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Title 101年臺中市營建工程空氣污染管制暨營建空污費收費管理計畫
Abstract 計畫摘要臺中市政府環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提升生活環境品質。期末報告執行期間(101年3月29日至102年1月31日),已蒐集分析營建工程徵收、管制、污染排放削減情形及執行成果資訊進行探討,現階段成果摘要說明如下。一、統計101年3月29日至102年1月31日止,辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費開工申報及完工結算等案件共有10,123件(開工申報5,402件、完工結算4,721件),另本市營建工程空氣污染防制費總徵收金額為145,278,416元,徵收件數共計5,402件(含免徵件數176件)。3,932件使用網路申報營建空污費(申報率32.8%較100年2,229件成長約12.8%);至於便民繳費系統共計有6,877件透過新式便民服務繳款單繳費完成,繳費比例略為提升。二、營建工地管制成果方面,持續針對區域開發及專案管制工地(含生活圈及鐵路高架化等)實施查核,以「揪」「察」「對」三重奏方式管制,辦理6場區域開發高空遙控飛機拍攝,舉辦輔導座談會10場次,大型法令宣導說明會4場次,並輔導其中12處大型營建工程舖設稻草及植生進行污染防制。此外,加強道路管線工程查處,稽查告發情節重大者24處次,管理辦法符合度為92.84%,較去年同期增加4.7%。各項精進作為使得本市工地TSP產生量為11,464.34公噸,削減量為7,648.34公噸,現況排放量為3,816.00公噸,平均削減率為66.71%,較100年度同期約成長8.71%。三、加強污染工地之蒐證作業,統計計畫執行期間提報件數共計318處次,大部分已輔導改善完成,其中揚塵污染提報152處次、路面污染蒐證155處次、管理辦法蒐證9處次及露天燃燒2處次;並配合稽查告發共計201處次,污染改善201處次。其中分別為違反空污法64處(包含16處空污法16條、40處空污法23條、8處空污法31條)及廢棄物清理法137處次。四、本計畫與洗掃計畫建立橫向通報機制,洗掃街計畫通報14處有污染之虞工地,其中1處工地經本計畫現場查核屬實嚴重,予以告發路面污染;1處則屬非營建工地列管,1處屬輕微則予現場立即改善機會,隔次複查均未發現污染。五、本計畫「營建工程污染管制稽巡查無紙化系統」已開發完成,並已於今年7月1日起使用,統計現階段採用無紙化查核件數為12,726件,設A4紙約4.5克,傳統巡查單為A3格式4聯式約7張A4重量31.5克,紙類回收之減碳係數為0.242計算,目前因使用「營建工程污染管制稽巡查無紙化系統」已減少8萬9千張A4紙張,約減碳97公斤。
EngTitle 101 years of Taichung City Construction Engineering Air Pollution Control & Construction empty, pollution fee charges management plan
EngAbstract Plan SummaryTaichung City Government Environmental Protection Agency pollution control plan for implementation of construction projects starting on July 1, 1997, so that the air quality does improve, and look forward to the effective control of the execution of this project construction engineering pollution behavior and reduce pollution occurs , exactly enhance the quality of living environment. During the execution of the final report (March 29, 101 years to 102 years January 31 days), have been collected, the analysis of construction projects levy, control, pollution emission reduction situation and the implementation of the outcome of information to explore, at this stage outcomes are summarized as follows.A statistical ended January 31, March 29, 101 years to 102 years, the air pollution control fees apply for construction projects started in the reporting and completion clearing cases a total of 10,123 (5,402 pieces started reporting the completion of settlement of 4,721 pieces), another Urban Construction Engineering total levy amount of $ 145,278,416 for air pollution control fees levied total number of 5,402 (including exempted from number 176). 3,932 use the network to declare construction air pollution fee (reporting rate of 32.8% compared to 100 years to grow about 2,229 pieces 12.8%); For convenience toll system, a total of 6,877 pieces of completed payment slip through new convenient service payment, payment proportion slightly improved.Second, control the outcome of the construction site, continued to be implemented for the regional development and project control site (including the living area and the elevated railway) check, "pulling", "police", "trio ways control handle 6-field regional development altitude remote aircraft shooting, organizing counseling seminars for 10 performances, large decree guidance meeting 4 screenings and counseling including 12 large-scale construction projects laying straw and vegetation pollution control. In addition, to strengthen the road pipeline project investigated 24 times, inspectors informant severe circumstances, the management approach is consistent with the degree of 92.84%, an increase of 4.7% compared to the same period last year. Various sophisticated as TSP generated volume of 11,464.34 tonnes, a reduction of 7,648.34 tonnes emissions of the existing state of 3,816.00 tonnes, with an average reduction rate of 66.71%, approximately 8.71% growth compared to the same period last year 100 the city site.Third, strengthen the evidence collection operations of the contaminated site, during the execution of a statistical program reported to number a total of 318 times, most counseling improvements have been completed, including dust pollution reported 152 times 155 times gathering evidence pavement pollution management approach nine times and collect evidence from open burning two times; with total of 201 inspectors informant pollution to improve 201 times. Which contains 16 air pollution control law for violating air pollution law 64 (16 23 40 air pollution law, eight air pollution law 31) and the Waste Disposal Act 137.This project with the cleaning and washing plan establish lateral notification mechanism, wash the street-sweeping plan Bulletin 14 sites with the risk of pollution, including a site by the plan, the scene checked the truth of the allegations serious to be denounced pavement pollution; 1 is column tube is a non-construction sites, and a slight improvement opportunities to the scene immediately, every times review were not found contamination.Construction engineering of this project, "Pollution Control protracted inspections paperless system" has been developed to complete, and was used from July 1 this year, the statistics at this stage the paperless check number 12,726 pieces, set of A4 paper about 4.5 g, the traditional inspections single A3 format coupled about 7 A4 weight of 31.5 grams, paper types of recycling of carbon reduction coefficient is 0.242, use "Construction Engineering Pollution Control the protracted inspections paperless system" has been reduced to 80,000 9,000 sheets of A4 paper, approximately 97 kg less carbon
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 上境科技股份有限公司