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Title 酸雨及有害物質溼沉降監測分析調查工作計畫
Abstract 本報告研究目的為 一、維護台灣酸雨監測網,進行長期監測與資料分析,掌握時空變化趨勢,估算酸沉降之境內外收支貢獻,並與國際現況比較分析。二、維護有害物質大氣汞溼沉降監測網,估算其沉降之貢獻,並與國際現況比較分析。三、有害物質(砷、鉛、鎘、鋅及釩)溼沉降監測,並與國際現況比較分析。四、更新國家酸雨報告,彙整與更新國內外酸雨相關資料。五、應用區域大氣模式整合系統及分析大氣相關資料,以掌握評估台灣環境受局部與區域大氣污染物輸送之衝擊,以供環保署進行環境品質管理與進行國際跨境污染傳輸責任歸屬評估決策之參考。六、酸雨對台灣生態環境系統影響評估。
EngTitle Acid Rain Monitoring and Assessment of Acidic Deposition in Taiwan
EngAbstract The goals of this study are (1) to establish and maintain an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management, (2) to revise the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to maintain acid deposition net work for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (4) to maintain an integrated atmospheric mercury and heavy metals for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote regional international collaborations. To date, our achievements are highlighted below: The passing rate of the acid rain samples by the WMO QA/QC standard is 76 %, showing the quality of the monitoring network is quite well. Maintain an integrated atmospheric mercury and heavy metals for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to monitor and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management. The situation of acid rain in urban cities are slightly improving, but getting much more serious in the countryside. Based on a statistic model, the PSI during the abnormal event of the year of 2011 has been recalculated in consideration of Asian dust impact on PM10 measurements. The web site ( of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information Continue to promote participation in international cooperation and technical exchanges. We’ll keep cooperating with Quality Assurance Science Activity Center of UN, participate in the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/Mercury Deposition Network QA/QC program and actively promote participation in World Meteorological Organization Global Precipitation Chemistry and Deposition Science Assessment.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中央大學