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Title 工業區專用下水道系統水污染管制綜合管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫為ㄧ年期之工業區水污染管理規劃計畫,主要工作包括:辦理工業區污水處理廠功能查核及追蹤後續改善情形、評估分析工業區污水下水道系統污染總量削減管理作業、協助辦理工業區自動連續監測法制作業及提供技術協助、依據水污染相關法規更新維護水污染源管制資料庫及提供管制資料勾稽分析、協助對水污染違規不法利得案件進行評釋分析並發表於期刊,與其他等七大類工作內容。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成20處工業區污水下水道系統查核名單篩選、功能查核及追蹤改善作業(二)完成工業區集污管理自評表設計、回報資料分析,與10處工業區放流水水質長期趨勢調查(三)完成工業區定檢排放水量、重金屬排放總量與工業區上下游重金屬水質分析,並提出應優先實施總量削減之工業區與水質項目之建議(四)完成工業區自動連續水質監測規劃與辦理相關專家諮詢會及工業區、環保局之執行說明會(五)依據水污法許可、定檢相關修正內容完成資料庫系統修正、完成相關行政管制資料與指標分析(六)協助針對違反水污法追繳不法利得案例完成論文評釋,並召開專諮會蒐集專家學者建議(七)其他行政協助工作。
EngTitle The water pollution control and management project for the industrial park sewer system
EngAbstract This is a one-year master regulatory and management planning project for industrial park water pollution control planning, with its major tasks on: conducting functional inspections for the industrial park’s wastewater treatment plants and tracking the follow-up improvement conditions; evaluating the priorities for total quantity limits of water pollution reduction at industrial parks; assisting to establish the industrial parks’ CWMS protocol and to provide technical support; upgrading the Managing System for Water Pollution according to the revisions of relevant water pollution control regulations and assessing the control auditing data; making comments on specific case study about illegal profits from water pollution violation by presenting papers on periodicals; and other administrative assistance works including seven different kinds of works. This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)assisting the selections of 20 industrial park wastewater sewer systems for functional inspection to complete the functional inspections as well as tracking the follow-up improvement conditions, (2)completing the assessment forms for self-evaluation of industrial park facilities according to Supplementary Provisions of the Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations and conducting analysis of the returned data and 10 industrial parks’ effluent water quality long-term variations survey, (3)completing the analysis for industrial parks’ effluent quantity and total heavy metals, as well as the water quality analysis for heavy metals at upstream/downstream, and the provision of suggestions regarding priority for total quantity limits control of water pollution, (4)establishing the industrial parks’ CWMS planning, expert consultation meeting, and making implementation presentations to industrial parks and EPBs respectively, (5)upgrading the water pollution management systems according to the revisions of permit/DMR of industrial parks, and analyzing administrative management data/index, (6)assisting to make comments on specific case study for the surrendering of illegal profits from water pollution violation by presenting papers on periodical, and holding expert consultation meeting to gather experts suggestion, (7)other administrative assistances.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司