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Title 海洋污染防治及應變資源系統整合計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要有五大項工作,包括污染通報及條件篩選、監測模擬及資訊整合、入口整合及資材調度、對外網站及操作教育、管理機制及資訊安全等。在強化海洋及河川污染通報方式,系統已整合事件層級的管理權限,在通報作業的首報、回報、結報各階段程序中,全面提供電子郵件及線上手機簡訊的發送功能及簡訊檢視功能。在海域監測資料系統的設計,本計畫利用環保局最孰悉的Excel為海域檢測資料的建檔工具,結合輸出xml資料格式及開發易用的上傳系統,讓環保局可以簡單地把監測資料提供環保署。另一方面,彙整及建立過去五年10個環保局的海域監測資料及10件廠商環境影響評估作業所獲取的監測資料,並進行監測站定位及校正作業,提供本系統整合查詢使用。在編訂高風險海運化學品污染應變技術手冊方面,本年度選定的20種化學品名單是依據出現原則、危害程度、環境危險級數與人體致癌危險級數等4個主要風險分級項目的分析而決定的,並已完成20種手冊的編撰與校對工作。另針對FY97-99編撰之25種技術手冊、25份應變卡、1份指引進行校正與編版之工作。在研擬Oil Map模擬結果上傳本系統展現的議題上,本團隊解析模擬結果的圖檔使其可用最佳的方式展現於系統上,與專家討論並訂定上傳資料的內容,並將其油污模擬厚度進行數值分級,以利使用者在圖台上對油團的辨識。建置海洋污染緊急應變決策支援系統的目的是協助指揮官處理繁多事項;本計畫參考海洋污染緊急應變流程、重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫、及河海污染應變標準作業手冊(草案)等資料,分析海洋污染緊急應變作業可能需要提供的資訊,開發海洋緊急應變決策支援系統,提供指揮官依據已發生事件的性質、油污特性、事件等級等資料主動提供關資料的調閱,並提供事務處理的紀錄與提醒機制。更進一步地,本計畫結合空間資訊,建立「海洋污染應變決策作業支援整合圖台」,用以提供船舶資料、應變設備及數量、環境敏感指標、救援機關位置、環境監測資料、化學品資料、法條規範、保險資料、雨量等氣象資料等,管理者可利用圖台進行決策支援作業、掌握海岸敏感指標的分布、以及調度應變資材的數量等實務作業上需要的支援功能。同時,也對整體網站持續進行系統維護以及配合進行資安檢核作業,編制系統的操作手冊,並辦理兩場操作教育訓練說明會。
EngTitle The Systems Integration project for Marine pollution control and emergency resource
EngAbstract This plan includes five major work items: pollution notification and conditional selection, information integration with monitoring and simulation, login integration and material and equipment allocation, website for external use and operation education, and system server maintenance.In terms of improving marine and riverine pollution notification, the system has integrated accident-level administration authorities. In the notification procedures of initial notice, report during the accident and final report, the functions of receiving and sending email and online cell phone text message will be provided.In terms of the design of marine monitoring data system, this plan aims to utilize Excel, the tool the Environmental Protection Agency the most familiar with, as a tool for establishing data of marine water monitoring data. In combination of exporting xml data and the development of a user-friendly upload system, Environmental Protection Bureaus will be able to send monitoring data to EPA. Furthermore, the marine monitoring data collected from 10 Environmental Protection Bureaus in the last five years and monitoring data from ten private sector environmental impact assessments will be compiled, and positioning and positioning correction will be implemented. The compiled data and the results of positioning and positioning correction will be incorporated into the integrated search function of this system.In terms of technical manuals for marine pollution caused by a chemical spill out, this year the list of 20 chemicals are produced in accordance with the analysis of four factors: appearance frequency, degree of damage, risk level for environment and carcinogenicity. The 20 categories of manuals have been written, compiled and proofread. Furthermore, revision and format design of 25 categories of manuals, emergency Information cards and guidance written and compiled from FY 1997 to 1999.As to the issue of uploading simulation results to this system, the graphic files adopted by the research team make the simulation results uploaded to the system have an optimal performance so that experts in this field can participate in discussion, the contents of uploaded data can be stipulated, the numerical analysis of simulated oil spill thickness can be done, and thus the user can identify oil spill clusters on the console.The purpose of the establishment of decision support system of marine pollution incident is to assist the commander to deal with wide varieties of matters. Based on Marine Pollution Contingency Procedure, Contingency Plan for Major Marine Oil Spill Incident, and Marine and Riverine Pollution Contingency Standard Operation Procedure (draft), this plan aims to analyze possibly needed information during an oil spill incident and to develop a decision support system for marine pollution incident, so as to actively provide the commander with related information in accordance with known incident properties, oil spill characteristics, incident level; meanwhile, historical records of past incidents, and a Self-note mechanism will be also provided.Furthermore, this plan aims to integrate space information and establish an Integrated Marine Pollution Emergency Decision Support Console for the purpose of providing the manager with vessel information, emergency equipment and its quantity, environmental sensitivity index, locations of emergency rescue units, environmental surveillance data, data on chemicals, laws and regulations, insurance data and meteorological data such as precipitation so that he/she is able to use graphic console to implement decision support, understand the distribution of environmental sensitivity index in coastal area, and have an idea about the quantity of emergency material and equipment, and other practically needed support functions..Meanwhile, overall website maintenance and information review will continue to be implemented. Technical manuals have been produced and two operation training courses have been held.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 大陸水工股份有限公司