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Title 100年度焚化廠建置區域冷熱供應系統可行性評估委託專案工作計畫
Abstract 目前國內焚化廠之總熱效率界於23.9-9.1 %,意味至少有76-90 %的垃圾燃燒熱能排放至大氣中,尚未加以利用。以焚化廠餘熱再利用建置區域供冷/熱系統具有降低夏季尖峰裝置容量、提高機組總熱效率等優點,值得進一步評估其可行性。本可行性研究之主要內容包含下列各項:一、辦理全國24座焚化廠餘熱再利用總體檢討:蒐集各焚化廠蒸氣產量、壓力、餘熱量等操作參數及資料,針對個別廠址周圍區域進行冷/熱需求初步評估及篩選。選擇具潛能的5座焚化廠廠址,赴現場勘察管網配置之路徑實況,並針對潛在需求端製作問卷,調查其配合意願及其熱能/冷能需求條件。統計後決定較合宜的餘熱再利用方案,最後針對24座焚化廠以分級方式評估推動可行性及分級排序建議。二、內湖焚化廠建置區域供冷系統示範計畫可行性評估:分析內湖焚化廠運轉及效能詳細資料;調查廠區之空間利用現況及擴增可能性;調查鄰近地區之潛在用戶能源需求量;研擬餘熱再利用方案;評估區域供冷中心之建置與投資方式;輸送管網路徑調查及研選;投資效益經濟性評估;其他特定關鍵課題探討。三、國外區域冷熱供應系統之案例收集與應用於國內之適用性檢討。四、國外區域冷熱供應系統相關法規、政府與民間之經營合作模式、獎勵政策、推動方法等資料收集。
EngTitle Establish the District cooling/Heating System Feasibility Study for the Incineration Plants
EngAbstract The gross heat efficiency of the incineration plants in Taiwan are between 23.9 – 9.1%, It means that totally 76 – 90% of refuse combustion energy are discharged to the atmosphere. Use surplus heat of the incineration plant to install new district cooling/heating system will increase gross efficiency of each plant and decrease Taipower’s summer peak load capacity. The scope of feasibility study are including following items:1. Overall study the potential chance to build district heating/cooling system in the 24 incineration plants:After collection thermocycle’s operation parameters and boundary conditions of each plant, the heating/cooling load in the surrounding area of individual plant will be evaluated and screened prelimarily and then 5 potential plants will be selected. User side heating/cooling load requirement will be investigated and piping network will be studied, then surplus heat reuse proposed resolution for the 5 potential plants will be defined. The promotive feasibility by grading and ranking will be suggested finally for the 24 incineration plants. 2. Feasibility study for demonstration district cooling system of Nei-Hu Refuse Incineration Plants:The scope of study include turbine operation/performance data collection and analysis, exist plant space utilization and expanding location study, potential user and their cooling load estimation, surplus heat reuse proposal and its benefit, district cooling center function requirement and layout, chilled water piping sizing and routing survey, economic evaluation and special topics study, etc.3. Foreign district cooling/heating system case collection and local suitability study.4. Foreign regulation, cooperation model, incentive policy and promotion method of district cooling/heating system data collection.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司