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Title 100年度彰化縣空氣品質改善維護綜合管理暨資訊整合計畫
Abstract 100年度彰化縣空品不良發生5站日,指標污染物為懸浮微粒(PM10)有3站日,指標污染物為臭氧(O3)則有2站日,總計不良率為0.69%,為彰化縣歷年最低。協助環保局爭取100年環保署考評成績。每月追蹤環保署考核成績,並針對考核分數落後的指標提出改善建議。為敦促各子計畫提升執行品質。擬定「彰化縣空氣污染防制計畫之管制查核督導計畫及作業要點」,作為各子計畫每月執行品質評估之依據。評估後分數不佳的計畫,本計畫也提出各項改善建議,提供給環保局參考,並協助提升各子計畫執行品質。今年度也完成TEDS7.1排放清冊清查相關作業,並將結果提供給環保署作為後續系統資料修正的參考依據。另也使用CMAQ模式,採用符合模式模擬規範的方式,評估臺中市、南投縣及雲林縣點污染源對於彰化縣臭氧濃度的影響。模擬結果顯示出,臺中市點污染源對於彰化縣臭氧增量的貢獻最為顯著。展望未來,建議環保局應落實中科四期營建工地管制工作與粒狀物管制作業,以使彰化縣及早達成懸浮微粒二級防制區的目標。而在臭氧管制工作仍不可鬆懈,仍應逐步建立揮發性有機物環境背景資料與與加強減量作業,讓彰化縣臭氧持續維持於二級防制區。
EngTitle The Comprehensive Management of Air Pollution Improvement and the Integrated Information Control Project for Changhua County in 2011
EngAbstract In 2011, the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) value exceeds 100 is 5 station-days at Chunghua County. There are 3 station-days for PM10 and 2 station-days for O3. The percentage of days with PSI>100 were 0.69%.This plan assist CHEPB in got the good performance in the efficiency rating scheme (ERS) of EPA 2011. We tracked the score of ERS monthly and provided recommendations for improvement which lagging index. We studied out the 「The Supervisory Plan and Operational Guidelines for Air Pollution control projects of Chunghua County」that assist us to evaluate every project Implementation of quality monthly. This project provided recommendations for improvement to poor performance of the projects.Besides, We finished to inventory the Taiwan Emission Data System 7.1 and lent to EPA. We also applied CMAQ model to assist the increase Ozone concentration that provided from point source in Taichung City, Nantou County, Yunlin County. The result of modeling showed the point source in Taichung City were significant.We suggest CHEPB should strengthen the control strategy of Particles and the constructions of Central Taiwan Science Park at Erlin. It will be pick up Changhua at secondary level prevention area of Particle (PM10) in Central Air Quality Area in the shortest time.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 東禾工程顧問有限公司