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Title 空氣微粒暴露評估方法建立及驗證(二)
Abstract 國際上訂定PM2.5標準時,主要是根據健康風險評估角度考量標準值的高低,因此要擬訂出一個能夠保護民眾健康的PM2.5標準,就需要對於PM2.5的暴露狀況釐清和了解。本計畫依循歐盟空汙健康研究計畫之架構為基礎 ,並且考量國內環境狀況和地理資訊資料可取得的狀況來進行PM2.5採樣,本計畫第二年度針對高雄市都會區之居民PM2.5暴露狀況進行探討。為瞭解都會區居民實際暴露於空氣微粒的情形,本研究(第二年度)在高雄市首先依照人口密度、空間分佈、微環境特性、不同樓層高度差異性,我們共選定低樓層20個樣本、中樓層5個樣本、高樓層5個樣本進行兩季的中長期(兩週)細微粒(PM2.5)採樣。所得樣本平均濃度為33.4μg/m3,並呈現PM2.5濃度有低樓層>中樓層>高樓層的趨勢。另迴歸模式分析顯示鄰近空品測站PM2.5採樣數據與中長期家戶PM2.5採樣數據之關聯性(R2=0.59)較第一年度台北地區結果高。在土地利用模式方面,首先利用地理資訊系統環域分析,計算微環境人口數、道路長度、土地利用面積等預測變項以推估微環境PM2.5濃度。依據歐盟模式建立方法,最後共有三個變項納入迴歸分析,分別是主要道路長度(半徑100m)、樓層高度(低、中與高)、低密度住宅區面積(半徑1000m),此模式之R2為0.29,屬與其他國家之研究結果(0.17~0.73)偏低範圍部分。本年度主要結果為環保署現有監測站之監測數據與高雄市都會區住戶之PM2.5微環境暴露情形有一定程度之關聯性,此外加入微環境特性以及樓層高度資訊並無幫助模式預測能力之提升,即使加入一些土地利用資訊,亦對模式預測能力無幫助。此結果與第一年結果不同,可能因台北與高雄都會區之都市型態以及背景環境不同,後續需考量其他可能影響因素,以提升模式之預測能力。另外本計畫之土地利用迴歸模式中發現工業區面積並非為一個顯著影響之預測因子,而主要道路長度與低密度住宅區乃為顯著因子,可能是因高雄地區之工業分佈及特性複雜度不同,以綜合工業區整體之面積來預測微環境PM2.5濃度,可能無法顯示其特別影響性。此外低密度住宅涵蓋兼工商業使用之住宅區,亦可能因一樓之工商業活動,造成附近微粒濃度增加。另本研究已完成元素成份與無機鹽類分析方法(XRF)之建立,亦完成分析方法可行性的評估。對於今年度計畫之元素成分與無機鹽類分析結果,交通點之元素成份與無機鹽類濃度皆高於都市背景點,此外無機鹽類於高雄地區具有空間變異性。
EngTitle Establish and Verify the Methodology for Exposure Assessment of Particulate Matters (Year 2)
EngAbstract To evaluate population’s exposure to ambient fine particulate matters(PM2.5) among residents in the Kaohsiung metropolitan area, we collected PM2.5 filter samples at different locations. These sampling sites were chosen based on population density, spatial distribution, microenvironmental characteristic, and building storey height. A total of 20, 5, and 5 samples were collected at the low, medium, and high elevations, respectively, during the three-month field campaign for two seasons. Each sample was collected over a two-week period. The average PM2.5 mass concentration is 33.4 μg/m3 and a concentration gradient was observed with higher concentration at lower elevation. The regression model showed that PM2.5 data at the air quality monitoring (AQM) stations has a relativelygood correlation with the microenvironmental monitoring results (Adjusted R2=0.59). With regard to the land use regression models, the buffer analysis in GIS was first applied to obtain the required predicting variables which are used to estimate microenvironmental PM2.5 concentation, such as population number, the length of road and land use area. Based on the EU study protocol, three variables were included in the final models: the length of major roads in the buffer of 100 meters, elevation(low, median and high floor), and the discontinuous urban fabric in the buffer of 1000 meters. The R2 of this model is 0.29, in the low range of the values (0.17~0.73)obtained from studies conducted in other countries. In this report, the analytic methods of elemental constituents (by XRF) and inorganic salts (by IC) are established. The feasibility of these methods is also evaluated accordingly. The analytic results show that the concentrations of PM elemental constituents and inorganic salts at the traffic sites are higher than those at the urbanground sites.Furthermore, the concentrations of inorganic salts have large spatial variations.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 臺灣大學