高灘地之區域,水覆蓋面積大約50公頃,而中華大橋南北側北岸高灘地持續開放短期農作。另外,中華大橋下游部分則由環保局延續去年噴灑水、築砂堤等方式辦理防砂工作。3. 於100年11月7日完成佈設水線及灑草籽植作之示範作業約1.1公頃,並於天候良好時,每日啟動機械灑水,以作為日後大面積施作之評估依據。六、卑南溪裸露地巡查卑南溪裸露地進行巡查共119處次,並拍照存證及作成紀錄,作為河川揚塵改善措施研擬之參考。七、卑南溪河床揚塵防制宣導 1.完成製作60秒宣導短片1支,並於縣轄內傳播媒體播放。宣導裸露揚塵對於身心、財物及環境等方面之影響,並告知民眾防制的方法。 2.宣導短片於11月25日至12月25日東北季風盛行時,委託本縣受影響區域有線電視頻道播放,並將宣導短片製作成光碟1500份,配合宣導或活動發送。 3.建置卑南溪揚塵預警系統網頁資訊平台,並於100年4月11日上線,以提供各方查詢卑南溪揚塵防制資訊。 4.配合環保署要求,適時將本計畫執行成果及相關資訊,登錄於環保署「河川揚塵防制推動資訊網平台」。
EngTitle Bei-nan wind and sand dust control plan
EngAbstract (100) year of the program implementation of the project include: an information survey to collect compiled. Second, build the exposed river bed dust warning system. Third, planning and establish dust deterioration of the response system. Fourth, to develop the the Peinan riverbed exposed to dust Improvement Strategy. Five poor air quality season in response to the job. VI Peinan inspection operations. Seven Peinan riverbed dust control advocacy. The implementation of the plan each work item as follows:An information survey to collect Hui whole:. Abundance during the dry season, this project various times the Peinan each river hydrology conditions survey, including the China Bridge, Taitung Bridge, Liji Bridge, Luan Hill Bridge, Baohua Bridge, the electrooptic Bridge, Ikegami Bridge, early contains the length of the river section, the water level, water 8 to Bridge, etc., which regardless of dry, wet period of the survey data are displayed Peinan on the downstream flow changes considerably, probably due to import complex Peinan watershed tributaries and agriculture, livelihood water exported.The Beinan exposed area of ​​change and related image data to investigate the collection, monitoring, or purchase. Has the Space and Remote Sensing Center of National Central University, the date of the purchase photographed were on February 7, at 100 years, September 9, September 26 and October 4 of the satellite image, the 1st, count four times. According to three different time of the survey, exposed the Peinan bare Basin area of ​​approximately between 1000-2400 ha.(3) analysis of 100 years 8 26 (Nanmadol Governor typhoons), September 12 (tropical low pressure and peripheral circulation) and September 27 (tropical low pressure and peripheral circulation), namely the causes of three dust events and assessment of dust monitoring data of air quality monitoring stations in the county. The dust impact to ISCST3 model to simulate the maximum hourly incremental concentrations, emissions, respectively, the the EPD TEDS7.0 and Lin Degui Tachia dust emission coefficient created by the wind tunnel experimental data. The simulation results show that the TEDS 7.0 to estimate the the Peinan dust underestimate the danger of.Suspended particles (PM10) and manual sampling in July and October 6, and convicted none of it is the event day sample, the chemical composition analysis showed that the ionic composition generally of SO42-, NO3-and NH4 + content of high metal content of Al, Fe and Ca content higher OC / EC ratio is about 1.47 to 1.86.Second, build the riverbed exposed to dust pre-system(1) selection of this project, Taitung Forest Park, set on 5/30 to complete a simple weather station (including wind speed, wind vector measurements), and suspended particles (PM10) automatic analysis instrument each set, 5/28 to complete the setup of video surveillance sets, and its signal transmission and reception equipment to provide real-time monitoring and surveillance data. Suspended particles automatic analysis instrument settings, each monitoring month effective monitoring of the number of days (to effectively monitor the number of hours> 16 hours) for at least 25 hours monitoring the concentration of 339μg/m3 August, while the average of 24 hours each month are much below 125μg/m3 air quality standards.(2) according to the plan needs to collect EPD Taitung stations and the Guanshan station monitoring data, and collect weather data, Central Weather Bureau located in the neighboring Peinan strengthen early warning systems for sources of information.Complete build LED displays (electronic bulletin board) to connect the Most Gracious patriotic small, Po Sang is small, the entrance of Forest Park, the former railway station, the county government, EPA and other 6 to provide the relevant authorities, schools and real-time information of the public dust and monitoring data.Third, the planning and establishment of dust deterioration and response system Sand and dust in accordance with Taitung County's Disaster Response Center opened processes, planning riverbed exposed to dust deterioration of response system, and serious deterioration in the emergency control regulations in accordance with the "air quality" of the provisions of the proposed amendments. 2 build the Peinan coastal township of 104 units in the village long, 58 schools and 16 other unit contact information, a way of communicating this benefit dust deterioration and contingency measures, and complete the writing should be adopted automatic warning SMS to line agencies and personnel of the contingency measures, immediately notify all units to adopt contingency measures. Writing the automatic warning SMS to agencies and personnel should adopt contingency measures. This project has been completed on June 29 warning newsletters test.Sand and dust in accordance with Taitung County's Disaster Response Center opened processes, planning this year's deterioration of the river bed dust emergency response drills implementation plan, and the preparatory meeting held on December 22, 100 years war games exercise, handling the war games in 101 years on January 11, 101 years, held a field exercise preparatory meeting on February 13, February 17, 101 years handling the final field exercise, due to prior planning properly and the unit of attention, and after numerous rehearsals, the drill results of positive recognition at all levels of Executive.Four, to develop Peinan riverbed exposed to dust and Improvement StrategyThrough research analysis of historical monitoring data, and collect weather information over the past two years, summed up the the Peinan dust causes; as inapplicable Peinan dust and other rivers dust control experience, to develop Peinan dust control countermeasures.Based on the above countermeasures research embankment the Peinan dust control the way suggested to handle the Yanni meetings and expert training on August 12 and October 27 respectively.Five poor air quality season in response to jobOne. Po Sang small and Ren Ai Elementary School handled the the Peinan dust control strain on rivers and dust causes will be a screening, advocacy, rivers and dust for health effects, receptor protection measures and Peinan river dust control measures.(2), respectively at June 20, September 19 and December 1, with eight River Board and other members of the group of sand, held three sessions the Peinan dust control joint meeting to confirm the 100 annual Peinan dust control operations . Among them, the Eighth River Management Office (100) year, Taitung Bridge upstream about 100 meters above the diversion of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Water Resources Agency, and take the left side of the high beach, a length of about 1,750 meters, facilities for water to cover construction method, until the downstream Peinan turn high beach area, water covering an area of ​​about 50 hectares, while the north side of the north shore of China Bridge, South Beach to remain open to short-term crop. In addition, by the Environmental Protection Agency of China Bridge downstream portions of the continuation of last year, spraying water, building sand embankment and other ways to handle the sand.Laid waterline and sprinkle grass seeds to plant for demonstration operations completed on November 7, at 100 years of about 1.1 hectares, and a good weather day to start the mechanical sprinkler to the assessment basis for future large area of ​​application.VI Peinan exposed inspectionsPeinan bare to carry out inspections of 119 times, and photographed as evidence and shall keep records, as the river dust improvement measures Yanni reference.Peinan riverbed dust control advocacy Complete a production of 60 seconds propaganda clips, and county within its jurisdiction the media player. Advocacy bare dust for the body and mind, property and environment, and inform the people in control of the method. Advocacy video on November 25 to December 25, when the northeast monsoon prevailed, commissioned by the county by the impact of regional cable channels, and advocacy video production CD of 1500, with advocacy activities send . 3 the Peinan dust early warning system web information platform to build on April 11, 100 years on the line, to provide that the parties to query the the Peinan dust control information. 4 meet the requirements of the EPD, the timely implementation of this project results and related information, log on to the promotion of information network platform in the EPD's river dust control.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司