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Title 全國工業區土壤及地下水品質管理計畫(第一期)
Abstract 本計畫主要工作為整合評析全國編定工業區之基本運作、環境背景及監測歷史資料,以規劃研訂分級燈號預警管理制度、建置污染潛勢評量系統,並透過研商機制統籌分配各單位監測資源及研訂工業區監測異常處理標準作業程序。此外,本計畫應依燈號分級與污染潛勢評量結果及各單位分工需求,優先篩選及調查工業區土壤及地下水品質。有關研訂分級燈號預警管理制度部分,本計畫已完成全國編定工業區之基本資料、環境背景、水文地質、空水廢毒運作維護、監測歷史及場址列管資料之整合評析工作,並依工業區監測現況及相關法規管制情形,以紅、橘、黃、綠等4種燈號進行工業區分級管理,擬訂內容包括各分級燈號之定義、管理目標、具體行動方案、各單位分工要項及燈號變換機制等,後續可依本方案作為跨單位協商分工之基礎,逐步落實推動各燈號工業區管理工作。工業區土壤及地下水品質調查部分,本計畫首先針對過去曾有地下水監測異常,惟需確認屬局部污染或有擴大情形者,優先篩選4處公辦工業區(大園、大發、永康及銅鑼)進行調查,其中大園工業區確認污染有擴散之虞,建議納入預警網計畫(第二期)優先設置名單,並規劃公告列管3處場址;永康及大發工業區污染未持續擴散,建議持續追蹤評估;銅鑼工業區無持續異常情形,可調降其燈號。此外,針對污染潛勢較高且區內均無監測資訊者,本計畫優先篩選9處地方政府或民間自行開發工業區(岡山本洲、大將、三義、北斗、保安、新市、曾文、龍船及樹谷)進行高污染潛勢區域調查並協助完備監測井網設置工作,其中三義、北斗、保安及新市均有土壤或地下水達管制標準情形,應調升其燈號並辦理後續監測管理及行政管制作業。工業區監測異常處理標準作業程序研訂部分,本計畫整合目的事業主管機關及各級環保機關法規主管事項,依工業區監測現況,擬訂工業區監測異常處理之標準作業程序,以建立各單位分工機制並整合資源發揮綜效。此外,本計畫亦協助彙整評析各類目的事業主管機關相關法令,並研議與工業區土水品質管理相關法規及其他具體配套策略,目前已有初步成果者,包括「目的事業主管機關未盡善良管理人注意義務之相關規定」及「工業區地下水污染事證認定評估準則」等。
EngTitle Soil and Groundwater Quality Management of National Industrial Parks(the first project)
EngAbstract The main tasks of this project were to integrate and analyze the historical data on the operation, environmental conditions and monitoring results of nationwide industrial parks for planning and developing a light classification system of early warning and management of soil and water pollution, and setting up a pollution potential assessment system. This project was also to coordinate and allocate monitoring resources among the government agencies through consultation, as well as to develop a standard operating procedures for dealing with abnormal monitoring results of industrial parks. Furthermore, this project had also set up a priority list for high potential polluted industrial parks and investigated their soil and groundwater qualities based on the results of the light classification and pollution potential assessment, as well as the requirement of collaboration.With regard to developing a classified lights system of early warning and management, this project integrated and analyzed 151 industrial parks’ basic and environmental information, including hydro-geology, operation and maintenance of air, water, waste and toxic materials, monitoring and site control data. Based on the results, all the industrial parks were classified into four early warning lights, including red, orange, yellow and green, for carrying out respective pollution management in the future. The definition, management targets, and transition mechanism of each light were also proposed.Regarding the investigation of soil and underground water quality, four public-built industrial parks with abnormal monitoring results of groundwater in the past were selected. Among them, Dayuan industrial park was confirmed that there was a possibility of pollution diffusion and was suggested to be included in the priority investigation list of “Groundwater Quality Monitoring Well Early Warning Network Planning Project for High Potential Polluted Industrial Parks (Phase 2 Project).” Dafa and Yongkang industrial parks were found to have no pollution diffusion and were suggested to be continuously monitored; Tongluo industrial park was also found to have no persistent abnormal conditions, and its early warning light could be adjusted down. In addition, 9 private-built or local government-built industrial parks were also investigated for their pollution potential and assistance was provided for setting up of monitoring well networks. Among them, Sanyi, Beidou, Baoan and Xinshi industrial parks were proposed to adjust up the early warning lights due to their abnormal monitoring records, and continuous monitoring and administrative control were also suggested.Regarding the development of standard operation procedures, this project studied and integrated the laws and regulations of the government environmental protection agencies and the competent authorities overseeing the industrial parks to draft up the standard operating procedures for dealing with various abnormal monitoring results of the industrial parks, so as to set up a collaboration mechanism of pollution treatment and improvement. As for other related administrative tasks, this project assisted the EPA to review and draft related regulations and administrative approaches for the soil and groundwater quality management of industrial parks.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司