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Title 100年度臺中市營建工程空氣污染管制暨營建空污費收費管理計畫
Abstract 臺中市政府環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。100年度計畫執行期間(100年3月25日至101年3月24日),已蒐集分析營建工程徵收、管制、污染排放削減情形及執行成果資訊進行探討,執行期間之成果摘要說明如下。一、執行期間總徵收金額為134,135,262元,徵收件數共計5,863件(含免徵件數170件),計畫初期建置雲端網路申報系統及便民繳費系統,並分別於100年4月25日、100年5月25日啟用,網路申報件數共計2,229件。執行期間有6,116件透過新式便民服務繳款單繳費完成,其中2,277件採便利超商繳費(佔繳納類型37%)。二、營建工地管制成果方面,持續針對區域開發及大型道路橋樑工程擴大實施查核,以「揪」「察」「對」三重奏方式管制,辦理10場區域開發高空遙控飛機拍攝,舉辦輔導座談會8場次,協商座談會4場次,並輔導其中10處大型營建工程舖設稻草及植生進行污染防制。此外,加強道路管線工程查處,巡查率為96.99%,稽查告發情節重大者35處次,法規符合度從99年82%提昇至100年87.32%。各項精進作為使得本市工地TSP產生量為13,757公噸,削減量為5,698公噸,現況排放量為8,059公噸,平均削減率為58%,較縣市合併前成長4%。三、執行期間評比對象名單共計300處,扣除已完工及未動工54處,經篩選施工中受評對象公共工程為48處,民間工程為198處,評比成績最高分為91.43分的龍寶建設誠臻邸第一期新建工程,工程類別分數平均部份來看公共工程的差距較大,平均分數介於65.96~54.43之間,顯示公共工程在評鑑標準各項的達成差異;民間工程主要以建築工程為主,平均分數介於64.96~68.57之間。四、加強污染工地之提報作業,提報揚塵(136處次)及告發路污件數(279處次)共計415處次,大部分已輔導改善完成,改善率90%以上。五、本計畫與洗掃計畫建立橫向通報機制,洗掃街計畫通報59處有污染之虞工地,其中9處工地經本計畫現場查核路污嚴重,予告發路面污染,其餘屬輕微給予現場立即改善機會,隔次複查均未發現污染。六、委託弘光科技大學進行電話及現場調查方式,進行空污費櫃檯申報1500份及網路申報500份民眾滿意度調查問卷調查及分析,共2000份,兩項調查回收之有效問卷1,800份。第一部分臨櫃申報滿意度-面訪調查,有效件數為503件(年度500件),整體服務品質滿意度為93.14%;第二部分臨櫃申報滿意度-電訪調查,有效件數為1,019件(年度1000件),整體服務品質滿意度為90.03%;第三部分網路申報滿意度-電訪調查,有效件數為506件(年度500件),使用網路申報服務滿意度為91.50%,整體滿意度為91.56%,針對民眾反應事項與建議,將列入未來計畫便民服務改善方針,以提高民眾滿意度。
EngTitle 2011 Taichung City Construction Engineering Air Pollution Control-cum-construction air pollution fee charges management plan
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection BUREAU, Taichung City began the implementation of Air Pollution Control Fee Construction Engineering since July 1ST, 1997. Not only make the air quality can be ameliorate certainly but also expect after starting this project the pollution affair can be control effectually and less the social effects of pollution to give the better life environment quality precisely. The final report offered the project information (2009.1.1~2009.12.31), already analysis the construction of the impose, control, sharply reduce,and get the achievement over the years to study and compare this year different from past years. The year of excerpt as follow:1. During the execution of total charge amount of $ 134,135,262, a total of 5,863 pieces of the collection of the number of (including exempted from parts 170), the initial stages to build cloud online reporting system, and convenient payment system, respectively, in April, 100 years 25, on May 25, 100 years, the number of internet reporting a total of 2,229 pieces. During the execution of 6,116 pieces by new convenience service payment single payment completed, including 2,277 pieces of mining convenience store to pay (pay type 37%).2. Second, control the outcome of the construction site, continued to expand for regional development and major roads and bridges projects implementation audit, counseling forum held to "kick" "police" Trio way the control handle 10 games of the regional development of remote high-altitude aircraft photography, 8 screening, consultation forum sessions, and counseling including 10 large-scale construction projects laying straw and vegetation pollution control. In addition, to strengthen the road pipeline project investigation, inspection rate of 96.99%, inspectors denounced the severe circumstances, 35 the compliance degree from 82% in 1999 increased to 87.32% in 100 years. The sophisticated as making the city site TSP production was 13,757 tonnes, a reduction of 5,698 tonnes, the status of emissions of 8,059 tonnes, the average reduction rate of 58%, compared with counties prior to the merger growth of 4%.3. During the execution of appraisal object list 300 deduction have been completed and did not start 54, the public works of the assessment object 48 through the filter construction, civil engineering for the 198, the evaluation results, the highest score of 91.43 points Longbao construction Cheng Zhen Di first phase of new construction, engineering category scores the average part of the point of view larger gap between the public works, the average scores ranged from 65.96 to 54.43, showing the achievement of public works in the evaluation criteria the difference; civil engineering main the main construction works, the average scores ranged from 64.96 to 68.57.4. Strengthening the operations of the contamination site submit, submit a dust (136) and information to road dirt number (279), a total of 415 times, most counseling improvements have been completed to improve the rate of more than 90%.5. This project with the cleaning and sweeping plan to establish a horizontal notification mechanism, wash street sweeping plan Bulletin 59 has likely been polluted site 9 site of this project site to check road dirt, I denounce the road pollution, and the remaining minor given to the scene immediately improve the opportunity to every review times were not found in pollution.6. Commissioned, Hung Kuang University of telephone and on-site survey method to counter air pollution fee declaration of 1500 and the online reporting 500 people satisfaction survey questionnaire and analyze a total of 2,000 copies, 1,800 copies of the valid questionnaires of the two surveys. The first part of the counter and declare satisfaction - interview survey, the effective number of 503 (annual 500), overall service quality, satisfaction was 93.14%; second part of the counter and declare satisfaction - telephone interview survey, the effective number of 1,019 (year 1000), the overall quality of service satisfaction was 90.03%; third part of the online reporting satisfaction - telephone interview survey, the effective number of 506 (annual 500), use the online reporting service satisfaction 91.50%, the overall satisfaction of 91.56%, issues and recommendations for the public reaction, convenient service improvement initiatives will be included in future plans to improve public satisfaction.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 上境科技股份有限公司