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Title 100年環境保護產品驗證作業專案工作計畫
Abstract 本年度1~3月共計召開14場工作小組審議會,與3場審議委員會。共計完成359件環保標章產品審查作業,其中審議通過349件,審議不通過10件,經現場查核後增列或變更產品7件。本年度通過產品仍以資訊產品為大宗,含電腦主機、多功能事務機、筆記型電腦、監視器、列印機、碳粉匣等,此外家用冷氣機、資源化磚類建材、資源回收再利用建材等為數亦不少。此一結果很明顯反映目前機關綠色採購仍是推動廠商申請環保標章之主要力量,前述申請標章產品數量較多之規格項目,都是機關採購金額較高的項目,其中又以資訊產品為最。另對於建材產品、機器腳踏車及小客車業者,也分別因公共工程已開始要求綠色採購及回收清除處理費採綠色差別費率等原因,使得業者對取得環保標章意願大幅提升。與近三年相較,本年度案件不通過原因明顯單純化,約九成環保標章不通過案件皆直接導因於產品本身不符合規格標準要求,近年時常發生之其他因素如違章工廠、清潔劑類產品含有有害物質、檢測報告品質問題等皆大幅下降。經統計,本年度1~3月審議完成之各環保標章申請案(以第1到第3次審委會計),平均總處理日數(由廠商提出申請至標章生效或案件確認不通過)為115日、廠商平均補件時間為53日、本會平均處理日數(含文件審查、補件複查、安排與執行現場查核)為14日、由本會初審完成送達署內至環保署審委會審查完成平均時間為48日。
EngTitle Certification of GreenMark and Type II Environmentally Preferrable Products of 2011.
EngAbstract For the period of January-March this year, a total of 14 working group review meetings and three Review Committee meetings were held. During these meetings, 359 Green Mark applications were reviewed with 349 approvals and 10 rejects. After on-site audits, 7 product registrations were added or revised.This year, the approved applications are still mostly information technology products, including desktop computer systems, multifunction devices, notebook computers, monitors, printers, and printer toner cartridges, etc. In addition, there are also a number of household air conditioners, recycled bricks and some recycled building materials approved for usage of Green Mark. This result clearly reflects that current government green procurement activities remain the main driving force for manufacturers’ applications of Green Mark usage, as most of the applications are centered on the designated mandatory preferential green purchasing product categories, especially the IT products. As for the manufacturers of building materials, motorcycles and passenger cars, their recent interests in applying for Green Mark come from the new requirements on green procurement for public construction projects and that recycling, clearance and disposal fees have adopted the green preferential rate scheme.When compared with the past three years, this year the reasons for rejects of applications are less complicated. Unlike past years, the issues with illegal factory, cleaning products containing hazardous substances, or poor quality testing reports have lessened, as about 90% of the rejects are due to products not meeting the requirements of product specifications. The Q1 2011 (Jan-March) statistics show that the average application processing time is 115 days (from submissions of applications to reject or confirmation to use Green mark); average time for manufacturers to submit additional documents is 53 days; average processing time of applications by EDF is 14 days (including document review, review of additional documents, arrange and carry out on-site audits); and the average time from submission of reviewed applications by EDF to EPA and completion of review by the Green Mark Review Committee is 48 days.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會