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Title 清潔養豬最適化推廣模式及豬糞再利用技術推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫藉由養豬場畜舍類型及排糞方式之調查、豬糞再利用技術以及畜牧業源頭減量管理法令之蒐集,瞭解國內養豬業之現況並提出豬糞再利用技術最適推動方式。同時彙整各豬廁所示範場之操作現況,分析豬廁所裝設前、後相關指標之差異,以評估裝設豬廁所之相關效益,作為推動清潔養豬之參考。茲將已完成之工作項目及結果彙整如下:1. 分析國內各種豬舍型式之優缺點,並完成601 戶養豬戶之畜舍類型與排糞方式調查 (實地訪查 214 戶、問卷調查 10戶、資料收集 377戶)。由調查結果顯示畜舍類型以傳統平面沖洗式最多,佔89.5%;豬糞尿收集方式以清水沖糞為主 (佔94.7%),並據以判定養豬業污染熱區。2. 完成 50戶養豬場之輔導,除針對豬糞尿收集方式提出建議外,亦調查統計三段式廢水處理設施之操作缺失,如厭氧池大多無紅泥沼袋或已破損,曝氣池之曝氣量不足,終沉池則無污泥迴流設施等。並針對養豬戶之缺失提出具體改善建議。3. 實地訪查50戶豬廁所示範場,彙整各示範場之操作現況設置豬廁所前、後,用水量、人力負荷、臭味、育成率、進出流水質等差異,並據以分析各示範場之環境效益與經濟效益。結果顯示豬廁所使用率平均可達70% 以上,可節省平均約40%的用水量、用電量及豬舍沖洗時間;豬隻育成率可提升平均2.6%;污染物消減量平均約 (SS =43.5%、COD = 46.4%、氨氮= 27.2%) 40%。4. 蒐集國內外豬糞再利用技術 (包括厭氧消化之沼氣再利用、堆肥化、栽培菌類、飼養蠅蛆等) 及成功案例,並評估各種技術之發展現況、經濟效益、環境效益以及競爭力 (SWOT) 等。結果顯示厭氧消化之沼氣再利用為國內最適推動方案,堆肥化技術次之。並據以研擬國內豬糞尿能資源回收再利用推動計畫 (草案),提出不同畜舍類型及規模推動厭氧消化及堆肥技術之策略與方案。5. 蒐集國內外畜牧業相關法令,分析國內配合清潔養豬相關法令之問題,並據以提出相關法令之修正建議,包括水污染防治費收費辦法修正,以及研擬畜牧業源頭減量及資源循環管理專章,提供推動源頭減量及豬糞資源回收再利用之養豬戶相關補助方案。6. 舉辦7場清潔養豬諮詢會及研討會,邀請產官學研各界專家學者共同探討豬糞能資源回收再利用技術、畜牧業源頭減量法規修正草案以及清潔養豬最適化推廣方式相關議題。最後彙整相關研究成果,研擬清潔養豬最適化推廣模式綱要計畫、豬糞尿能資源回收再利用推動計畫以及畜舍操作管理手冊,以落實「清潔養豬」政策之推動。
EngTitle Promotion plan for cleaner pig farming practice and pig feces recycling and reuse technology
EngAbstract This project seeks to first understand the current status of domestic pig farms, then proposes the best approach to promote the optimal animal feces reuse technology, through survey of types of pig barns and collection methods of feces, as well as studying the current regulations on animal farms’ pollution source reduction. Moreover, this project also collected information on operating conditions for pig toilet demonstration projects, analyzed the differences in relevant indicators before and after the installation of pig toilets and assessed the effectiveness of pig toilets in promoting cleaner pig farm practices. The completed work items and results achieved through implementation of this project are summarized as follows: 1. Analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of various domestic pig barn designs and completed the survey of barn types and feces collection methods for 601 pig farms (through field visits (214), questionnaires (10), and data collection (377)). The survey results show that the majority of pig barns are the conventional planar cleanup type (89.5%); and pig feces and urine are collected mostly through flushing with water (94.7%). This information is used to determine the pollution hot spots for the pig farming industry. . 2. Offered consultation services to 50 pig farms. In addition to providing recommendations on proper collection of pig feces and urine, this project also helped detect deficiencies in operations of three-stage wastewater treatment facilities, such as anaerobic pond mostly without or with damaged red mud bags, insufficient aeration in aeration tank, and no sludge return facility in the final settling tank. Specific improvement recommendations are also provided to correct for these deficiencies. 3. Conducted on-site visits of 50 farms’ demonstration pig toilets, and compiled data on the differences in farming operating conditions before and after installation of the toilets, including water consumption, manpower loading, smell, mature rate and influent/effluent water quality, and used these data for the analysis of demonstration sites’ environmental and economic benefits. The results showed that the average utilization rate of pig toilets is 70%, and an average of 40% water saving, electricity saving and barn washing time can be achieved. Moreover, the farms’ pig mature rate can be increased about 2.6% in average, with pollutant reduction averaging 40% (SS = 43.5%, COD = 46.4%, ammonia = 27.2%).4. Collected information on domestic and foreign technologies for reuse of pig urine and feces (including reuse of biogas from anaerobic digestion, composting, as fertilizer for mushroom cultivation, and as feed for breeding of maggots, etc.), and successful case studies; as well as analyzing the development status, economic benefits, environmental benefits and competitiveness (SWOT analysis) of these technologies. The results from the analysis showed that reuse of biogas from anaerobic digestion is the best option for domestic application, followed by composting. These conclusions are subsequently used in developing the draft promotion strategies for reuse of domestic pig feces and urine from pig farms, as well as in proposing different types and scale of pig barns, and strategies and programs for promoting composting technology. 5. Collected domestic and foreign laws and regulations regarding animal farming, and analyzed relevant domestic regulations governing cleaner pig farming practices. Results from this analysis are used to propose revisions for relevant regulations, including revisions of measure on collecting water pollution fee, and addition of a dedicated chapter on resource recycling; as well as creating an incentive program for pig farmers’ adoption of reuse practice for pig feces and urine and practicing pollution source reduction measures. 6. Organized seven cleaner pig farming consultation seminars, and invited all interested parties to study and discuss the issues regarding revisions of regulations governing resource reuse of pig feces and urine, promotion of pollution source reduction as well as master plan for optimal promotion program for cleaner pig farming practice.Finally, results from the above tasks are compiled and used in developing master plan for optimal promotion program for cleaner pig farming practice, promotion plan for pig feces and urine recycling and reuse, and manual for operations of animal barns, in order to implement the policy of cleaner pig farming.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會