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Title 陸上運輸系統(高架段伸縮縫)低頻噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究
Abstract 國內近年來高、快速公路的建設,多數路段採高架工程,新建橋梁多採用長跨度或連續梁橋,因此伸縮縫型式及伸縮量不斷的創新與擴大,構造益形複雜,以致造成伸縮縫之損壞情形亦較為頻繁、顯著。橋梁伸縮縫之維修與換裝不僅施工中交通維持困難,而且相當危險,尤其在通車壓力、車流震動以及有限空間中,要做好維修工作並不容易,同時也必須付出極高的社會成本和代價。目前對行車安全與舒適所遭遇的最大問題就是高、快速公路「伸縮縫」不平順或損壞,除產生噪音影響道路兩側居民生活外,並影響高、快速公路行車之舒適與安全。在高、快速公路橋梁伸縮縫接二連三出現問題,沿線居民不斷陳情抗議車經伸縮縫產生的噪音太大之際,加上經過伸縮縫產生跳動之不舒適感,深覺有必要對伸縮縫跳動及噪音加以探究。計畫內容有蒐集國外有關高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫之管制方式、完成高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定、依據量測結果研析我國可行改善措施、分析我國高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫噪音陳情案件之類型、數量與處理情形並提出改善規範之目標。今年度陸上運輸系統(高架段伸縮縫)低頻噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究計畫工作成果包括:一、蒐集國外有關高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫之管制方式、噪音特性、相關低頻噪音問題、噪音減輕對策、控制技術、噪音量測方法及有關規範。二、完成高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定(一)高速公路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定7處(合計量測達36點次)並統計分析其結果。(二)快速道路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定6處(合計量測達22點次)並統計分析其結果。三、依據量測結果研析我國可行改善措施,研提高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫減輕對策與控制技術、管制方法及改善措施。四、分析我國高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫噪音陳情案件之類型、數量與處理情形並提出改善規範。
EngTitle Study of control methods and improvement measures on low frequency noise produced by land transporta
EngAbstract In recent years, overpass projects have been frequently seen in the construction of freeways and expressways in our country and long-span or continuous beam bridges have been mostly adopted for new bridges, therefore the type and gap of expansion joints have become increasingly innovative and expansive, and the structure more complicated, resulting in more frequent and obvious damages of expansion joints. As for the maintenance and replacement of bridge expansion joints, it is not only difficult but also very dangerous to maintain traffic during work. Particularly, it is not easy to ensure maintenance quality working under open traffic stress, with vibration caused by traffic flow, and in a confined space. In the meantime, extremely high social cost and price will be paid for the maintenance work. Presently, the biggest problem that challenges driving safety and comfort lies in the unevenness or damage of the expansion joints on freeways and expressways, which not only cause noises affecting the living quality of residents on both sides of the road, but also decrease the comfort and safety of driving on freeways and expressways. In view of the fact that the bridge expansion joints on freeways and expressways have caused problems one after another, the residents along the line have repeatedly petitioned against the noise caused by cars driving pass the expansion joints, and the bumps and jumps produced by the expansion joints have caused discomfort to drivers passing by, it is necessary to make a thorough inquiry of the jumps and noises caused by the expansion joints. Content of the project includes collecting information on the control methods for expansion joints on freeways and expressways adopted by foreign countries, conducting low frequency noise measurement for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways, formulating improvement measures for our country based on measuring results, analyzing the type, number, and handling of petitions against noises caused by overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways in our country, and proposing goals for regulations on improvement. The achievements of the 2011 study of control methods and improvement measures on low frequency noise produced by land transportation system (overpass expansion joints) include:1. Collected information on the control methods, noise properties, low frequency noise-related issues, noise mitigation measures, noise control techniques, noise measuring methods, and related regulations for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways in foreign countries.2. Completed low frequency noise measurement for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways as follows:(1)Measured low frequency noise of overpass expansion joints on freeways at 7 locations (totally 36 measurements) and statistically analyzed their results.(2)Measured low frequency noise of overpass expansion joints on expressways at 6 locations (totally 22 measurements) and statistically analyzed their results.3.Formulated improvement measures for our country based on measuring results and proposed countermeasures, control techniques, control methods, and improvement measures for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways.4.Analyzed the type, number, and handling of petitions against noises caused by overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways in our country, and proposed improvement regulations.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立暨南國際大學