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Title 環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫
Abstract 本年度環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫係依據 「環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法」及「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」對營運中或新設置之環境檢測機構、機動車輛測定機構檢驗室欲申請之項目,進行其品管系統與檢測技術評鑑工作。執行方式包括邀請現場評鑑專家至現場進行系統評鑑、術科考試績效評鑑、或執行其他績效評鑑,例如盲樣測試與實地比測等方式,並由評鑑技術委員會對各申請案評鑑結果執行審查,每年1次對各檢驗室許可項目進行例行性盲樣測試或實地比測。本年度申請案中,完成文件審查137件次、辦理系統評鑑70件次、盲樣測試與實地比測62件次、術科考試(採樣、上機)227件次,及檢測報告簽署人評鑑201場次、召開11次評鑑技術委員會審查、各舉辦1場次現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會及環境檢驗測定機構業者座談會。本年度將每1申請案件之處理期程由原110至180天,縮短在60天內完成,大幅提升對檢測機構的服務效能,顯著減少檢測機構展延申請案件的評鑑場次,同時減少評鑑專家與檢測機構的人力負荷。另有鑑於檢測機構年度性盲樣測試近年來合格率均在90%以上,為提升行政管理效能,減輕檢測機構負荷,自本年度起,檢測機構例行盲樣測試頻率由每年2次改為1次,共計101個受測單位,發送盲樣2425件次,合格率達96.4 %;本年度辦理水量比測,共計36家檢測機構,容器法合格率94.4%、流速計法合格率88.5%,與去年測試結果比較,合格率皆呈現平穩情況,顯示檢驗室對檢測技術與數據品質管理持續精進中。
EngTitle FY 2011 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project
EngAbstract This was the report of "Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project of year 2011" of Environment Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. The accreditation works of quality system and testing techniques of applied items for both new-setup and in-operation laboratories had arranged based on the "Management Regulations of Environmental Analysis Organization" and the "Management Regulations of the Motor Vehicle Emissions and Noise testing organizations". These auditing works included laboratory quality management system auditing, testing techniques auditing (in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling), and performancy tests (in-lab and in-field). After these auditing works had been done, the Technical Assessment Committee evaluated the records of these auditing works and made the final decision of approval of the application of new-setup or/and in-operation laboratories. One auditing methodology conference for the auditing specialist and the members of Technical Assessment Committee and a conference for the authorized environmental analysis organization were held in this year. There were 137 cases of documentation evaluation, 70 cases of quality system auditing, 62 cases of performance testing (in-lab and in-field), 227 cases of testing techniques auditing(in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling) and 201 cases of report signatory qualification had been evaluated within 11 Technical Assessment Committee meetings. In order to further improved the efficiency of the accreditation working processes and reduced the workload of auditing specialists and administrative staffs, a modified management system had been announced. To finish all the application processes takes 110 to 180 days in the old management system, and only takes less than 60 days in the new management system by combining the related in-field auditing and reduced the performancy test frequency of the qualified authorized environmental testing laboratories. There were 2,425 performancy test samples sent to 101 laboratories this year, the satisfactory rate of performancy test was 96.4%. There were 36 laboratories participated the test flow rate measurement, the satisfactory rate of container method was 94.4% and that of tachometer method was 88.5%. There were no significant differences in the statistic information of auditing reports and performancy test results after the new policy of management system.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司