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Title 事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護管理計畫(第三年)
Abstract 本計畫預計以三年時間,完成四項計畫目標,包括:1.檢討事業廢水稽查裁罰制度,研修相關行政管制程序與規定、2.研訂事業廢水分業分級管理法制作業,以強化水污染防治管理措施、3.配合空水廢毒資料整合,協助推動許可管理與檢測申報制度、4.新增及維護資料庫管制資料,並強化預警、自動通知、連線及即時傳輸系統與功能運用。
EngTitle The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project(The Third Year)
EngAbstract This project was intended to achieve four goals in three years, which included: 1. to review the industrial wastewater inspection and punishment system and to make amendments to its relevant administrative control procedures and regulations, 2. to establish the industrial wastewater enforcement procedures for categorized and classified management, 3. to assist the promotion of the permit management and test reporting system in association with the integration of the air, water, waste, and toxics databank, 4. to update and maintain the control information in the databank and to upgrade its functions in advance warning, auto message forwarding, on-line linkage, and real-time transmitting system as well as the application of the functions.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司