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Title 「公告指定電子電器物品販賣業者作業管理、回收申報輔導暨廢四機回收電子化系統維護、提升」專案工作計畫
Abstract 我國廢四機回收處理量每年約177萬左右,認證回收率將近六成,為妥善回收廢電子電器物品並落實延伸生產者責任制度,環保署於100年7月將販賣業者納入資源回收體系中落實廢四機回收工作。本計畫完成之工作內容包括:(一)完成公告指定電子電器之販賣業者首次登記、變更登記、廢止登記之審查、輔導、建立相關審查輔導業務之標準作業流程(SOP),依環保署需求印製10,128份手冊、文宣,並舉辦67場宣導說明會,參與業者人數合計1,466人,亦執行完成105家業者以及各縣市環保機關輔導作業。(二)檢討遵行事項公告後廢四機回收制度之成效,廢四機回收率相對於去年同期有顯著的增加(100年7月份廢四機回收量較99年同時期增加2.1%),而民眾透過販賣業者進行逆向回收廢四機的比重高達84.3%。(三)為瞭解現行廢四機回收管理制度對販賣業者之影響並提高業者對政策之配合度,本計畫進行廢四機回收制度之優缺點、制度實務運作問題及制度實施前後業者所提出之各項意見進行調查分析,並針對廢四機回收管理制度及遵行事項草案舉辦專家學者研討會議,提出具體之改善與建議。(四)本計畫完成廢四機回收申報及管理系統之建置,包括七個使用對象之分眾功能,建置測試網站提供使用者進行測試了解系統操作方式,並依據使用者意見修正132處功能,定期更新系統中相關資訊(如:問答集等)並且開放使用者下載,最後設計防呆機制並且配合環保署資訊安全需求進行安全性演練,並且為確保系統穩定性進行人工以及機械等2次壓力測試,此外配合環保署資安演練4次。而為避免民眾個資外洩,申請政府憑證並設定網站加密傳輸,最後為提供身障民眾公平之系統使用權利,因此完成無障礙網頁標章申請。
EngTitle Waste household appliances, electrical and electronic equipment vendors, Environmental Management, R
EngAbstract The collected amounts of waste electrical appliances (waste refrigerator, waste washing machine, waste television and waste air conditioner) are around 1.77 million sets, and the collected rate is nearly 60% recently. In order to collect all of IT objects, and implementextended producer responsibility, this project planed waste source management which was to include retailers and dealers to recycling system, and it would carry out collection s ofIT object completely. This project includes: 1. to frame the SOP of registration affairs and assistance, print 10,128It also held 67 register counseling meetings for Electrical and Electronic Equipment vendors and electrical appliances association, and gathered all the opinions for EPA emending the policy.Review the goal of recovery system after thePolicy implementation, recovery rate was significant increase over the same period last year (increased by 2.1%).There are 84.3% of public abandon the waste household appliances by this way.Furthermore, this project held result publishing conference to make every retailer and dealer realize function of information system.After referring to the requests of this project and estimating the order of execution, the main purpose of this project, “project of operations management and declaration counseling for electrical and electronic equipment vendors and management system building” would cooperate with the proclamationof regulation, “Scope of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Vendors Required to Install Resource Recycling Facilities, Facility Installation, Specifications and Other Binding Matters” to maintain household appliances collecting tracking information system that retailers and dealers are the mainly collecting unit. The information system was serviced 7 kind of user and divided into two parts, register and management. Modify 132 functions of information system based on user feedback.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司