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Title 100年度嘉義市空氣品質考核及管理計畫
Abstract 本年度各項工作成果摘要如下:(一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢本市人口總數自88年起至100年度,歷年平均成長率為2.5%,呈現緩慢成長,近2年人口有負成長情形。100年度人口數為271,644人,較99年減少0.27%;人口密度為每平方公里4,525人,全國排名第2,僅次於臺北市(9,724人/平方公里)。本市100年車輛登記共290,280輛,近10年車輛變化為成長趨勢,成長率為22%,本年度仍較99年成長1.5%。密度負荷以機車最高(每平方公里3,432輛),為台灣地區8倍,本市在車輛密度全國排名第2 (臺北市,每平方公里6,778輛)。本市營建工程及工廠長期趨勢均呈現負成長(91年~100年),變化率分別為負38%及負13%。(二) 空氣品質現況嘉義市所屬雲嘉南空品區,近10年空氣品質不良事件日比例,以懸浮微粒54%高於臭氧46%。本年度空品區不良率為1.47%,符合防制目標低於2.9%;而本市空氣品質不良率為2.19%(8站日),符合本年度防制目標低於2.74%(10站日),本市空氣品質之指標污染物為懸浮微粒為主。(三) 空氣品質不良通報應變作業本年度完成檢討及修訂99年度之「嘉義市空氣品質不良通報標準作業程序」,修訂內容為應變條件重新檢視,另就應變計畫及污染源完成更新。統計本年度共計實施空氣品質不良通報45次(含預報30次),以懸浮微粒居多,占29次,比例為64%,其中空氣品質不良站日數為5站日,指標污染物均為懸浮微粒,各次不良通報後,PSI值上升者計7次,具改善成效者(PSI值<100)共38次。雲嘉南空品區各縣市,於9月2日共同實施空氣品質惡化應變演練,嘉義市依應變流程實施,並於9月9日實施實地演練,分別查處固定污染源、營建工程業者等,確認各廠污染防制成效。(四) 空氣品質淨化區本年度完成2次考核作業,分別於3月28日與9月30日實施,經現場考核以「下路頭段自行車道(嘉油鐵馬道)」最佳、其次為「舊光華營區裸露地綠美化工程」。參與行政院環境保護署舉辦之優良空品淨化區甄選,「下路頭段自行車道(嘉油鐵馬道)」榮獲全國優良空氣品質淨化區之推廣效益貢獻獎。(五) 室內空氣品質自主管理推廣室內空氣品質自主管理,本年度計推廣20場所響應,達成率100%,總計本市響應管理政策場所達60處;透過每月巡檢作業,輔導4處公共場所管理單位重視室內空氣品質,並加強通風,改善以往不佳情況。當中以署立嘉義醫院改善幅度最大,巡檢濃度自936ppm降至542ppm。另委請稻江科技暨管理學院楊心豪老師,實施室內空氣品質輔導,協助10處場所瞭解問題,並提供改善方式。
EngTitle Chiayi City air quality assessment and management plan
EngAbstract Summary of the work during the year are as follows:(A) Environmental loads and trendsSince 1999 till 2011, the average growth rate of the city's population is chronologically 2.5%, showing slow growth. These two years, the population has shown negative growth. The population in 2011 is 271,644 people. Compared with 2010, it has decreased by 0.27%; the population density is 4,525 people per square kilometer, ranked No. 2, only next to Taipei (9724 people per square kilometer). In the city, there is a total of 290,280 registered vehicles. In the past decade, the trend for the vehicle changes is growing. The growth rate is 22%. It still grew 1.5%, compared with that 1999. The highest density load lies in scooters (3,432 vehicles per square kilometer), which is eight times for that in Taiwan. Vehicle density in this city ranked No.2 in the country (Taipei,6,778 vehicles per square kilometer).Construction engineering and factories showed showed a negative growth trend; the rate of change are -38%, and -13% respectively.(B) Air quality condition Chiayi City area belongs to Southwest Air Quality Zone. In the past decade, for the air quality proportion in a day, suspended particles are 54%, higher than ozone, 46%.The poor air rate in this Air quality zone this year was 1.47%, in line with the target, which is less than 2.9%; and poor air quality rate in the city was 2.19% (8 station day), in line with this year's goal, which is less than 2.74% control (10 station day). The target pollutants of the air quality in the city are mainly the suspended particles.(C) Reporting procedures of the poor air quality This year 2010 Poor Air Quality Reporting Procedures in Chiayi City have been reviewed and revised. The revised content has been reviewed according to the amended conditions and the amended plan and pollutants have been updated. By Statistics this year, there is a total of 45 poor air quality reports (including forecasting 30) in which the majority are suspended particles, accounting for 29 times, a proportion of 64%, among which the poor air quality station day is for 5 station day. The target pollutants are all suspended particles, after the notification of which PSI values have increased by 7 times in total, with 38-time improved results (PSI ratio<100).In the Southwest (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) air quality zone, all the cities, on Sept. 2, had a joint implementation of air quality deterioration drill. Chiayi city practiced the drill exercises according to the amended procedures on Sept. 9th and also investigated stationary pollution sources, construction engineering respectively to confirm the effectiveness of pollution control in every plant.(D) Air purification zoneIn this year, two assessment operations have been completed, respectively on March 28 and Sept. 30. After the on-site assessment, "The under-way first section of bike way(Chia Oil Bike way” is the best, followed by "old Guanghua camp exposed land greenization and landscaping engineering project."Department of Environmental Protection, Executive Yuan held a contest for fine air quality purification zone and "The under-way first section of bike way (Chia oil Bikeway)" won the efficiency contribution award in the Nation-wide fine air quality purification zone contest. (E) Self-management of indoor air qualityIndoor air quality self-management was promoted. In this year, 20 places responded to the promotion implementation, accounting for 100%. There is a total of 60 places responding to the management policy. Through the monthly inspection operation, we have helped administrators in four public places to emphasis on the indoor air quality, and have increased ventilation and improved the poor situation in the past. Among them, Chiayi hospital, Department of Health, Executive Yuan had the most change. The inspection concentrations are from 936ppm down to 542ppm. In addition, Yang Xinhao from Daojiang High School of Commerce have been hired for guidance on indoor air quality, helping 10 places to understand the problem and providing improved methods.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司