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Title 2011兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度研究暨交流計畫
Abstract 中國大陸“十二、五”計畫把地下水環境的綜合整治作為改善水環境品質的重點工作。中國大陸環保部相關部門(以污染防治司為主)認知到臺灣地下水污染防治工作起步早,有意願借鏡臺灣在地下水污染工作的經驗,以加速落實“十二五”地下水環境的綜合整治工作。本計畫主要藉舉辦台灣及中國大陸兩場研討會及考察活動,凝聚兩岸專家學者共同討論兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護的差異性與互補性,並研討後續兩岸交流計畫與落實方法。同時也能提供產官學界相互觀摩學習、討論及意見經驗交流的機會。本計畫亦彙整中國大陸現行土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度所得成果,可供政府相關部門、學術及研究單位及事業相關單位於實務之重要參考。本計畫包括四項工作:一、彙整中國大陸現行土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度。二、赴中國大陸地區參加土壤及地下水環境保護相關學術研討會,並進行實地考察與交流。三、於國內辦理1場次「土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度學術研討會」,邀請中國大陸地區專業人士參加。四、針對「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA)中有關土壤及地下水環境保護相關議題,蒐整各界意見提出建議,並建立兩岸常設性土壤及地下水學術交流籌備小組。第一項工作已完成,並於本報告中詳細討論。因中國大陸部會級官員無法在臺灣總統大選前來臺或在中國大陸與臺灣代表進行正式交流,其餘三項工作因此建議順延至2012年2-5月份再如現有規劃舉辦。
EngTitle Soil and Groundwater Environmental Regulatory Issues in Mainland China and Cross-Strait Conferences
EngAbstract The “12-5 Program” of mainland China has proclaimed the treatment of groundwater as a key issue to the improvement of the overall water environment. Recognizing that the groundwater contamination problems had been dealt with earlier in Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Ministry of mainland China (primarily the Pollution Prevention Department) showed interest of bringing in Taiwan’s regulatory and technology experience so as to facilitate the required works stipulated in the 12-5 Program. This project aims to hold a cross-strait conference in Taiwan and to assist one in mainland China for the groundwater regulatory issues and technologies needed in mainland China. In these two activities, experts and scholars from both sides will be invited to exchange information and experience, to identify the differences and the similarities of groundwater problems occurred in both sides, and to seek mutually interesting issues for possible corporation. A platform will be established for the government and private sectors, and university professors to learn about and understand the groundwater problems in Taiwan as well as in mainland China. The currently available materials of law acts, regulations, and standards pertaining to groundwater contamination in mainland China will be collected, for the sake of assisting Taiwan government sectors, research institutes and practitioner to make decisions on relevant issues.Specifically, there are four tasks in this project: (1) to collect and summarize the currently available regulatory codes of groundwater contamination in mainland China, (2) to attend a conference of groundwater regulatory issues in mainland China and to visit some contamination sites in mainland China, (3) to invite mainland Chinese professionals and to hold in Taiwan a cross-strait conference for environmental regulatory systems regarding soil and groundwater contamination, and (4) to explore the possibility of setting a standing committee to handle the long-term corporation and to pursue opportunities under the ECFA. The first task had been successfully completed, and the results are discussed in this report. For the other three tasks; however, they are halted because mainland China central government officers were not allowed to visit Taiwan before the president election to be held in January 2012. Also the central government officers were discouraged to officially meet Taiwan delegations and officers in China. It is recommended that the three remaining tasks be resumed in February to May in 2012 after Taiwan’s president election.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會