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Title 地下水有害物質環境傳輸調查及管制標準檢討計畫(第一期)
Abstract 一、基於地下水監測及管制標準三階段管理實施方案,評估檢討現行地下水污染監測及管制項目適宜性,並研擬現階段管制方式。二、蒐集國內外新興產業使用之毒化物或放流水管制方式,並考量其訂定之背景、實施效益,研析後續地下水有害物質污染調查對象及方法,並提供地下水監測及管制項目檢討依據。三、針對國內現行地下水中常見鐵、錳及砷濃度較高之區域,進行土壤及地質採樣調查及組成分析,並評析其在土壤、地下水含量之相關性及環境傳輸方式以及管理方法。四、針對濁水溪沖積扇扇頂區域,研析地下水可能遭受污染之區域,篩選既設地下水井進行調查,並研擬地下水水質保護建議事項及未來補充調查之策略。五、建立特定產業地下水有害物質物性、化性、毒性及健康危害資料等基本性質資料,作為後續評估地下水污染監測及管制標準之項目及限值檢討研析之參考依據。
EngAbstract The purposes of this project were to investigate the groundwater contamination potential of hazardous materials from sunrise industries and concerned catchments and to establish the controlling strategies of groundwater pollution. The tasks of this project were to revise the groundwater pollution monitoring/ controlling standards, to evaluate the contamination potential of sunrise industries, to assess and manage the contamination of groundwater Fe, Mn, As, and to conduct the groundwater quality survey in proximal area of Choshui river alluvial fan.Since the promulgation of groundwater pollution monitoring/ controlling standards on November 2001, the monitoring/ controlling items and standards did not substantive amended. Hence the contents of monitoring/controlling standards were reviewed and revised in this project. In addition, the international trends and internal industrial development were considered to develop amendment plans. During the execution of this project, three consultation meetings had been held. The comments were deliberated for achieving the draft amendment of groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards. The political briefing and the pre-announcement of the draft amendment had been completed on December 2012 and February 2013, respectively.The production of high-tech and sunrise industries, the exercise of chemicals, and the generation of wastewater situation were also investigated in this project. According to the factors, including production characteristics, the use of chemicals, amount of wastewater emissions, and public concern, the site inspection, interview, and a two-stage groundwater quality survey of manufacturing industry of wafer fabrication, semiconductor, optoelectronic materials and components were firstly conducted. The results showed that the trace elements, such as indium (In) and molybdenum (Mo) might cause groundwater contamination by infiltration via underground pipelines damaged or effluents discharged to receiving water body. Hence the chemicals were amended as the items of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards.Additionlly, the results of chemical compositions of groundwater and sediment, sequential extraction and XRD analysis of sediment in high groundwater Fe, Mn, As catchments implied that the As-contained Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides was the primary source of groundwater As. The reductive dissolution of the As-contained Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides, causing by reduction condition of subsurface lead to the release of Fe, Mn, As. Moreover, the distribution of As contamination potential and the procedure of anthropogenic/ geogenic source discrimination of groundwater As were established for further application in the groundwater pollution monitoring/ controlling standards.The elevated nitrate content in groundwater of proximal area of Choshui river alluvial fan was critical. Based on the site inspection, interview, and groundwater quality survey, the extended agricultural practice was the main land use of this area. Chemical or organic fertilizers were often administered overdose during cultivation, accompanying with the thick gravel sedimentary and oxidation condition lead to the accumulation of nitrate contents in groundwater. Besides, pesticides were not amended as the items of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards, because pesticides were not detected in groundwater in this project.The results of groundwater investigation in this project were used for the review and modification of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards and for the development the physico-chemical characteristics and toxicities of concerned pollutants groundwater. This project also provided suggestions of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards and information of global environmental issues.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司