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Title 100年度環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料建置及維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫擴充「環境影響評估書件查詢系統」功能以及資料庫持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之環境影響評估資訊查詢系統。主要工作包括:1.更新環境影響評估書件資料,將環境影響評估案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄、審查結論、專案小組會議紀錄、核定公文等文書納入系統中,新增開發計畫基地座標717件;2.清查整理環保署環境影響評估圖書室,並將未建檔之書件電子化納入系統中;3.系統功能擴充(1)環境影響評估圖書室書件及案件卷宗管理功能、(2)環評委員專用介面、(3)更新線上滿意度調查、及(4)其他環保署指定功能:xml、Kml檔案管理、審查時間統計、行事曆事件區分、專案小組功能...等,以及舉辦二場環評委員訪談會議。本專案計畫經執行檢討建議如下:一、清查各縣市資料之完整性,將補正情形納入考核,提升地方環保主管機關案件資料的完整性;二、擴充系統資料類別,如審查會議簡報檔案、環境影響評估現場照片...等,讓書件個案資料更為完整及豐富;三、擴充委員系統功能,應用雲端、群組通訊技術,朝審查作業無紙化之方向邁進。
EngTitle 100 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance proje
EngAbstract The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) inquiry application”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the users. The main tasks contents for this project could be divided into: 1, Updated EIA Database of approved EIA reports, official documents, review conclusions, project team meetings records and added 717 base coordinates of development projects; 2, Checked and organized EIA library and established files of undigitized documents; 3, Enhanced application functons: (a)functions for EIA library books and documents folders management, (b)functions for EIA committee, (c)functions for online satisfaction survey, and (d)orthers: xml, Kml files management functions, examination period statistics functions, parcel events of calendar, functions for project team..., and held 2 conferences to EIA committee. This project came up with recommendations as follows: 1, examine local Environmental Protection Bureaus to promote data completeness; 2, increase system data categories for meeting briefing files, photos files etc to complete and enrich database; 3.expand EIA committee system by applying cloud computing, group communication to look into the future of paperless EIA examination meetings.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 智通工程科技股份有限公司