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Title 100年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫
Abstract 本計畫共完成下列主要工作,執行成果分述如下︰1.現階段總計完成道路洗街長度合計10,703.9公里(總達成率為107.0%),道路掃街總長度合計11,108公里(總達成率為105.8%)。2.現階段總計完成洗街作業長度達10,703.9公里,推估TSP削減量為147.7公噸;掃街作業長度達11,108公里,推估TSP削減量為153.3公噸;本計畫洗掃街作業削減TSP約可達301公噸。3.撰寫計畫相關新聞,增加本計畫能見度,共計提交7則計畫相關新聞稿,並於平面媒體及網路媒體進行刊登。4.今年度新增加大聯瀝青企業股份有限公司及福祿壽國際酒品股份有限公司,推動企業認養道路總家數為31家,道路認養長度共計9,869.83公里,達成率為164.5 %,推估TSP削減量約136.2公噸。5.為改善本縣於農忙時期機具污染路面,針對稻米收穫量面積較大之鄉鎮,辦理農耕髒污道路改善村里宣導說明會8場次,總計參加人數434人,進度總達成率為100 %。另設立通報專線與村里辦公室建置道路髒污橫向聯繫機制,現階段總計完成6處,結合村里力量(義工隊),共同提昇道路整體乾淨度。6.執行沿線民眾滿意度調查,總計完成800份問卷調查(契約達成率100%),瞭解民眾對環保局推動洗掃街計畫之工作態度,有效掌握民意變化,提昇民眾對政府施政之滿意度。
EngTitle The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing the street for 100 year.
EngAbstract This project has completed the following main events, and the results are described below:1. The street washing was completed 10,703.9 kilometers and the total achieved rate is 107.0%; the street sweeping was completed 11,108 kilometers and the total achieved rate is 105.8%.2. The street washing task was completed 10,703.9 kilometers and the total suspended particulate matter TSP reductions estimated 147.7 tons. The street sweeping task was finished 11,108 kilometers and the estimated reductions in TSP is 153.3 tons. Hence, the street cleaning operations on the project could reduce TSP about to 301 tons.3. Seven press releases about the project published on the print media and network media for promoting publicity.4. To promote the Adopt-A-Road program. Ta-Lian Asphalt Enterprise Company Limited and Fortune Berwery International Company Limited join the Adopt-A-Road program in this year. As a result, there are 31 businesses has joined Adopt-A-Road program. The length of adopted roads are 9,869.83 kilometers, achieved rate reached 164.5%, and estimated TSP reductions is about to 136.2 tons.5. To hold eight workshops on agricultural pollution prevention on roads for rural communities which have larger harvest areas; the attendance number for workshops was total 434, and progress rate of the project is 100%. To enhance liaison mechanism for roads pollution among the EPA and village offices to set notification lines at six places. Unite village volunteer teams' strength to improve the cleanness of roads.6. The satisfaction questionnaire for residents who live along with roads was implemented 800, and completed rate of contract was 100%. The satisfaction questionnaire would help deepen the EPA understanding for citizens' comment on street sweeping and washing program, and also improve satisfaction of environment policy.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司