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Title 加強推動醫療廢棄物減量及處理機構查核輔導計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目標為加強推動醫療廢棄物減量及處理機構查核輔導,在落實醫療廢棄物清理查核管理方面,掌握全國醫療廢棄物處理量能,目前之處理量能充足。辦理20家醫療機構醫療廢棄物分類與貯存現場查核輔導,彙整常見問題並已追蹤輔導其改善。以及參考使用者意見,更新維護「醫療廢棄物管理資訊網頁」及「醫療機構事業廢棄物管理作業參考手冊」。在健全醫療廢棄物處理設施方面,辦理滅菌處理設施效能測試5座次,皆通過效能測試,並已輔導操作模式需調整之2家醫院。針對滅菌處理操作及滅菌效能評估作業標準程序製作多媒體影片、辦理2場次座談會研討整合管理制度之先期規劃、評析法規與草擬修正建議。在含汞醫療廢棄物源頭減量方面,輔導5家醫院落實含汞廢棄物分類、貯存及妥善處理,建立汞洩漏處理能力,目前醫院皆妥善保存汞,待完成全面汰換時再委託清理。調查338家醫院水銀體溫計、血壓計使用情形及汰換清理現況,推估含汞血壓計持有量約為15,437支、含汞體溫計持有量約為27,437支、廢含汞銀粉持有量約為64公斤,醫院之清理經驗包括供應商取回、交給環保局、委託清理或拍賣。研究運用可攜式X射線螢光光譜儀(XRF)測定5項醫材,評估篩檢含汞廢棄物,在現場封袋量測之情況下,可行最深距離約為5cm,而方法偵測極限(MDL)為5ppm,如果檢測值低於5以下,則需再檢視能譜圖,判斷是否受背景元素干擾。在評估醫療廢棄物使用電子聯單可行性方面,衛生署開發之電子聯單功能尚不足以管制廢棄物流向,本計畫研提電子聯單架構及法規修正建議,並完成電子聯單系統與申報系統之介接協調。
EngTitle Promoting Medical Wastes Reduction and On-site Consultation
EngAbstract This project was aimed to promote medical wastes reduction and on-site consultation. For promoting medical waste clearance and disposal management, we analyzed the medical waste treatment capacity in Taiwan, and it is sufficient now. We held on-site consultation in 20 hospitals to implement medical waste classification, storage, collated frequently asked questions and traced improvements, and refered to the user opinion, updated the medical waste management website of Environmental Protection Administration and renewed the” Handbook of Medical Waste Management”. For intensifying the treatment institutions, we held on-site consultations in 5 hospitals to evaluate the autoclaves sterilization efficacy, and all autoclaves reached the standard, two of them have adjusted operating mode. We made the instrusction film for operating and evaluating the sterilization efficacy standard operating procedure (SOP) of medical waste autoclaves, and held 2 forums for the medical waste management policy forward planning, regulations review and amendment drawing up. For promoting mercury-containing waste source reduction, we held on-site consultation in 5 hospitals to implement mercury waste legal classification, storage, and treatment, and to establish the standard operating procedure (SOP) of mercury spills. They preserve the mercury well now and will entrust the treatment institution when all medical devices change to electronic ones. We investigated the usage and cleanrance situation of 338 hospitals mercury-containing sphygmomanometers and thermometers. There are about 15,437 mercury-containing sphygmomanometers, about 27,437 mercury-containing thermometers, and about 64 kg amalgam wastes in Taiwan. The cleanrance situation included taking back by suppliers, giving Environmental Protection Bureau, entrusting the treatment institution or selling. We also used a Field Portable X-ray Fluorescent Analyzer (FP-XRF) to test 5 mercury-containing medical devices and to evaluate the feasibility for scanning mercury-containing waste. When gauging the sealed bag, the feasible deepest distance approximately was 5cm, and the method detection limit (MDL) was 5ppm, but if the value of examination was less than 5, it was need to check the spectrogram to judge whether the background element For evaluating the feasibility of electronic delivery manifests, the electronic delivery manifests developed by the Department of Health was still insufficient to control the waste flow, so we proposed a framework of electronic delivery manifest and regulations amendment suggestion, and tried to coordinate the electronic delivery manifest and “Industrial Waste Report and Management System”.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會