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Title 101年「臺中市特定污染源管制暨室內空氣品質管理計畫」
Abstract 101年「臺中市特定污染源管制暨室內空氣品質管理計畫」期程自101年8月9日起至102年1月31日止,主要工作重點包含餐飲業稽查管制作業、推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量、露天燃燒管制作業及室內空氣品質巡檢與輔導及自主管理宣導作業等。茲將執行至102年1月31日之各項作業說明如后:一、 餐飲業稽查管制作業執行成果目前已針對200家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導工作,並完成500份宣導摺頁之印製,配合於餐飲業查核宣導時進行發送,並已成功推動25家屢遭陳情餐飲業者配合污染改善工作。本計畫亦於101年10月24日假環保局中正廳辦理完成「101年度臺中市餐飲業示範專區計畫宣導說明及推廣活動」業者說明會,選定「文心南夜市」做為本市101年度餐飲業示範專區。此外,並於102年1月20、22、23及25日共4天於文心南夜市辦理「臺中市餐飲示範專區宣導活動」,透過該場活動之辦理,促使專區餐飲業者落實自主管理,專區內有產生油煙排放的37家餐飲攤商,均已全面配合裝設洗滌或靜電式防制措施,大幅改善過去油煙瀰漫情形,提升餐飲空氣污染防治成效。。二、 推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量作業執行成果紙錢減量集中燃燒宣導作業亦是本計畫工作項目之一,本計畫執行紙錢集中清運,截至1月31日止共計1248.34公噸,已達成計畫1,000公噸之目標量,顯示市民越來越能接受紙錢集中燃燒的意願越來越高;為降低民眾對紙錢集中清運至焚化爐集中焚化是否會對神明不敬之疑慮,本計畫亦於中元普渡前於本市3處焚化爐辦理淨爐法會及辦理春節與中元節紙錢清運協調宣導說明會共3場次,並完成3,000份宣導海報、5,000份宣導摺頁及2,000份彩色宣導布條的印製與發放。在寺廟訪談作業部分,已完成104家次寺廟環保措施複查,並順利推動配合環保措施寺廟19家。此外,本計畫特辦理「101年度臺中市環保寺廟示範推廣活動」,透過境內及境外環保廟宇觀摩活動辦理,使境內廟宇瞭解其他環保廟宇推動狀況及執行方式(如紙錢、香燭減量、推動環保金爐及封爐等),進而提升廟宇環保措施及污染減量觀念,以作為推動環保寺廟輔導方向及依據。三、 露天燃燒管制作業執行成果本計畫為使露天燃燒管制績效提升,並有效防止露天燃燒行為,本年度針對稽查隊所查獲露天燃燒案件進行地籍資訊查詢,並於取得地主資料後,發文勸導告知,目前已辦理完成100件,並於2期稻作期間透過主動巡查並函文預警。另為提升勿露天燃燒宣導效果,本計畫除辦理平面媒體宣導作業,提醒民眾勿露天燃燒外,亦於101年10月17日與101年12月19日分別與大雅區及清水區農會共同合作辦理禁止露天燃燒宣導會,針對該區農會選任人員、產銷班班員及農士班長等共同交流。會中除了加強本市境內稻草勿露天燃燒案件宣導,解說燃燒稻草之壞處以及對人體造成影響外、另針對推廣農廢妥善處理機制並推動稻草回收評估再利用減少農廢燃燒污染等進行說明。四、 室內空氣品質巡檢與輔導及自主管理宣導作業本計畫執行期間,針對公眾聚集量及進出量高之公共場所,以直讀式儀器進行4項巡檢(CO、CO2、甲醛及總揮發性有機物)共計20家;針對72處公共場所以及歷年加入自主管理之公共場所進行CO2巡檢;另外針對高級中學等以下學校及醫療院所等共計10家進行微生物相檢測;並篩選6家次採用環保署公告方法(10項)進行檢測。本年度亦成功新增推動20家公共場所參與室內空品自主管理。此外,配合行政院環保署推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度計畫」,使公共場所能對自身之室內空氣品質予以管理維護,特辦理4場說明會及3場座談會,說明臺中市室內空氣品質自主管理之推動方向、自主管理制度建立及室內空氣品質自主管理計畫書撰寫要點、室內空氣品質問題診斷、室內污染物之改善技術及改善實際案例等,並配合室內空品宣導摺頁及海報之發送,協助了解室內空氣品質管制方法及如何改善室內空品對策。
EngAbstract The 2012 “Taichung City Specific Pollution Source Control and Indoor Air Quality Management Project” started from Aug 9 2012 to Jan 31 2013 and consisted of auditing and control of dining business, promotion of concentrated incineration of ritual money and reduction from source, exposed burning control, indoor air quality inspections and consultation, and autonomous management and promotion. Works done by Jan 31 2013 are described as follows: 1. Achievement of auditing and control of dining businessAuditing on cooking exhaust control equipment was performed and consultation provided to 200 businesses, and 500 brochures were prepared and distributed during the auditing on these dining businesses. Assistance in pollution improvement was provided to 25 stores that had been reported for several times. A presentation of “2012 Taichung City Dining Business Demonstration Area Project Propaganda and Promotion” at Zhongzheng Hall, Environmental Protection Bureau on Oct 24 2012, and “Wenxin South Night Market” was selected as the dining business demonstration area of Taichung City 2012. The “Promotion activity for Taichung City dining business demonstration area” was held at Wenxin South Night Market on Jan 20, 22, 23 and 25 2013. This activity was provided to encourage the realization of autonomous management of dining business in the area. All of the 37 cooking exhaust producing businesses had washing or electrostatic control devices installed on their business equipment, allowing significant improvement of meandering cooking exhausts and air pollution control performance of the dining business. 2. Achievement of promotion of concentrated incineration of ritual money and reduction from sourceThe promotion of reduction and concentrated incineration of ritual money is part of this project. 1248.34 tons of ritual money were collected for removal up to Jan 31, exceeding the goal of 1,000 tons set for the project. This indicates that the idea to collect ritual money and burn it all together has been widely accepted by citizens. To clear the concern of citizens that collecting ritual money and burning it in incinerators is disrespectful to the gods, 3 sessions of incinerator cleansing rituals were performed at the City’s 3 incinerators were provided along with 3 additional sessions of presentation to promote the idea of concentrated removal of ritual money for Chinese New Year and Ghosts’ Festival. 3,000 posters, 5,000 brochures and 2,000 banners were produced and distributed. For interview with temples and shrines, inspections were performed on the environmental protection facility at 104 temples and shrines and 19 accepted assistance for establishment of environmental protection measures. Also, the “2012 Taichung City Environment-friendly Temple Demonstration and Promotion Activity” was organized to help the temples and shrines in the city jurisdiction understand what environment-friendly temples are and how they work (such as reduced use of ritual money, incense and candles, environment-friendly ritual money furnace and seal of furnace) through visits of environment-friendly temples in and outside of Taichung City, hoping to improvement the environmental protection and pollution reduction concepts of temples and shrines and point the direction for the consultation of environment-friendly temples. 3. Achievement of exposed burning controlA survey on the land registration information for the properties on which waste materials were burned in an outdoor environment found by the inspection team in order to improve the exposed burning control performance and prevent exposed burning of waste materials. 100 notifications were issued to landowners as soon as their information was acquired and inspections and warnings were provided during the second stage of rice farming. Also to discourage burning materials in an exposed environment, a printed media propaganda was facilitated to remind people not to do so, and the project team worked with Daya and Qingshui Farmers’ Associations for the presentation for prevention of exposed burning on Oct 17 and Dec 19 2012, respectively, to allow interactions among association staff, production and marketing units and local farmers. The host of the presentation urged the citizens not to burn straws in an exposed environment and explained what harms burning straws can bring to human health. Also explanation was provided for proper disposal of farming wastes and evaluation of straw recycling and reuse. 4. Indoor air quality inspections and consultation, and autonomous management and promotionFor public places where there are high concentration and access of people, inspections were carried out on 20 places on 4 substances (CO, CO2, formaldehyde and total VOC) using precision instruments. CO2 tests were performed on 72 public places and those participating in the autonomous management over the years. 10 senior high schools or lower level and medical facilities participated in the microbial morphology tests. Also 6 places were selected for tests based on the (10) methods promulgated by Environmental Protection Administration. 20 public places were successfully added into the autonomous management of indoor air quality this year. Furthermore, as part of the EPA’s “promotion plan for indoor air quality management system of public places” to prepare public places for the autonomous management of indoor air quality, 4 presentations and 3 discussion sessions were provided to explain where the promotion of autonomous indoor air quality management goes in Taichung City, the establishment of autonomous management system, key points to develop an autonomous indoor air quality management proposal, indoor air quality diagnosis, air pollutant improvement techniques and improvement cases. Also indoor air quality brochures and posters were distributed to help people understand how to control and improve indoor air quality.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司