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Title 100年度推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國100年3月起至100年12月底為止,主要目標為協助環保署持續推動「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,執行經行政院核定六(98-103)年專案計畫之第三年度,期在過去清淨家園全民運動的執行基礎上,持續擴大公、私部門投入,以改善環境衛生,並透過績優村里及鄉鎮市區之標竿學習,推廣成功經驗,以營造優質居家生活環境。100年度基於環保署投入總經費4億7,530萬元補助,及中央與地方環保單位共同努力之下,成果豐碩:在「建構清淨家園複式動員系統」方面,由綠網資料顯示,至100年11月全國已有7,836個村里、24,995個社區、7,825位環保志義工、381,939位學校教職員生及3,271隊清淨家園協巡組織等,積極參與環境巡檢照顧工作,統計100年1-11月發表之通報、巡檢、清理及活動等日誌,合計達1,989,722篇。在「全面提昇城鄉環境衛生」方面,692個村里合計達成878項次環境衛生永續指標;另22縣市完成清理167處觀光景點或髒亂點。在「營造優質環保示範區」方面,補助臺北市南港區等22個推動單位,完成77項次環境衛生永續指標,並遴選出桃園縣桃園市等21處為101年度優質環保示範區推動單位,同時,邀請縣市政府相關單位及民眾,至99年度5處示範區級推動單位進行觀摩學習,合計逾6,500人次參與。在「重塑清淨海岸風貌」方面,1-11月動員環保志義工及企業團體等共計130,247人次,累計清理重點海灘11,177公里,清理海灘垃圾3,973公噸。
EngTitle 2011 Establish Sustainable and High-quality Environment for Sanitation
EngAbstract The Project has been implemented over the period from March 2011 to December 31, 2011, with objectives to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to enforce the ongoing implementation of the Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation Six-year Plan, through the execution of the Third Year work items from this Six-year Plan (which is being implemented over the period 2009 – 2014). Based on the past executive experience of Clean Up Taiwan, the government and private companies should continue expanding the investment to improve the environmental sanitation. By promoting the successive experience from model villages and counties, people would learn how to build high-quality living environment. In FY2011, thanks to the NT$475.3 million funding from the EPA, and thanks to close collaboration between the EPA and local government EPBs (Environmental Protection Bureaus), some progressive results have been achieved. According to EcoLife data as of November 2011, a combined total of 1,989,722 reports regarding to circular inspection, clean-up and special activity reports over the period through January to November, 2011. In the Clean Up Taiwan Multi-tiered Remobilization sub-project, environmental inspection and environmental care work was actively supported by 7,836 rural communities, 24,995 urban communities, 7,825 environmental protection volunteers, 381,939 staff and students of educational institutions, and 3,271 Clean Up Taiwan sub-teams. In the Improvement in Environmental Sanitation in Urban and Rural Areas sub-project, 692 communities have met the 878 environmental sanitation sustainability criteria; 22 individual counties and cities have completed clean-up of 167 tourist destinations and areas that had previously been noted as being particularly dirty or untidy. In the Building Model Environmental Protection Districts sub-project, financial assistance was provided to help 22 entities achieve compliance with the 77-item environmental sanitation sustainability criteria; 21 localities were selected as FY2012 Model Environmental Protection Districts. A total of 6,500 representatives of county and city government agencies and the public were invited to visit the 5 Model Environmental Protection Districts to participate in hands-on learning activities. In the Cleaning Up Taiwan’s Coastline sub-project, over the period January – November 2011 a total of 130,247 volunteers from environmental protection groups and employees of participating business enterprises undertook the cleaning up of 11,177 km of key stretches of coastline, with a remarkable clean-up achievement of 3,973 metric tons of refuse.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司