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Title 100年一般產品環保標章及第二類環境保護產品驗證作業專案工作計畫
Abstract 國際間的環保運動在1970年代起開始紛紛興起,其主要訴求在於減少人類對環境破壞的行為,並且透過綠色消費運動的推行來降低過度生產及日常生活消費之行為對環境的衝擊。2008 年環保署委託第三者執行環保標章申請案滿意度調查,其調查結果顯示業界對於環保標章申請案最不滿意部分為申請時程過於冗長,有鑑於此,本年度計畫將會提出有別於已往之改進作法,透過一執行單位在文件檢核階段,同時進行初審階段作業之作法,以達到本計畫之目標。本計畫工作範圍為100.4.27~100.12.31之環保標章與第二類環保產品之審查驗證作業與相關配合作業。於產品審查之部分,目前總處理件數為689件,共計審查完成353件,而排程待審件數為202件。而第二類環保產品申請案所處理之總件數為41件。目前環保標章已採用電子化系統作業,本會雖有提出部分之系統需改進地方,然尚有許多系統之不足部分能待改進,未來期望可將其系統部分修繕完畢以達到電子系統人性化之作業
EngTitle Certification of Environmentally Preferable Products of 2011
EngAbstract International environmental movement has begun since 1970, which the main appeal is to decrease the destroy behavior of human for environment. The green consumption movement was implemented to decrease the environment impact of the over-production and daily consumption.In 2008, EPA commissioned the third party to do the satisfaction survey of the green mark application. The results indicated that the most dissatisfied of the industry is the long-winded of the application procedures. Therefore, this program in this year will bring an improve method which is going to check the application documents and proceed to the first trial stage at the same time that can reach the aim of this grogram.The key points of the program’s requirements are the certification operation for the Green Mark (Type-I) and Type-II products, and the introduction of the electronic certification system. During 2011.4.27~2011.12.31, we have been totally gotten 689 Type-I products and 353 products have been certificated. However, 202 are waiting to be certificated. For the Type-II products, we have gotten 41 productsGreen Mark is currently using the electronic system has been operating. Although we make some parts of the system needs to be improved, there are still inadequate in many parts of the system can be improved. For the future, we hope that the defect of the system can be removed which can make the system so use-friendly.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣環保文教基金會