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Title 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類)專案工作計畫
Abstract 廢電子電器物品100年1月至101年12月之稽核認證量統計如下:廢CRT電視機1,850,833台,廢LCD電視機1,586台,廢電冰箱732,621台,廢洗衣機822,634台,廢冷暖氣機968,188台及廢電風扇15,590台,各類廢電子電器物品總稽核認證量合計為4,391,452台。廢資訊物品100年1月至101年12月之稽核認證量如下:廢監視器(CRT及LCD)2,214,984台,廢主機(A類、B類及C類)2,455,977台,廢筆記型電腦116,703台,廢印表機1,292,724台及廢鍵盤1,161,653台,各類廢資訊物品總稽核認證量合計為7,242,041台。計畫執行期間,查驗不符允收廢物品數量如下:廢CRT電視機3,520台,廢電冰箱2,999台,廢洗衣機484台,廢冷暖氣機1,166台及廢電風扇96台,廢電子電器物品不符允收數量合計為8,265台。資訊物品不符允收部分,廢CRT監視器1,266台,廢LCD監視器2,790台,廢主機A 2,446台、廢主機B 137台、廢主機C 15台,廢筆記型電腦228 台,廢印表機1,271台及廢鍵盤1,572台,廢資訊物品不符允收數量合計為9,725台,總計減少廢電子電器3,994,331元、廢資訊物品1,864,894元,共5,859,225元之補貼費支出。
EngTitle Project of Auditing and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Electronic and Electr
EngAbstract From January 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012, the totally certificated amount of waste Electronic and Electric Appliances (EA) equipments were 4,391,452 sets, including 1,850,833 CRT TVs, 1,586 LCD TVs, 732,621 refrigerators, 822,634 washing machines, 968,188 air conditioners and 15,590 electric fans. The totally certificated amount of waste Information Technology (IT) equipments were 7,242,041 sets, including 2,214,984 CRT and LCD monitors, 2,455,977 class A, B and C motherboards, 116,703 notebooks, 1,292,724 printers and 1,161,653 keyboards.During the project period, the amount of unqualified waste EA reached 8,265 sets, included 3,520 CRT TVs, 2,999 refrigerators, 484 washing machines, 1,166 air conditioners and 96 electric fans. The amount of unqualified waste IT equipments reached 9,725 sets, included 1,266 CRT monitors, 2,790 LCD monitors, 2,446 class A motherboards, 137 class B motherboards, 15 class C motherboards, 228 notebooks,1,271 printers and 1,572 keyboards. The subsidy saved for waste EA equipments was 3,994,331 NT dollars and for waste IT equipments was 1,864,894 NT dollars. The sum of total savings was 5,859,225NT dollars.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會