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Title 二仁溪污染整治回顧紀錄片製作專案工作計畫
Abstract 二仁溪是臺灣河川污染程度最嚴重的河川之一,二仁溪畔廢五金露天燃燒及酸洗,對空氣及水質造成嚴重的污染,更把二仁溪變成一條道地的「黑龍江」。從民國72年起,政府相關單位開始投入了廢五金管理工作,先由經濟部工業局成立大發、灣裡兩個資源再生專業區。環保署並於民國82年全面禁止進口廢五金。民國92年更執行廢熔煉廠強制拆除工作。本計畫主要記錄燃燒廢五金導致二仁溪污染的事件始末與因應對策,以口述歷史方式製作專刊與紀錄片,為歷史留下見證二仁溪整治計畫的初步成果是一群人共同努力結果,走過30年,這些人,這些故事,都值得記錄下來,為歷史留下見證。本計畫參考政府公文書,透過採訪重要人物,掌握來龍去脈,製作紀錄片腳本與故事書內容。紀錄片以分三大段落,第一段落:美麗與生機(10分鐘),第二段落:污染整治拆除(20分鐘),第三段落:社區參與與重生(15分鐘)。內容採取口述歷史手法專訪相關當事人,將二仁溪流域污染整治30年,以環境紀錄片說故事方式呈現,同時製作二仁溪污染整治回顧紀錄片口述歷史故事一書。
EngTitle The project of pollution control of Erren River documentary
EngAbstract Erren River is among the most polluted rivers in Taiwan. The open burning and acid cleaning of waste metals on Erren River bank has caused severe air and water pollution, transforming it into a dirty black river.Since 1983, environmental authorities have begun managing scrap metals. The Dafa and Wanli special district for renewable resources were established. The import of waste metals was banned in 1993, and a mandatory removal of waste smelters was executed in 2003.This project primarily recorded the story and countermeasures of incident of waste metal polluting Erren River. Oral history was used for the production of the monograph and documentary. The preliminary results of recording the pollution remediation plan for Erren River is a tribute to the hard work of the group of people involved. After 30 years, these people and their stories should be recorded as a part of history.This project referenced government official documents, and interviewed important personnel to gain a better understanding of the story in order to produce the script of the documentary and the content of the book. The documentary is divided into three sections: the first, beauty and vitality (10 min), the second, pollution remediation and demolition (20 min), and the third, community involvement and re-birth (15 min). The content of the documentary was obtained by using oral history to interview relating personnel who were involved in the pollution remediation of Erren River for 30 years. The documentary narrates as an environmental documentary, and a book using oral history regarding Erren River’s pollution control is in production.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學