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Title 兩岸廢車回收體系評析與交流專案工作計畫
Abstract 世界各國莫不極力建立完整之回收清除處理機制,以解決廢車所衍生之環境問題。本計畫蒐集中國大陸廢機動車輛回收處理之法規制度以及產業營運等資訊,藉由中國大陸廢機動車輛回收處理體系相關機構參訪工作,希望能提供國內廢車回收處理產業作業模式或經營策略評估,供環保署參考。本研究依據計畫評選須知之工作內容要求,完成各工作事項,主要執行成果包括:完成兩岸在廢機動車輛回收管理制度的具體交流;從制度面、技術面、環保面及經濟面評析兩岸廢機動車輛回收制度;研提廢車回收處理系統發展方向及廢車回收處理業擴展大陸廢車回收處理市場之分析與建議。主要結論與建議有:(一) 促成兩岸在廢機動車輛回收處理體系的首次具體交流,建立將來與中國大陸廢車回收處理的交流管道。(二) 蒐集中國大陸廢車回收產業的現況資料,瞭解中國大陸廢車回收的發展趨勢。(三) 大陸對廢車產業管理方式不同造成體系設計的差異。(四) 大陸廢機動車輛回收處理之法規面與執行面仍存有落差。(五) 隨其法令管制逐漸落實,大陸廢機動車輛回收市場發展可期。(六) 藉由政策補貼及研擬強制報廢可能性,引導廢車進入回收體制。(七) 推動二手零件再製造及再利用機制,以突破資源循環技術及成效。(八) 北京及上海發展最為快速,建議未來應保持交流。(九) 建議國內廢車回收處理業者赴陸參訪瞭解市場。
EngTitle Evaluation and analysis on ELV recycling systems across the strait
EngAbstract Establishing an efficient End-of-life vehicle (ELV) recovery and recycling system has been an important task for preventing environmental issues caused by waste automobiles in almost all countries worldwide. Along with her rapid economical growth, Mainland China also actively engages in the development of circulative economy which includes establishment of the domestic recycling and reuse system for ELVs. This project is aimed to collect information on political strategies, administrative regulations, and business operations related to treatment and recycling of waste vehicles through observatory site-visits on selected enterprises and institutions in the Mainland China. We hope that observations and suggestions made can be useful to EPA in the regulatory or legal aspects and beneficial to the recycling and treatment enterprises in evaluating their operation and business strategies. In accordance with the goals and requirements of this project, we have accomplished the following goals: A total of 10 institutions/enterprises were visited in this study and communication on ELV recycling and management system cross the strait was achieved.. Types of the visited organizations are broad and complete. A report on the observatory study was delivered. The waste vehicle recycling systems has been studied from the aspects of government regulations, recycling/treatment technology, environmental protection, and economical feasibility, Suggestions and analysis are made for future development on the cross-strait opportunities for the ELV recycling industry. ELV recycling policies and recycling systems in Mainland China and Taiwan have been compared and analyzed in the four aspects of political mechanism, technical requirements, environmental regulations, and economic circumstances. Discussion and SWOT analysis on developing for ELV treatment and recycling business in Taiwan are performed. And suggestions are drawn for the business opportunities in Mainland.Major conclusions and suggestions are,(1) Realizing the conversation with related business and institutions of ELV recycling and treatment and exchanging information on ELV recycling through cross strait communication. Future communication channel has also been established.(2) Collecting information on current status and future trends of the ELV industry in mainland China.(3) ELV recycling systems are different cross strait due to their different management schemes. The leading governmental offices are economic development agencies in China, while the major role in Taiwan is environmental protection agency.(4) Law enforcement is still behind the law formation in Mainland; therefore, concerns on illegal disposal of waste exists which may influence the environmental quality.(5) It can be expected that the ELV recycling market grows continuously as the law formation and implementation moves on.(6) It is suggested that studies on the feasibility of financial incentives and mandatory retiring conditions may encourage more end-of-life vehicles entering formal recycling and treatment system. (7) It is suggested that recycling of certain major parts can be evaluated. Promoting re-manufacturing and reuse of major vehicle parts needs guidelines and test protocols for resource recycling.(8) Beijing and Shanghai, having population over 10 million, are in urgent need of effective environmental management system. It is suggested that continuous communicationswith these cities are practical and beneficial to both sides in the future.(9) It is suggested that ELV recycling business and industry in Taiwan should actively participate in activities to know more about the market in Mainland China.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境永續發展基金會