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Title 100年度推動資源回收形象改造專案工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為改變過去民眾對於資源回收『髒』與『亂』刻板印象,自93年起推動「資源回收形象改造政策」(recycling image reforming policy),100年度更擴大形象改造範圍至全省各縣市推動本計畫。本計畫今年度共完成3大工作項目。首先在各縣市資源回收示範點建立工作上,除完成歷年14縣市示範點調查外,今年度新增8個縣市示範點,媒合17位個體業者進入示範點從事資源回收工作。其次,今年度首次選定基隆廟口夜市、南投日月潭及高雄橋頭糖廠,建立3處資源回收形象改造示範商圈,將資源回收形象改造政策,由過去社區、大樓,點的輔導擴大至商圈面的整合。最後在政策檢討與研擬議題上,為提供未來資源回收形象改造政策方向與指導,本計畫邀請專家學者辦理3場次專家座談會,以全面性的輔導、系統性的合作、整合性的運作為策略,研擬「資源回收形象改造五年推動計畫」,其內容涵蓋建立全民健康形象回收站、回收連鎖經營體系、提升回收經濟規模、全面照顧個體業者、自我形象管理及企業社會責任(Corporation Social Responsibility,CSR)等6項子計畫工作。藉由本計畫除延續各縣市資源回收示範點建立,提昇資源回收形象改造效益外,也藉由過去政策座談與檢討,研擬未來資源回收形象改造政策明確推動方向,建構環保、效率、公益之資源回收體系。
EngTitle With a view to changing the “dirty” and “disordered” stereotype of the common people about resource
EngAbstract With a view to changing the “dirty” and “disordered” stereotype of the common people about resource recycling, Environment Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) pushed forward “recycling image reforming policy” since 2004 and expanded its scope to every county and city of Taiwan province in 2011. Three main work items of the scheme were finished this year. To begin with, as for establishment of resource recycling demonstration station in every county and city, demonstration station surveys of fourteen counties and cities were finished over the years; in addition, demonstration stations of eight counties and cities were added to this year, and seventeen individual proprietors were matched to enter demonstration station for resource recycling. Secondly, Snacks of Miao-Kow Keelung, Sun Moon Lake Nantou and Sugar Refinery Chiao-tou Kaohsiung were selected for the first time this year for establishment of three recycling image reforming demonstration trading areas to expand recycling image reforming policy from past station counseling of the community and hall to integration of the trading area. Finally, on the issue of policy self-criticism and draft, with an eye to providing direction and instruction of the prospective recycling image reforming policy, the scheme invites experts and scholars to hold three expert symposiums with comprehensive counseling, systematic cooperation and integrated operation as a strategy and draws up “recycling image reforming scheme for five years”, the content of which covers six items of sub-scheme work, such as establishment of nation health image recycling station, system of recycling chain management, enhancement of economy of scale, overall care for individual proprietor, self image management and Corporation Social Responsibility (CSR). By means of the scheme, establishment of resource recycling demonstration station in every county and city can continue, and recycling image reforming efficacy can be enhanced; besides, by means of the past policy symposium and self-criticism, the definite direction of the prospective resource recycling image reforming policy can be drawn up, and the resource recycling system of environmental protection, efficiency and public interest can be constructed.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 綠信環境科技股份有限公司