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Title 回收聚乳酸與其他生物分解性材質混煉加工條件及其生物分解性之評估專案研究計畫
Abstract 由於環保意識抬頭,生質材料備受重視,目前市面上主要以聚乳酸(PLA)製品為主,但是PLA依規定必須回收再利用。為了減少PLA製品的廢棄物,可以考慮將其回收以取代部分傳統塑膠,作為有用之容器或製品材料。本研究之第一部分乃將回收的PLA杯蓋之磨碎料(rPLA)及PLA原料塑粒,添加於傳統塑膠料中,並探討不同架橋劑或氧化劑配方,混煉組成不同樣品的各項測試數據之比較與分析。而有鑑於PLA之生物分解性,於一般環境下的分解速率極為緩慢,通常需配合工業級堆肥之特殊高溫及高濕環境才易分解。因此本研究之第二部份乃利用回收rPLA添加於其它生物分解性塑膠料中,藉以研究提升rPLA回收料於非工業級堆肥環境下之生物分解速率,其中包含了酵素分解環境及模擬多菌相堆肥分解環境之數據的比較,同時探討不同架橋劑或氧化劑所造成之樣品差異性的測試數據分析。
EngTitle Investigation of processing conditions and biodegradability of recycled polylactic acid compounded
EngAbstract Due to the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the bio-based materials become important. One of the major commercial bio-based materials is the polylactic acid (PLA) products. The used PLA products need to be recycled under environmental regulation. To reduce the environmental problems caused by the large amount of waste PLA products, the recycled PLA could be reused to make some useful products. In the first part of this study, we used the mashed recycled PLA cap (rPLA) or the PLA commercial pallet (for comparison) to blend and extrude with several traditional plastics. We also investigate the physical and mechanical properties of different blended products with various cross-linking agents or oxidants. Because the PLA products have moderated biodegradability only under industrial composting system with specific high temperature and high moisture testing conditions, and has very slow biodegradation rate under the normal environmental conditions. Therefore, the second part of this study emphasized the increasing rPLA’s biodegradability by blending and extruding with several biodegradable plastics. The biodegradable testing environments included the enzymatic degradation and also the multi-microbes composting degradation system. Besides, we also investigate the physical, mechanical, and biodegradable properties of different compounded products with various cross-linking agents or oxidants.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 私立大同大學