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Title 全國性空氣污染物排放量趨勢資料之管理與建置檢討計畫(二)
Abstract 為掌握全國排放量趨勢作為管制之參考,對於排放清冊之更新規劃為每三年進行一次,目前最新一版為TEDS 7.1排放量資料庫,以96年為基準年所建置的排放量(98年度完成)。在三年一循環之排放清冊計畫中,本計畫為第三年度計畫,本年度計畫工作成果如下:(一)99年基準年空氣污染物排放量推估之先期預備作業:1、完成面源空間網格分配指標資料之檢討,分三大類別進行修正(1)面源與點源重複計算方法修正;(2)直接取得污染源排放座標;(3)更新分配指標。2、國內PM2.5排放量推估結果之檢討,修正以往清冊推估PM2.5排放量僅採一組比例資料之方式,改依不同污染源及防制設備資料重新推估,較為精確可靠。衍生性排放量推估檢討部分,檢視及分析PM2.5重要前驅物NH3排放量,結果顯示真實量(觀測值)落於目前推估量的0.5倍至2倍之間。3、針對我國宗教活動所燃燒之金紙,進行相關污染物的排放係數建置工作,實驗顯示平均每燃燒1公噸之紙錢,PM10的排放強度平均值落於3.53 kg、CO的排放強度為30.6 kg、NO的排放係數為0.692 kg,而所排放之飛灰PM2.5/PM10比例介於0.58~0.87之間。(二)98年排放量推估及未來年排放量趨勢之更新:1、98年排放量推估結果,TSP總量為534637公噸/年、SOx總量為126058公噸/年、NOx總量為428616公噸/年及NMHC總量為648794公噸/年;2、檢討各類污染源可能的活動量變化指標,持續進行後續各月最新資料之蒐集;3、進行未來年各年度年排放量趨勢之調整預測推估,並對歷年及未來年排放量趨勢重新進行檢討。(三)縣市排放量提報制度推動及網路系統提報功能檢討:1、完成100年排放量管理計畫縣市提報相關之工作;2、完成101年排放量管理計畫之相關作業規畫,並公告至各縣市;3、完成一場排放量管理計畫說明會及北、中及南區各一場教育訓練會。(四)國內空氣污染控制成本基本資料庫(AirControlNET)擴充建置,使用許可資料庫內相關成本資訊做本土化估算,並比較與原資料庫中美國控制成本差異。(五)綠色國民所得帳編制,配合主計處編製99年綠色國民所得帳,進行空氣品質質損資料之估算及資料提供。(六)99年度縣市SIP考與排放清冊相關網頁之維護及資料更新:協助99年度縣市SIP考核空氣品質改善指標相關資料審核與統計分析與100年SIP考評指標中考評方式及評分標準檢討修正,作為年度縣市計分參考應用、相關網頁資料更新及技術與行政支援作業等。
EngTitle National Air emission trends inventory system management and review(二)
EngAbstract Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) is usually renewed and updated every three years for the information to administrative units in air-pollution control and air-quality management. This project, the third year of current stage, investigated the evolution trend of emission in Taiwan, and developed the latest emission inventory. The latest TEDS accomplished in this project is Version 7.1, which is based on the emission of 2007. Main achievements of this project are as followed:1、Necessary data and calculation procedures were preliminarily examined for emission estimation: • Modification on the calculation of duplicated records, coordinates, and apportion indicators. • Review on the PM2.5 emission and its precursors, including NH3, the discrepancy between the estimated NH3 and observation is about factor of two.• Development of the emission factors of religious and folk activities: 3.53 kg-PM10, 30.6 kg-CO, and 0.692kg-NO produced per ton of paper money burned.2、TEDS updated to 2009:• Total emission of 2009: TSP 534,637 tons, SOx 126,058 tons, NOx 428,616 tons, and NMHC 648,794 tons.• Review on the activity factors of every kind of emission sources.• Review on the variation of emission in the past and prediction on the variation trend in the future.3、Promotion of the county-emission-submission network system and review on the system’s functions:• Accomplishment on the submission of county emission management projects in 2011.• Accomplishment on the proposal of county emission management projects in 2012.• Accomplishment on the seminar and training course of emission management projects.4、Expand the data base of air-pollution control cost (AirControlNET) and localize the cost estimation methods in Permit Data Bank and compare to that in the U.S.5、Accomplish the accounting of Green National Income and provide necessary data and information to the Directorate-General of Budget Accounting and Statistics to calculate the cost of declined air quality in 2011.6、Evaluate the county SIPs and related indicators of air quality improvement in and calculate the statistics and scoring of every county in the performance. Update the web-page contents of emission inventory in 2010. Administrative and technical support to EPA.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 景丰科技股份有限公司