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Title 廢潤滑油停止補貼後展延稽核認證專案工作計畫
Abstract 為推動廢潤滑油解除應回收廢棄物列管,環保署已於99年8月12日公告自101年7月1日起,將廢潤滑油回收清除處理補貼費率調整為0,本計畫之主要目的為順利完成廢潤滑油停止補貼程序,並提供廢潤滑油回收業及處理業合理進場認證及處理時間,於停止補貼後3個月內(即100年9月30日止),以公開之稽核認證方式及標準作業流程,針對廢潤滑油受補貼回收業及處理業者進行回收量、處理量、作業程序、環境稽核及異常事件等進行查核工作。本年度計畫之執行期限自民國100年7月1日起至100年9月30日止。根據本計畫執行結果顯示,本計畫累計執行稽核場次為78場次,已符合合約最高級距之目標。在廢潤滑油100年1~6月認證回收量計15,290,081公升,認證處理量計15,566,121公升。截至100年9月30日止,各回收業100年所領用之100年收油聯單共計12,468張已全數繳回,聯單繳回比例達100%;另5家處理業均已完成結案盤點,已認證廢潤滑油均全數完成處理。於回收業作業程序查核不合格次數計有1次,主要原因為清運車輛標示牌未妥善固定,至於處理業設施標準查核不合格次數計有1次,主要原因為現場廢潤滑油貯存區堆置空油桶影響進出動線,另處理業環境工安查核結果未發生異常情形。有關異常事件查核共計有5件異常,其發生原因包含回收業進場文件填寫內容不完整、臨時取消進場行程、清運車輛標示牌未妥善固定及廢潤滑油貯存區堆置空油桶影響進出動線等,針對此情形已要求業者進行改善並持續追蹤至改善完成。
EngTitle The Inspection and Certification Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Lubricants)
EngAbstract The main purposes of this project were auditing the amounts of collected and recycled materials, operation procedure, environment safety, and abnormal events of the subsidized collecting and recycling industries for waste lubricants. The project period was from January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011. A total of 289 field inspections were accomplished during the project period. The number of field inspections reached the contract’s highest target. The certified volumes of collected and recycled waste lubricants were 10,797,655 and 10,466,071 liters, respectively. No abnormal event was observed during the equipment standard inspection on the waste lubricant collecting entities. This result was due to the Environmental Protection Administration’s continuous effort of guiding and assisting the transporting trucks to comply with the equipment standards in recent years. The inspection on facility standards as well as environmental and industrial safety for the waste lubricant recycling entities also found no abnormal situation. The full compliment was reached because most of the entities were specific on treating only waste lubricant and appointed people cooperating with the auditing. However, seven abnormal events were found, including incomplete collection receipts, schedule cancelled unexpectedly, malfunction of waste liquid furnace, and a fire incident caused by accidental discharge of electric wire in the centrifuge room. All the cases had been monitored and traced until the improvements made. In addition, the project provided the educational training for the field inspectors. These trainings included the pre-job training, the professional training, and the periodical training. During the project period, all the inspectors received one professional training and five periodical trainings. Those trainings effectively raised the capacity of the team members and the quality of project execution.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會