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Title 節能性化學迴圈反應程序處理電子業廢溶劑之技術開發
Abstract 本研究之主要目的在研發適用於處理廢溶劑之化學迴圈反應器,期能透過化學迴圈程序有效利用熱能、高轉化率等特性,研發低能耗、高效率的廢溶劑處理程序。化學迴圈程序技術主要有幾個關鍵技術,包括載氧體製備、固體輸送、反應器設計與參數最佳化等。因此本研究將透過熱重分析系統、固定床反應器、冷模反應器、化學迴圈反應器四個階段來找出最佳化的化學迴圈程序操作參數。本研究以20 %之異丙醇水溶液作為處理對象,在以上各反應器階段進行實驗測試,並以測試所得之參數進行化學迴圈反應器設計。本團隊目前已完成載氧體篩選、載氧體製程開發、程序熱值評估、冷模反應器的測試及燃料反應器的架設與實驗。在載氧體篩選上,本團隊所開發之氧化鐵複合載氧體經由熱重分析儀與固定床反應器測試具有良好的反應性及可迴圈性。在載氧體製程開發製程上,本團隊已開發出大量製造高機械強度載氧體顆粒的壓錠技術,對於後續應用移動床式化學迴圈程序時,具有良好的成本效益。本研究所使用的載氧體為中鋼公司產品,未來在大量製備上,氧化鐵粉末具有良好的穩定性與可取得性。在程序熱值評估上,20 %的異丙醇水溶液在化學迴圈程序的操作上仍為放熱反應,在連續操作時,熱能可自行由空氣反應器提供,不需額外加入燃料燃燒。在冷模反應器的測試上,本團隊自行開發可輸送固體顆粒之輸送盤,此為化學迴圈程序操作上之關鍵技術。在燃料反應器的空床實驗上,透過不同異丙醇水溶液流速及反應溫度,可得到異丙醇進入反應器後之裂解機制,有助於了解後續與載氧體反應的反應機制探討。以2 kg載氧體在不同異丙醇水溶液流速及反應溫度的實驗中,可以發現除了在800°C時有部分CH4未完全反應,其餘反應條件都具有100 %的碳轉化率與100 %的CO2捕捉效率,處理效果良好。後續工作除了持續改善反應器操作參數、載氧體機械強度之外,亦需找尋合適的研究單位與業界單位洽談合作應用與技術移轉之合作事宜,以評估商業化之可行性與經濟性。
EngTitle Development of Chemical Looping Process on Treatment of Waste Solvent from Semiconductor and LCD Ind
EngAbstract The chemical looping technology applying to waste solvent treatment was developed in this project. The advantages of high conversion of organic species and low energy consumption of chemical looping technology are benefit to treat waste solvent more efficiently. The key techniques including preparation methodology of oxygen carrier, solid transportation between fuel and air reactors and optimal design for waste solvent treatment are essential for development of chemical looping technology. The operation parameters for high decomposition rate on 20 % isopropanol (IPA) solution were found out, through thermogravimetric analysis, fixed-bed reactor, cold model moving bed testing and moving bed reactor experiments.The screening and quantitative production process of oxygen carrier for high performance on reactivity, recyclability and good mechanical strength were successfully developed. The raw material of oxygen carrier was Fe2O3 provided by China Steel Company, therefore, the cost and availability of Fe2O3 would be feasible for commercial application in the future. Besides, heat value with regards to reaction of IPA and Fe2O3 oxygen carrier has been estimated, the overall reaction was exothermic that benefit in energy aspect. As to cold model moving bed testing, the mechanical transport device was able to sweep oxygen carrier from fuel reactor to air reactor, vice versa. The mechanical transport device provides with two functions that to move oxygen carrier and seal the gases between fuel and air reactors simultaneously. The empty-bed experiments in the fuel reactor were employed with various IPA solution flow rates and reaction temperatures to investigate the mechanism of IPA decomposition with excess water. From the results of empty-bed experiments, 20 % methanol, ethanol and 2-butanol solutions were possessed similar decomposition mechanism with 20 % IPA solution. Hence, the treatment efficiencies by combusted with oxygen carrier were supposed similar with IPA solution. The oxygen carriers with 2 kg were loaded in the fuel reactor for experiments on effects of IPA solution flow rate and reaction temperature. There were 100 % conversion of IPA and 100 % CO2 capture efficiency of effluent gas at 850 and 900°C., However, few CH4 was not decomposed at 800°C. We will fine tune the operation parameters of the fuel reactor and mechanical strength, subsequently. Besides, cooperation with industry in interest to test this reactor would be important for practical use in economy and feasibility aspects.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣科技大學育成中心