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Title 環保駕駛車隊推廣與示範計畫
Abstract 我國運輸部門是僅次於能源及工業部門的第3大溫室氣體排放部門,其施政成果對節能減碳扮演重要角色。針對節能減碳最直接的方式是改變車輛內燃機以降低污染排放,或者發展公共運輸運輸以抑制私人運具成長,惟該兩類措施短時間內不易看到成果。本計畫藉由質性訪談與示範車隊之施做,導入環保駕駛之概念,據以提出環保駕駛標章制度草案之建議。先進國家推廣環保駕駛的經驗已顯示藉由改變換檔習慣、維持行車速率、平緩減速等簡單技巧可維持10%左右之節能減碳效益,對行車安全與車輛維修成本等亦有幫助。由於商用車輛每日行駛里程數高,若能教導駕駛人正確的駕駛知能,導正其不良駕駛行為,對燃油消耗將有顯著之影響,達到節能減碳的效益。本計畫選定配合車隊,包括:嘉里大榮貨運、大有巴士、葛瑪蘭客運、苗栗客運與臺灣租車集團復康車隊等運輸業者,做為示範車隊。本計畫各於臺北、台中與高雄辦理3場業者說明會、臺北、臺南辦理2場推廣座談會,並印製2,000份環保駕駛宣導文宣,分別針對客、貨運與計程車駕駛進行環保駕駛教育訓練授課,授課人數超過700人次。此外亦希望透過標章制度鼓勵客貨運業者將環保駕駛概念納入其公司管理制度中,藉由各類直接或間接管道,達致全面推廣環保駕駛之概念。
EngTitle The Eco-Driving-Fleet promotion and demonstration plan
EngAbstract The transportation department plays an important role in fuel consumption and emission. The direct way to mitigate the situation is to improve the internal combustion engine, or develop the public transportation. Nevertheless both ways are long-term solutions and not easy to get immediate effects. This project had holded a demonstration program and Focus Group Interview, then had introduced the concept of eco-driving, and finally had proposed the system of eco-driving label.According to the experience from advanced countries, the eco-driving skills such as shifting gears properly, maintaining the speed, and decelerating/accelerating smoothly bring both safety and energy conservation benefits. Since we know that the commercial vehicles’ mileage per day is much more than private vehicles’, the driving behavior improvement for those professional drivers would bring more reduction in fuel consumption. Thus, if we can teach the professional drivers right driving skills and right attitude, we can achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction. As a result, the project had choosed several commercial vehicle fleets as the demonstration fleets, including Kerry TJ Logistics Company, CitiAir Bus, Kamalan Bus, MiaoLi MOTOR TRANSPORTATION, and Taiwan Car Rental & Travel Group.In this project, we had hosted 3 workshops in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and 2 forums in Taipei and Taiwan. Besides, we had designed and print 2 thousand handouts. We still had designed a set of training course for eco-driving and had trained over 7 hundred professional drivers driving bus, truck or taxi. The purpose of above and establishing the eco-driving label is to exhort the transportation companies to put eco-driving in their management system, and finally promote the concept of eco-driving.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人國家政策研究基金會