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Title 環境資源管理及決策支援專案工作計畫
Abstract 為協助環境影響評估委員於審查過程中相關議題資料彙整,行政院環境保護署透過委託「環境資源管理及決策支援專案」工作計畫,協助環評委員審查各環評案件時,所涉及各面向領域之資料蒐集、彙整與分析工作,並提供專題報告研究,進而協助環保署縮短環評審查案件流程,簡化行政作業程序。本計畫於執行初期辦理3場次專家諮詢會議,依照會議結論,彙整「環境影響評估審查之建議重點」,並將其規劃為「環境品質資訊」、「環境技術與管理」與「相關環境議題」3大分項之重點項目,再依照本年度環境影響評估14項領域,彙整相關法規及技術規範,同時協助環評委員完成兼任助理之聘用,訂定「月報表」與「出勤表」,每月按時收集與彙整,最後本計畫以14位環評委員為對象,針對本年度兼任助理之聘用進行問卷調查,提供環保署未來對於聘用環評委員助理之參考。專題報告方面,本計畫透過會議討論,確認15篇專題報告主題,並聘請相關領域之專家學者完成報告撰寫,於6月12日及6月19日召開專題報告討論會議,完成專題報告修正,提供環保署未來環評審查之建議。在相關議題諮詢與資料彙整協助上,本計畫共協助12項環境影響評估議題諮詢與資料彙整作業、以及協助6場次環境影響評估審查會議與1場次環境影響評估現勘會議。報告最後則針對目前環境影響評估之執行現況、專題報告與兼任助理未來作業方式提出建議,提供環保署未來執行之參考。
EngTitle Environmental resource management and decision support project
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to assist the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Committee in reviewing cases through collecting and analyzing background related to environmental issues. In addition, the project provides monographs and assistance to simplify enhance EIA standard procedure.This project held three expert consultative meetings to collect suggestions for EIA, which were categorized into environmental quality information, environmental technology and environmental issues. There are fourteen assistants arranged for EIA to accumulate materials and accomplish monthly reports. The questionnaire for arranging assistants with committees was preceded and the results could be regarded as a reference for EPA.This project accomplished fifteen monographs and made a revision in accordance with two discussion meetings held on June 12th and June 19th. Besides, twelve EIA issues consultation and data collection assignments, six review meetings and one on-site investigation meeting were assisted by the project. Suggestions of EIA implementation、monographs and assistants were proposed for EPA reference.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會