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Title 執行新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助及查核
Abstract 本計畫完成100年7月至101年12月民眾申請油氣雙燃料車改裝補助款之受理、審查及撥款作業,補助3,421輛油氣雙燃料車,補助款計核撥85,525仟元。共受理改裝廠12款引擎族27款車型之排氣認證合格證明申請案件。抽驗作業因改裝廠自行執行品管測試合格,報經環保署同意備查並符合法規標準,故未辦理抽驗。查核作業區分為提早上市四期車查核及管制性查核:提早上市四期車共查核40輛,結果皆為正常;管制性查核共計179輛,結果有3輛之能源類別已改為「汽油」,違反補助辦法第11條1年內不得拆除改裝套件之規定,已即時通知環保署撤銷其補助資格,並追回補助款。計畫期間持續操作維護油氣雙燃料車資訊管理系統,使油氣雙燃料車改裝補助、車型排氣認證、最新消息等作業正常運作。系統共11,766人次進入使用,有效提昇案件辦理效率及資訊宣導之功能。協助公務機關完成6季公務車填報作業,101年公務機關油氣雙燃料公務車總數及總加氣量皆以環保署最多,分別為37輛及44,760公升。完成1場次之說明會及業務座談會,宣導說明改裝補助政策及探討如何因應當前困境,並蒐集彙整各方相關意見納入未來施政之參考。因新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助政策執行至101年底,因此本計畫針對過去五年推動情形進行統計分析。油氣雙燃料車於設籍區域使用比例佔80%以上,營業車月平均加氣量為自用車之3.6倍,加氣頻率為自用車之4.3倍,改裝2年內加氣量及頻率均較高。各改裝車型中以國瑞之ALTIS、CAMRY及WISH為主,佔整體改裝數之78.5%,皆具有省油之特性。排氣認證制度實施後,不僅確保補助車輛皆符合排放標準,也提升各改裝廠之調校技術;另透過抽驗機制,使業者加強品保品管測試,確保補助車輛具環保效益。
EngTitle To Execute the Subsidy of Hybrid-LPG Vehicle
EngAbstract Starting from July, 2011 to December 2012, this project accomplished the review, inspection and appropriation of Hybrid-LPG Vehicle subsidy application, with 3,421 vehicles being subsidized and a total of NT$ 85, 525,000 appropriated. The project also accepted and reviewed some application cases for exhaust verification of the modified vehicles sent by modification plants, including 12 engine models and 27 versions of vehicles. In addition, the tasks of testing at random for the year of 2011 were carried out as well, with all the tests meeting the norms. The checking operation is classified as checking for earlier marketing of the four-phase vehicles and controlled ones. Of the two, the former included 40 vehicles, all meeting the requirements; the latter covered 179 vehicles, three of which had been changed into “gasoline” in energy classification, which is against the subsidy regulations.During the course of carrying out the project, the information management system for Hybrid-LPG vehicles maintained operational, which enabled such tasks as modification subsidy for Hybrid-LPG vehicles, verification of vehicle models and exhaust, and the latest information to be performed smoothly. The system also accelerated case application and information promoting with 11,766 visitors. Other tasks implemented were the reporting operation for six seasons, an explanatory conference and an operation seminar. In 2012, EPA has the maximum vehicles and gas refuel in all government agencies, 37 vehicles and 44,760 liter. In promoting and presenting subsidy policy on modified vehicles, the related issues should be complied, and comments from all sides about the issue should also be compiled and incorporated into policies of the future.Because of the subsidy to the end of 101. Therefore ths project analyzed the promotion of past five years for statistical analysis. The utilization rate of Hybrid LPG vehicle in domiciled area is more than 80%. The monthly gas refuel average of operating Vehicle is 3.6 times to private Vehicle, and the aerated frequency is 4. 3 times.The refilling capacity and frequency of modifying in 2 years were higher.The primary model of modifying vehicles are ALTIS, CAMRY and WISH which is accounting for 78.5% with fuel-efficient characteristics.After the implementation of Emission Authentication for Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Model , not only to ensure that the subsidy vehicles are in compliance with the emission standards, but also enhance tuning technology. Furthermore, strengthen the QAQC testing of re-equipping company and ensure that the subsidies vehicle has environmental benefits by the tasks of testing.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司