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Title 嘉義市水資源永續利用之中水回收再利用診斷輔導計畫
Abstract 「嘉義市水資源永續利用之中水回收再利用診斷輔導計畫」主要工作內容包含水資源使用調查蒐集及規劃、中水系統回收規劃、示範場址設置及辦理宣導說明會,執行期程為100年5月5日至100年12月31日,計畫工作執行成果摘要如下:一、 水資源使用調查蒐集及回收潛勢評估調查蒐集本市所有中小學背景資料,經調查本市共28家國中小,包括8家國中及20家國小,經調查28家中有11家國中小願意設置中水回收系統,進一步訪視有意願之11家國中小並蒐集中水回收系統設置評估所需相關資料,經評估分析結果為港坪國小、嘉義國中及興嘉國小等3處國中小為本市最具有回收潛勢之國中小。二、 針對港坪國小、嘉義國中及興嘉國進行中水回收系統規劃設計,分別規劃港坪國小每年回收雨水418 立方公尺及洗手台污水2,600 立方公尺作為澆灌用水及生態池補注之用;嘉義國中每年可回收約5,534 立方公尺雨水作為綠地噴灌之用;興嘉國小每年可回收約2,000 立方公尺洗菜水,作為澆灌以及生態池植物利用與水池蒸發補充水之用。三、 示範場址設置本計畫示範場址選定為港坪國小,該校設有風力發電、太陽能蓄電、風力給水及生態景觀池,前述教學示範設備均鄰近本計畫設計之中水回收系統示範場,若在此設置示範場址,除可推廣中水回收系統功能,亦可兼具環境教育示範功能,已於12月21日完成工程施作並進行試運轉及功能評估,已確認其功能可正常運轉。四、 辦理宣導說明會及示範成果發表會本團隊已於6月22日辦理1場次「嘉義市中水回收系統設置評估說明會」邀請學校說明本計畫內容,於示範場址設置完畢後,於12月19日辦理「中水回收系統示範成果發表會」,並且針對家庭省水減污及教育宣導擬定推動策略,研提本市水資源永續利用策略及可行方案。
EngTitle Abstract
EngAbstract This project performed Water resource in sustainable use of Chiayi city: Reclaimed water recycle and reuse diagnostic assistance program. Program period started at 5th May, 2010 and ends in 31th Dec, 2010. Summary of performance is as followings:1. Collection of water resource and evaluation of recycling potential:Collecting all elementary schools and junior high schools in Chiayi city, there are 11 schools (from 20 elementary schools and 8 junior high schools) would build reclaimed water recycle system.By our further interviewed, Chiayi junior high school、Xingchia and Kungping elementary schools have better recycling potential in our evaluation.2. Planning of reclaimed water recycle system design:Due to Kungping elementary school, we planned to recycle rainwater 418m3 and washbasin water 2600m3 for bio bond refill and irrigation water per year.For Chiayi junior high school, we plan to recycle 5543m3 rainwater for irrigation water per year.And for Xingchia elementary school, we plan to recycle 2000m3 kitchen water for irrigation water、bio bond refill or water pool refill.3. Building demonstration site:Kungping elementary school was chosen for demonstration site.Because its wind power system、solar power storage system、wind water supply and bio bond are near to our reclaimed water recycle system, we hold demonstration site may not only promotion reclaimed water recycle system, but also have environmental education demonstration effects.According to the agreement from mid-term review, we choose Kungping elementary school to be our demonstration site running build operations.All evaluation and test run has been completed at 30th Nov.4. Holding advocacy briefings and results demonstration: Our group had held one advocacy briefings for our plan and at 30th Jun. The advocacy briefings invited the parties to explain the content of plan.After demonstration site completed, we held reclaimed water recycle system demonstration at 19th Dec, and made feasibility proposal for water resource in sustainable use in family water-saving and pollution protecting for Chiayi city.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司