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Title 100年度空氣污染減碳方案─低碳教育綜合補助計畫─低碳生活友善環境環境推廣計畫
Abstract 桃園縣配合環保署政策及延續吳志揚縣長打造桃園縣成為低碳城市的政策,透過各項低碳生活推動工作來達到友善環境的目的,並逐步降低本縣二氧化碳排放。1.低碳場所認證為落實本縣推動低碳城市的遠景,桃園縣今年度首推全國第一的低碳場所認證工作。本計畫於100年12月份開始後,著手進行桃園縣低碳場所認證標章之推動工作,包含低碳健康餐廳(廚房)、環保寺廟以及低碳旅遊認證標章之設計、認證作業要點之研擬、低碳婚禮推動計畫之研訂等。截至101年12月份,本計畫已完成工作內容包含:(1)完成低碳認證標章(低碳健康餐廳(廚房)、環保寺廟、低碳旅遊)設計及網路票選活動。(2)完成低碳健康餐廳(廚房)認證管理作業要點及環保寺廟認證管理作業要點之擬定及公告。(3)完成25處低碳健康餐廳(廚房)之輔導認證工作及頒發認證標章。(4)完成2處低碳團膳輔導作業(3M公司及僑愛國小)(5)完成產銷班第一季至第四季之在地時節食材之調查工作。(6)完成低碳婚禮推動計畫並推動8對(其中1對於評選時臨時取消參加)新人舉辦低碳婚禮,包含2對示範新人及5對入圍新人。(7)完成縣內各地香火鼎盛大廟之金爐污染防制設備及祭祀使用習慣之調查工作。(8)完成12處環保寺廟之輔導認證工作及頒發認證標章。(9)完成清明節及中元節期間紙錢減量及集中焚燒推動計畫。(10)完成低碳旅遊認證推動計畫。2.低碳生活教育推廣為能推動全體縣民低碳生活,從食衣住行育樂六大面向著手,本計畫也透過本縣節能減碳行動網平台,提供低碳生活友善環境教育推廣相關知識,透過縣政府作為推手,讓縣民了解低碳生活從自身日常生活做起,一個簡單的生活模式改變,就可以換來更友善、更低碳的生活環境,也替後代子孫留下更適合居住的環境。
EngTitle The Subsidy Plan of The Low-Carbon Education - The Promote Plan of The Low-Carbon living and Friendly Environment
EngAbstract In order to follow the policy of EPA and the Mayor Wu’s determination of being the low-carbon city, the Taoyuan government promote lots of the following low-carbon works to decrease the CO2 Emission which can reach the purpose of a friendly environment in Taoyuan county:1. Low-carbon place certificationIn order to implement the vision of the low-carbon city, the Taoyuan County is the first local government to propose the project of the low carbon place certification this year. Since the project was started in December of 2011, it developed all items of the Taoyuan low-carbon place certification works, include of the certification marks, the formulation of the certification and proposing the low-carbon wedding program.Until the end of December, 2012, this project accomplished the following work:(1) To complete a low-carbon certification mark (low carbon health restaurant (kitchen), the temple of environmental protection, low-carbon travel) design and online voting activities.(2) To complete the formulation and announcement of the low carbon Healthy Restaurant Management Operation (Kitchen) certification and environmental temple authentication management jobs Guidelines.(3) To complete 25 low-carbon health restaurant (kitchen) certification work and issue the certification marks.(4) To complete 2 low-carbon group meals counseling job (3M Company and Qiao-Ai elementary school)(5) To complete All seasonal investigation of local food (6) To complete the low-carbon wedding promotion plan and promote the 8 pairs joining in the low-carbon wedding.(7) To complete the prefecture flourishing incense temple of gold furnace pollution control equipment and worship habits investigation.(8) To complete the 12 environmental temple of counseling certification and issue certification marks.(9) Developing the paper-money reduction and centralized incineration Promotion Program. during the Ching Ming Festival and Ghost Festival(10) To complete the low-carbon tourism certification Promotion Program. 2. The development of the low-carbon living educationBy the establishment of the carbon reduction and energy saving website which provides the knowledge of the low-carbon living and friendly environment education, it can let the citizen understand it can bring more friendly and low-carbon living environment if we take the simple low-carbon living behaviors.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 威陞環境科技有限公司