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Title 100年度臺中市綠能交通推廣計畫
Abstract 「100年度臺中市綠能交通推廣計畫」,其計畫期程自簽約日起至101年8月24日止,執行期程共12個月。本團隊自100年8月25日起至101年8月24日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:1.於計畫執行期間辦理油氣雙燃料車推廣,完成申請臺中市改裝油氣雙燃料車補助案件初審共計410件;協助申請通過案件核發8,000元加氣卷共計403件,核發金額總計3,224,000元;完成『臺中市97年~100年LPG車補助成效推估報告』提交。2.完成老舊二行程機車報廢審核及撥款作業,收件共計12,001件,協助請通過案件核發1,500元補助金共計11,288件,核發金額總計16,932,000元。並完成製作大眾運輸付費卡及發放12,000張;協助汰舊換購低污染車輛審核及行政作業,收件861件審核通過共806件,核發金額總計7,620,000元。3.研擬臺中市老舊汽機柴車資料進行分析及削減策略,完成『臺中市老舊車輛管制策略』規劃報告;針對目前電動車、充電模式及低污染車輛相關資料進行蒐集並完成『臺中市電動車輛推動策略』規劃報告。4.依據臺中市中、長期建設計畫並蒐集自行車使用者意見,完成『臺中市自行車路網規劃』報告及『臺中市自行車使用者意見蒐集與分析』報告,提供相關主政單位作為施政參考。5.為降低機動車輛排放溫室氣體引響環境,協助研擬臺中市獎勵內燃機種機車製造廠植(盆)栽綠美化要點草案,於100年12月28日邀集國內各大機車製造廠商,召開『臺中市獎勵內燃機種機車廠植栽綠化協商會』第1次會議,邀集所有相關內燃機車廠業者召開第1次協商會進行討論,鼓勵內燃機種機車製造廠或進口商主動提供本市綠美化植栽,並作出相關修正結論,而於101年7月16日召開第2次會議,針對依前次會議決論所修正之草案內容,『臺中市獎勵內燃機種機車廠植栽綠化執行計畫』。6.配合經濟部工業局電動機車能源補充設施補助、環保署低碳社區建置補助方案、環保局低碳城市設施設置補助,分別於100年9月8日、12月1日、12月2日,假臺中州廳、豐原陽明大樓及沙鹿勞工育樂中心,邀請相關機關、法人召開電動汽車與電動機車充電站設置說明會4場次。7.為有效於本市推廣電動車輛,於101年1月31日、2月23日召開『臺中市電動車輛推廣策略研商會議』,會中邀請產官學研各界代表,針對臺中市電動汽車購置補助計畫草案以及智慧電動車先導運行計畫後續執行分工進行商討。8.協助環保局完成64站電動汽車充電站設置場地現勘及後續設置完成驗收作業,並於100年10月14日辦理『智慧電動車先導運行計畫』啟動記者會以及於101年2月7日辦理『智慧電動車實車運行暨充電站啟動儀式』記者會。9.辦理電動汽機車試乘體驗及推廣解說活動,藉由進行電動汽車及電動機車之性能講解與實際試乘體驗以及宣導本市所推動之綠能交通相關措施,計畫執行期間共計舉辦100場次,參與宣導試乘活動之民眾合計7,821人次。10.製作廣播電臺廣告及主持人口播稿各3則,並於太陽電台、臺中廣播及城市廣播進行宣導撥放;廣播媒體宣導2,468次,主持人口播1,000次。11.而配合環境教育法的執行,規劃設計適用於國中及國小學生之教材,其中包括:全球氣候變遷影響、認識綠能車輛、低碳運輸概念及電動車輛推廣等相關內容,並編列授課教師手冊,供授課教師之參考。
EngTitle Taichung City Green Transport Promotion Project
EngAbstract “2011 Green Transport Promotion Project in Taichung City" had begun from Aug.-25- 2011 to Aug.-24-2012. Its implementation timetable is 12 months. The results as below:1. This project has finished 410 cases of initial audit for re-equipping gasoline vehicles into vehicles with LPG and gasoline dual fuel systems. In which, there were 403 cases passed audit and got NT $8,000 coupons for Gas. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 3,224,000. Furthermore, this project proposed an “effectiveness analyze report of 1998 - 2011 LPG promotion in Taichung city”.2. This project completed 12,001 cases of initial audit for 2-stroke old scooter scrapped. In which, there were 11,288 cases passed audit and got NT$ 1,500 subsidy amount. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 16,932,000. Also, this project offered 12,000 public transportation payment cards and post to people. Furthermore, this project completed 806 cases of audit for elimination old vehicle to buy less pollution vehicle which total subsidy amount were NT$7,620,000,3. Based on analyzing the data of old vehicle in Taichung city and planning the air pollution reduction strategy, this project proposed a “planning report for old vehicle control strategy in Taichung city”. Furthermore, this project collected the literatures in electric scooter and its charge mode, and low-pollution vehicle to propose a “planning report for electric scooter promotion strategy in Taichung city”.4. Based on the medium and long-term construction plan in Taichung city and collect the opinion of bicycle riders, this project proposed a “bicycle ride network planning report in Taichung city” and a “report of collection and analysis their bicycle rider’s opinion of in Taichung city”, which can provided the relevant government unit as reference.5. In order to reduce the motor vehicle emission greenhouse gas to lower the environmental impact. This project assisted Taichung government to plan and write a “Draft of Reward Internal Combustion Engine Motorcycle Manufacturer in Environmental Greenification Planted in Taichung”. So, this project invited the major motorcycle manufacturers and motorcycle importers to have 1st consultative meeting to discuss the reward of internal Combustion engine motorcycle manufacturer in environmental greenification planted on Dec.-28- 2011. For the 1st consultative meeting, we encouraged they offer planting. For the 2nd consultative meeting on July-16- 2012, based on the resolution of 1st consultative meeting, this project proposed the “Execution Plan of Reward Internal Combustion Engine Motorcycle Manufactures in Environmental Greenification Planted in Taichung”.6. For the electric scooter energy supplement allowance plan of Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic, build-up the low-carbon community allowance plan of EPA and build-up the equipments of low-carbon city allowance plan of EPB. This project held 4 seminars of build-up the electric motor and electric scooter charge station and invited relative government unit and foundations to participate, which were held at Taichung City Hall, Fengyuan Yang-Ming Building and Shalu district labor-Recreation Center of Taichung, on 09-08-2011, 12-01-2012 and 12-02-2011 respectively.7. This project held two consultative meetings of “electric scooter promotion strategy in Taichung” on Jan-31-2012 and Feb-23-2012. For the above two consultative meetings, this project invited representative of Industry, government, academic and research to discuss the “Draft of Electric Vehicle Purchase Subsidy” and the follow-up work division of “Pilot Run Plan of Wisdom Electric Vehicle”. 8. This project assisted Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government to complete 64 electric scooter charge points of site reconnaissance and acceptance. Moreover, this project held a press conference of “Electric Vehicle Pilot Run Plan” on Oct.-14-2011, and held a press conference of “Wisdom Electric Vehicle Running and Battery Charge Station Launching Ceremony” on Feb.-7-2012.9. For the promotion, test-ride/ drive, and explaining the function and relevant policy of electric vehicle, this project held 100 seminars and there were 7,821 people participated.10. There were 3 radio advertising articles and 3 anchorperson articles, which were broadcasted via Sunny Radio Station FM 89.1, Taichung Broadcasting Co. Ltd. FM 100.7 and CITYFM 92.9.11. With the Environment Education Act, this project proposed teaching plans for the students of junior high school, and low, medium and high grade of elementary school to learn. The teaching plans included the greenhouse reason, climate change and impact, green transport instructions.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新研車輛科技有限公司