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Title 100年度異味稽查管制計畫
Abstract 雲林縣100年度異味稽查管制計畫自100年3月1日起主要工作重點包含執行異味污染源污染管制、餐飲業污染管制、減量協談輔導、說會及相關宣導作業等。茲將執行至101年2月29日之各項作業說明如后:一、異味污染源污染管制作業執行異味污染源巡查作業共計589家次,累積達成率為147%,其中專案巡查-溝皂里皮革廠210家次(36%)、專案巡查-璟美掩埋場27家次(5%)、陳情案件追蹤複查261家次(44%)、金海龍生物科技股份有限公司共14家次(2%)、一般性的夜間巡查77家次(13%)。進行大自然竹木業有限公司等33家之大事紀更新及信益畜牧場、大峰牧場、何金獅畜牧場、宏秝畜牧場及弘裕農產加工廠等5家之大事紀新增作業。執行恆家企業股份有限公司等20場次之周界異味官能測定採樣分析作業,其中和益油廠股份有限公司檢測結果異味污染物濃度為300,未符合「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」50之規定,「坤宇商行」檢測結果異味污染物濃度為25,未符合「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」10之規定,皆已告發處分並限期改善完成。其餘檢測結果皆符合法規標準。已輔導5家畜牧場設置示範豬廁所,分別為梅林畜牧場、生益畜牧場、王榮堂畜牧場、定柱畜牧場及村陽畜牧場。二、餐飲業污染管制作業完成餐飲業調查管制作業200家,其中主要以斗六市餐飲業調查之家數最多共86家次,其次為虎尾鎮之63家。調查結果經營型態以中式餐廳所佔比例最高佔77%,餐飲業規模以小型餐廳最高佔75%。油煙排放方式調查結果,直接排入下水道的共13家(8%),直接排入大氣的共70家(42%),經防制設備排入大氣的共84家(50%)。已公告「雲林縣餐飲業防制設備補助作業原則」,函文通知符合資格之餐飲業者提出補助申請。並於100年12月18日辦理1場次「餐飲業油煙防制設備觀摩活動」,有9家餐飲業者現場簽訂採購協議書,並於會後向本局提出補助申請以利採購及安裝防制設備,俟本局審核通過,確認設備裝設完成並可正常操作後,本局將核發提出申請之餐飲業者每家5000元之補助費用。三、減量協談輔導作業針對金義畜牧場等20家異味污染源,執行異味減量協談輔導作業,其中工業(廠)辦理10場次,畜牧業辦理10場次。針對幸福流域等10家餐飲業,執行餐飲業減量協談輔導作業。四、說明會及相關宣導作業於100/8/18辦理1場次「工業異味污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,共發文通知91家公私場所業者,有68家參加,出席率74.7%。於100/8/25辦理1場次「畜牧業污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,共發文通知72家畜牧業者,有55家參加,出席率76.4%。於100/8/22辦理1場次「餐飲業污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,發文通知74家業者,有32家參加,出席率43.2%。並製作完成500份餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導手冊。
EngTitle The Controlling Plan for Odorous Pollution in 2011
EngAbstract In year 2011, the province of Yulin has initated a referendum overseeing the reduction of excessive production of pungent stench generated by various industries, inclusive of food and beverage.From 1st of Mar 2011 to 29th Feb of 2012, we have undertaken the following actions.1. Plan for controlling the source of pungent stench generation.A total of 589 cases are inspected and analyzed, , and the rate of completion was 144%. The breakdowns of the 589 cases are as the following. 210 cases(36%) in Gouzao village’s footwear factories, 27 cases(5%) in Ching Mei landfill area, 261 cases(44%) in repeated complain petitions, 14 cases(2%) concerning Jin Hai Long Pte Ltd and finally 77 cases(13%) during random spot check.To update events of 33 companies, including Natural Bamboo Pte Ltd and 5 agriculture related companies namely Da Feng, Heng Jin, Hong Lin , Hong Yu and Da Shi Ji.At Heng Jia Ptd Ltd. and others 19 companies, inspection and quantification of odorous pollution are conducted in area surrounding suspected offenders. Which in these cases, there are two failed must be punished and the deadline for the completion of improvements. He Yi Ptd Ltd. odor concentration of 300 more than the statutory standard 50, and the other is Kun Yu Ptd Ltd odor concentration of 25 more than the statutory standard 10.Consultation has been provided to 5 Agricultural structured companies. These companies have since upgraded their cleanliness standard of their pigs pass-motion area.2. Food and Beverage pollution control operation.A total of 200 cases are inspected and analyzed. The primary breakdowns of the 200 cases are as the following: 86 cases in Dou Liu city, 63 cases in Hu Wei Town. The findings of management style the highest proportion of Chinese restaurants accounted for 77%, and 75% are from medium to small restaurants. Their methods of exhaust cooking fumes directly into air 42% and underground drain tunnels 8%. 50% done filtration on pollutant at equipment.Yulin province’s general guideline for pollutant post processing has already been released. As of 18th Dec 2011, one demonstration session on process and equipment used to control odor pollution. 9 companies has since signed up for equipment purchase and deployment. Companies which have successfully deployed the appropriate apparatus are subsidized 5000 dollars each by the local government agencies.3. Individual cases for counter-pollution consultation.Offenders from all type of industries are introduced to methods and means to counter their individual pollution situation. 10 sessions for factories, 10 sessions for Agriculture related factories and 10 sessions for food and beverage companies.4. Presentation to increase the awareness in pollution control.18th Aug 2011, Introduction to law governing industrial stench pollution and technological involved 68 out of the 91 companies invited attended the presentation, and the rate of attendance was 74.7%. 22th Aug 2011, Introduction to law governing Food and Beverage industrial stench pollution and technological involved 32 out of the 74 companies invited attended the presentation, and the rate of attendance was 43.2%. All 500 copies of guidelines publication are issued. 25th Aug 2011, Introduction to law governing anti-pollution and technological involved 72 out of the 55 companies invited attended the presentation, and the rate of attendance was 76.4%.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理弘工程顧問股份有限公司