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Title 「交通噪音改善計畫噪音評估模式查驗」專案工作計畫
Abstract 陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準發布施行後,噪音陳情案未符合管制標準者,交通營運管理機關需辦理交通噪音改善。交通噪音改善計畫須針對陳情點進行噪音評估模擬,除釐清噪音主要之來源外,另外可以依據評估模式進行減輕對策模擬,以便瞭解對策之成效。本計畫主要執行內容如下: 1.訂定查驗送審噪音評估案件之流程。2.訂定相關查驗使用之表單。3.訂定送審所需資料。4.訂定交通系統噪音源聲功率量測方法。5.訂定審查噪音模式原則。6.審查至少15件之噪音改善案之噪音評估模式。
EngTitle The check of the theoretical noise models for noise abatement plan of ground transportation systems
EngAbstract Since the noise regulation of land-based transportation takes effect, all the noise complaints that did not meet the noise regulation, the office in charge should take action to propose mitigation plan to the noise problem. The noise mitigation proposal should include the modeling of the acoustic environment at the site of noise complaint. Besides clarifying the main noise source, the acoustic model will allow mitigation plans to be evaluated before actual construction. Therefore the main purpose of this project is to:1.prepare the workflow of the pier review for the acoustic model.2.prepare the related document for the pier review.3.regulate the document needed for the pier review.4.propose regulation for the pier review.5.setting up method for measuring the sound power level of the transportation at least 15 cases of mitigation proposal.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣海洋大學振動噪音工程研究中心