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Title 100年度「提昇客家地區環境行動計畫」
Abstract 本計畫乃是在環保署的「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」政策指導下,立基於客家族群勤勞節儉的習慣與節能減碳的思維,以「客庄地區」做為推廣清淨家園的重點區域,在客家地區的新竹市、新竹縣、苗栗縣與屏東縣推動「提升客庄地區環境行動計畫」。本計畫共計辦理國小學童水溝清疏學習活動15場,社區清掃推廣活動4場,學習營種子教官訓練4場,客庄環境行動大會1場;合計參與人數約為2,800人。透過此一水溝清疏學習活動與社區清掃推廣活動之辦理,讓客庄地區的參與者在課程講授過程中理解客家族群的傳統美德,並在實際清掃活動中學習放下身段、謙卑學習、感恩惜福、凡事澈底。同時,藉由學習營種子教教官之訓練,在客庄地區種下培育環保惜物的種子,期盼透過宣傳、推廣與實踐的方式,營造樂活與寧適的客庄環境生活環境品質,以創造台灣客庄地區的永續發展。
EngTitle Action Project for Promoting the Environment in Hakka Area
EngAbstract According to the “Sustainable Development Policy Guidelines” of the Environmental Protection Administration, the thinking of conserving energy to reduce carbon emission, and the traditional virtue of Hakkaness, the “Action Plan to Promote the Environment in Hakka Area” aimed at the main areas of Hakka in Taiwan: HsinChu City, HsinChu County, Miaoli County and Pingtung County. This plan includes 15 cleaning education activities in elementary school, 4 cleaning practice activities in community, 4 training education activities for seeded teachers and 1 action assembly of Hakka environment. In the process of this plan, participators would not only understand the virtue of Hakka, but also realize the importance of modest, gratitude and persistence. Moreover, by the promoting of training education activities for seeded teachers, sustainable development of environment in Hakka areas could be improved.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學客家學院