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Title 金門縣100年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫
Abstract (1)完成已除雷彈銷燬區重金屬及火藥類物質調查,合計完成10點次採樣及AA等分析作業。(2)協助環保局進行縣內既有污染場址監督與巡查作業,完成2處污染場址驗證作業。(3)完成金門地區土壤普查,以建立完整之污染源資料,了解金門地區土壤污染情形,並進行後續污染控制與追蹤。包括共進行軍方油庫、軍方修彈廠、閒置營區及高污染潛勢對象之50點次土壤採樣、調查與檢測作業。(4)金門縣地下水監測及採樣分析,追蹤地下水質的變化情形,建立地下水質背景基本資料。包括豐、枯水期採樣與檢測共54口次監測井、豐、枯水期採樣與檢測4口次場置性監測井與10口民井地下水質現況。(5)完成3口地下水井廢除作業、2口地下水標準監測井設置,以及縣內既有10口次地下水井外部簡易維護,5口次監測井井下攝影作業,以瞭解金門縣內監測井井況,以掌握金門縣整體監測井與地下水水質概況。(6)建立金門縣加油站完整基本資料,完成縣內5座高污染潛勢加油站測漏管檢測作業,以及協助舉辦1場次加油站法規說明會、2場次合理化施肥與10場次「土壤及地下水污染防治校園宣導活動」。(7)協助辦理6件民眾陳情或緊急應變事件之土壤及地下水污染調查作業。
EngAbstract (1) Landmine destroyed areas have been completed investigation of heavy metals and gunpowder, the total completion of 10 samples and analysis AA.(2) We assist the Environmental Protection Agency for discovered contaminated sites supervision and inspection work in countyand the completion of two contaminated sites verify operation.(3) We completed soil investigation in Kinmen. and create a complete information of the sources of pollution. We want to understand soil pollution situation in Kinmen. and follow-up pollution control . 50 soil samples investigation and detection Including military depots. military repair bomb factory. idle camp and high pollution potential of the object.(4) The Kinmen County groundwater monitoring and sampling and analysis, attention to groundwater quality change situation, to establish groundwater quality the basic data of background. Including abundance and the dry season pick and detection 54 monitoring wells, , detection groundwater quality of four times of site monitoring wells and 10 times personal wells status.(5)We completed three wells abolished, two monitoring wells set up, and easy maintenance of in county has 10 groundwater wells monitoring wells five Kinmen in county underground photography to understand the status of wells and groundwater monitoring wells water quality profiles this year. (6) we have completed five high pollution potential gas station leak tubes and the establishment of Kinmen County gas station complete the basic data and organizing one session of gas station regulations briefings, 2 sessions the rationalization of fertilizer and 10 sessions, "Soil and Groundwater Pollution advocacy activities in campus. "(7) We assist EPB with 6 people petition or emergency response incidents of soil and groundwater contamination investigation .
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 金門縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司