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Title 營造永續優質環保示範區及百大績優鄉鎮市區與村里攝影競賽宣導暨績優推動單位表揚計畫
Abstract 本計畫為引導各縣市營造當地優勢與特色,並結合社區里之環境衛生成果,進一步擴大至各區,逐步完成環境保護署14項環境衛生永續指標,達到提升環境品質及營造優質環保示範區之目標。辦理以14項環境衛生永續指標為主題之『營造永續優質環保示範區及百大績優鄉鎮市區與村里』攝影競賽、成果記者會、相關宣導手冊及成果手冊,並辦理「推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫績優單位(個人)表揚及宣導活動」。透過辦理成果記者會及表揚活動以展現全國各基層單位落實「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」推動情形,以各環保示範區、百大績優鄉鎮市區及村里作為全國楷模,喚起全民對環境衛生的注重,進而共襄盛舉發揮個人及社區的力量,由下而上動員,以達全面改善環境衛生及整頓市容之成效,並提升優質環境品質,創造永續樂活及寧適的生活環境。
EngTitle Photo Contest Propaganda for Environmental Demonstration Areas and 100 High Quality Cities and Towns
EngAbstract Title:Photo Contest Propaganda for Environmental Demonstration Areas and 100 High Quality Cities and Towns and Outstanding Division Commendation for Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation.Summary:This project aims to direct counties and cities to construct local competitive advantages and features, combine them with the result of general community sanitation for further expansion to each area and, step by step, achieve 14 Environmental Sustainability Index of Environmental Protection Administration in order to reach goals of elevating environment quality and creating high-quality environmental demonstration areas. Conduct a photography contest and a performance press conference, promotion booklets, and performance booklets. Meanwhile, plan “The Outstanding Division (Individuals) Commendation and Propaganda for Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation Plan” Through the performance press conference and commendation, the execution of “Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation Plan” by basic divisions in the country will be manifested. Environmental demonstration areas and 100 high quality cities and towns will be taken as national models in order to awake the public attention to environmental sanitation and further personal and community power for complete mobilization in order to achieve the full effect of bettering environment sanitation and restoring the cityscape, elevate the quality of environment excellence and construct a sustainable LOHAS and comfortable living environment.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環保生活協會