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Title 100年度臺北市餐飲業空氣污染物管制及輔導改善計畫
Abstract 臺北市政府環境保護局為持續降低餐飲業污染陳情案件,提供市民良好生活環境品質,本(100)年度主要重點工作包括針對新設、一再被陳情及經環保局稽查告發或環保局指定之餐飲業者辦理污染改善諮詢座談會、維護更新及印製污染防制宣導影片與宣導手冊及摺頁、設置諮詢專線、餐飲業資料清查及建檔、研訂油煙最佳防制設備組合、辦理油煙排放檢測分析以及結合設備商研發引進防制設備等工作。為持續宣導業者進行污染防制,並協助業者瞭解最新污染防制技術資訊、設備維護保養及法規管制重點,本計畫加強邀請新設餐廳及陳情案件頻繁地區之業者,共舉辦9場次「餐飲業油煙污染防制座談會」,期望藉由座談會所提供污染防制及輔導改善資訊,幫助業者改善污染情形。此外,在維護更新及印製污染防制宣導影片與宣導手冊方面,已更新最新法令規定及防制方法。本計畫亦設置諮詢專線,提供餐飲業者諮詢,共完成85家業者諮詢輔導。餐飲業者資料清查建檔部分,共完成200家餐廳之現場清查作業,分析調查結果顯示臺北市餐廳經營型態以中式小型餐廳為主。而餐飲業油煙排放方式,96%之受清查餐廳將廢氣排至大氣,另有4%業者將油煙廢氣排至溝渠,此外,57%清查之餐飲業已設置污染防制設備,其中57%已安裝前端與管末處理設備。未加裝任何污染防制設備之主要原因為(1)缺乏設置污染防制設備之資訊、(2)國內僅針對餐飲業空氣污染情形作規範,但並無一套完整餐飲業油煙污染防制設備設置標準,導致裝設意願不高。比較過去既設餐廳清查結果,其污染防制設備裝設率85%,相較於新設餐飲業防制設備裝設比率來的高,顯示新設餐廳對於油煙防制的概念仍有待加強。此外,本年度將持續追蹤業者輔導改善之情形,並進行民意問卷調查。為提昇生活環境品質,減少餐飲業烹飪所產生之油煙異味,臺北市一直以來積極推動餐飲業污染防制,而中央尚未針對餐飲業污染防制有特定之法令管制,為落實乾淨城市之理念,賦予臺北市進一步推動餐飲業污染防制之法源依據,研擬「臺北市餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理自治條例」,並規劃餐飲業管制策略及執行方法。本年度完成5家餐飲業共10家次油煙粒狀物檢測,5家檢測之餐飲業於設備開啟時所排放油煙粒狀物(TSP)與多環芳香烴(PAHs)的濃度皆小於設備關閉時排放出的油煙,顯示此5家餐飲業所裝置的污染防制設備(靜電機)能去除油煙粒狀物;檢測之5家餐飲業排放油煙中多環芳香族碳氫化合物的濃度皆為設備開啟時小於關閉時;另5家餐飲業總碳氫化合物於設備開啟前後濃度無明顯差異,THC周界檢測為採集氣狀物,因此顯示污染防制設備(靜電機)較無法去除氣狀物之油煙。推估本市餐飲業油煙排放時,利用本市95~100年檢測結果推估TSP排放量係數為18.28公斤/年,而THC排放量係數為132.35公斤/年,依檢測結果推估之排放量係數與TEDS系統推估之數據有差距,除因風量、營業時間、營業天數及設備去除效率之假設有所不同外,本市檢測數據皆為周界檢測,其排放濃度較管道低,因此排放量係數亦較低。此外,本計畫依據經濟面、技術面及可行性等面向進行評析餐飲業污染防制設備,以研提油煙最佳防制設備組合建議方案。為研發、引進適合臺北市餐飲業特性之油煙及異味污染防制設備,亟待徵詢各界意見並凝聚處理技術共識,因此本計畫研擬舉辦1場次「餐飲業污染防制技術精進研討會」,研討餐飲業油煙及異味污染防制技術精進之相關議題,以設計出適合臺北市餐飲特性之油煙及異味污染防制設備,並研發簡易檢測設備供業者自行檢測。本計畫亦辦理20場次之餐飲業污染減量輔導改善作業,其中分析污染改善輔導對象來源,包括屢遭民眾陳情12家次、民眾來電尋求輔導2家次、被稽查告發6家次;並持續追蹤受輔導之餐飲業者,經改善後是否有再發生民眾陳情之情形,而有30% (6家次)之受輔導餐飲業者,未再受民眾陳情。綜觀上述,為降低餐飲業陳情案件,建議未來工作重點包括:(1)新增稽查登錄資料、(2)規範受陳情人出席污染防制宣導說明會、(3)示範獎勵餐飲業者裝設異味處理設備、(4)待自治條例通過後,加強宣導餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理自治條例。
EngTitle 2011 Taipei City F&B Industry Air Pollution Controlling & Improving Plan
EngAbstract In order to decrease the food and beverage (F&B) industry complaint cases and improve citizens’ life quality, the project of Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government (TDPE) this year emphasized several work items, including holding pollution control symposiums for the new and complaint F&B industry, making pollution control movies, printing F&B industry pollution control brochures, establishing consultation hot line, inventorying and verifying F&B industry air pollution database, contriving cooking fume monitoring, proposing best available control facilities, monitoring cooking F&B industry fume, and inviting manufacturers of pollution control facilities to develop and introduce better facility.Continual guidance reinforced the latest relative laws, common defects, pollution control facility check and maintaining, choosing facility principle, and confirming facility efficiency checking, etc. TDEP held 9 F&B industry pollution control symposiums. Moreover, we provided participators some suggestions for reducing pollution. TDEP also established consultation hot line. There were total 85 entrepreneurs calling for air pollution problems.In addition, we finished 200 restaurant inventory cases as for constructing F&B industry database. Our results demonstrated that the small Chinese restaurants were the major management style of F&B industry in Taipei. In terms of the fume emission mode, 96% of the inventory restaurants discharged the cooking fume to atmosphere while 4% released the cooking fume into drains. Furthermore, 57% of the inventory restaurants have been set pollution control equipments and 57% have installed front and end control equipment. The reason why some restaurants were unwilling for any pollution control facilities were: (1) lack of pollution control information and (2) a formal standard of F&B industry pollution control equipment. Comparing the ratio of installing pollution control equipment, previous inventory result of the existing restaurants was 85%, much higher than the result of the new restaurants. The appearance revealed that new restaurants needed to improve fume pollution control. Besides, we would continually follow the improvement of entrepreneur and conduct a questionnaire survey.Cooking fume was monitored while pollution control facilities on and off for understanding the efficiency of pollution control. This plan completed oily particulate monitoring for 5 restaurants. The concentration of oily particulate was lower during pollution control facilities on. The average reducing efficiency of total suspended particulates was 100%. It showed the pollution control facilities (static electricity machine) of these 5 restaurants could reduce oily particulate. In addition, the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cook smoke of all restaurants was higher during pollution control facilities off. The average reducing efficiency of PAHs was 100%. The concentration of total hydrocarbon (THC) was no big different between pollution control equipment on and of because the method of THC sample was to collect gaseous matter. It shows the static electricity machines could not reduce gaseous oil. The cooking fume monitor result of Taipei city from 2006 to 2011 were used to estimated the volume of cooking fume emission in Taipei City. The emission coefficient of TSP was 18.28 kilograms per year and the emission coefficient of THC was 132.35 kilograms per year. The emission coefficients based on monitoring result were quit different from TEDS system. The reasons included winds, times, days and pollution control equipments and sample methods. Moreover, the project was planned to analysis pollution control equipments for restaurant according to economic, techniques and feasibility. Then we proposed best available control technologies suggestions. To research, develop, and introduce suitable facilities for F&B industry business in Taipei, the opinions and technology experience are required urgently. Therefore, TDPE held another “Improving F&B Industry Business Pollution Control Technology Conference” for issues of cooking fume, unpleasant odor control technology. Through these activities, TDPE expected to come out the suitable pollution control facilities for F&B industry business in Taipei, and to design simple self-monitoring facilities.20 F&B industry consulting was completed. Consulted sources included 12 reported violation cases, 2 calling for help cases, 6 punishments cases. Based on consulting outcome, there are 30% (6 cases) of these cases do not be reported violation.In conclusion, in order to decrease F&B industry and low frequency noise complaint cases, the future project direction suggested as below. (1)Add new auditing database. (2)Regulate the pollution industry to addend the F&B industry pollution controlled symposium. (3)Demonstrate and reward F&B industry entrepreneur to install odor pollution controlled facility. Coerce new and complained restaurants to join pollution control seminars. (4)Implement “Autonomy Regulations of F&B Air Pollution Control Facilities Management.”
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會