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Title 101年度臺南市工業區空氣污染指紋資料庫建置暨連續自動監測設施查核管制計畫
Abstract 計畫主要針對本市環保署指定工業區進行收集彙整及分析各公私場所之原物料、製程、污染防制設施及污染物排放量等資料,及屢遭陳情工廠與陳情資料,訂定篩選代表性廠家或製程之規範,據以篩選監測及採樣對象。透過建置簡易式氣象監測設備及VOCs自動採樣裝置,後續相關不銹鋼瓶採樣分析、OP-FTIR及CC-FTIR監測作業,建置污染源指紋資料,逐步完整掌握本市異味污染資訊,作為於空氣污染事件發生時研判掌握污染來源之依據,以落實市境內固定污染源管制工作;並協助擬訂緊急空氣污染事件應變作業程序,辦理兵棋推演及實地演練作業,以利真實緊急事件發生時得迅速妥善處理,希冀透過上述管制策略,逐步改善民眾陳情問題,提升施政滿意度及改善轄內空氣品質之預期目標。本計畫自101年1月31日起開始執行,統計至101年12月27日止,進度皆符合合約要求,相關工作現階段成果將於本期末報告書各章節進行詳細說明,摘要概述如下:1. 依據環保署指定工業區清查作業,本計畫針對「保安工業區」、「和順工業區」、「總頭寮工業區」及「樹谷園區」進行巡查作業,並重點工業區篩選作業選定「保安工業區」、「和順工業區」及「樹谷園區」等三大工業區進行指紋資料庫建置的執行對象。2. 在完成高潛在風險工業區清查結果回覆表中之760家工廠中,初步判定符合環保署公告1-8批應設置許可之工廠有23家,須經移交固定源管制計畫作進一步複查確認(保安工業區19家、和順工業區2家及總頭寮工業區2家),另辦理歷年已巡查各工業區之新增業者複查共計83家。3. 提出4季屢遭陳情工廠與近2年陳情資料分析與提報專案分析報告,提送局端審核,以101年第一~第四季陳情類型資料分析,第三季陳情案件有下降趨勢,其中以噪音陳情案件減少趨勢明顯,有可能與夏季民眾活動時間較長或營建工程夜間施工減少所致。而與空氣品質較具關係之異味污染物陳情案件第一、第三及第四季較無差異,以第二季發生比例較明顯,但目前無明確原因可供分析探討;.以101年第一~第四季陳情地點資料分析,各季陳情好發地點無明顯差異,此應與人口密度、污染源分布區域具正相關關係所造成;比對歷年前五大屢遭陳情對象資料顯示101年與去年同期相較之下廣政製革股份有限公司、物阜生物科技股份有限公司、通寶國際股份有限公司的陳情案件都無明顯改善之趨勢,但全利農工則有減少趨勢。4. 完成建立高風險空氣污染物種之健康危害特性資料MSDS表,另完成巡查作業、資料庫建置標準作業程序乙式;完成建立轄內所有工業區周界5公里範圍鄰近區域敏感受體資料(包括學校、社區、及醫院),檢附於緊急應變手冊中,供後續緊急應變作業使用。5. 完成樹谷及安平工業區氣象站及VOC自動採樣系統各2站次,並整合既有系統與新建置系統局端監控軟體功能,同時提供後續維護設備頻率與經費編列建議。6. 建置緊急應變箱,內容應包含簡易式氣象監測設備,至少應具檢測風速、風向、溫度、溼度,流量校正器(流率範圍20 mL/min至6 L/min,用來校正採樣泵流量,Gilian、SKC或同級品)、隔膜式泵(流量4 L/min以上,無臭且不會吸附異味污染物) 各一套。7. 完成更新緊急應變箱及法令、應變相關紙本、本市各區地圖、污染地圖及檢驗公司檢測項目紙本。8. 建置常備至少2個可即時採樣之鋼瓶於局端,並規劃前往各工業區之快速路線於緊急應變手冊,另配合緊急應變(台瀛造漆火警)及高污染陳情區域(亞光應材),完成4點次之即時鋼瓶採樣分析作業,分析結果顯示無與業者使用之原物料直接相關之污染物排放。9. 完成本巿重大空氣污染事件緊急應變程序及作業手冊,其緊急應變處理機制中,包含工業區工安環保管理單位緊急通報機制、可疑污染源採樣及分析、檢體樣本確保、緊急醫療網、交通路徑、後續危機處理機制等。10. 配合毒災應變中心、成大永續環境研究中心完成1場次緊急空氣污染事件應變演練,包括兵棋推演與實地演練,主要演練內容為提升校園緊急應變作業能力。11. 開徑式全頻遠端紅外線遙測分析儀(OP-FTIR)監測分析作業,完成和順工業區(東陽實業)上、下風共計2測線,綜合分析P407排放管道之CC-FTIR量測結果及下風OP-FTIR測線的量測結果和陳情人住家和工廠的相對位置,顯示工廠製程所產生之異味污染物(有機溶劑)經煙囪排放到大氣中,確有可能擴散到陳情人所在位置而產生異味污染;另完成柳營工業區上、下風共計2測線,綜合分析整體周界檢測皆未有超出法規值情形,上風處有機溶劑PGMEA測值顯示為可能造成異味之主因;下風處有機溶劑PGME及PGMEA測值顯示為可能造成異味之主因;下風處汽油及醋酸測值顯示為次要可能異味來源。12. 密閉式全頻遠端紅外線遙測分析儀(CC-FTIR)監測分析作業,完成和順工業區(東陽實業、敦陽化工及復程實業)合計3根次,東陽實業本次共獲得302筆監測數據,其中甲苯、鄰-、間-、對-二甲苯、乙酸乙酯、甲醇、乙酸正丁酯、丙酮和PGMEA均為塗料中稀釋溶劑或製程使用的有機溶劑,除了甲苯和二甲苯外,其中有機溶劑成份均未見於許可資料中;汽油和二氯甲烷的來源現階段尚無法確認。敦陽化工本次監測共獲得306筆監測數據,經數據篩檢後排放管道24小時的量測共偵測到甲苯、乙酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸正丁酯、丁酮、環己烷、間-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯、甲醇和對-二甲苯等10種有機溶劑污染物;其中甲苯、鄰-、間-、對-二甲苯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸正丁酯為許可中申報之原物料,丁酮、環己烷和甲醇則未見於許可資料中。復程實業本次共獲得316筆監測數據,經數據篩檢結果如下:由排放管道24小時的量測共偵測到甲苯、異丙醇、丁酮、乙酸乙酯、乙酸正丁酯和四氯乙烯等6種有機溶劑污染物;另完成檢測柳營工業區三間高陳情廠商(光洋、欣岱、新瀛)檢測3 根次,結果顯示,光洋與新瀛所測得之物種平均濃度皆符合於嗅覺閾值範圍內僅有在些微時間所測得之最高濃度超過嗅覺閾值,其可能原因為該工廠之製程燃燒不完全(光洋)與原物料污泥成分不穩定(新瀛)所導致。欣岱測得之物種含有高濃度的酚63.39ppm、甲醇69.64ppm、甲醛25.23ppm、甲苯33.83ppm,上述物種皆超出文獻臭味閾值具有高異味強度,由於這些物種皆為不完全燃燒副產物,其原因可能為該廠氧化爐燃燒效率不足(平均燃燒效率93.2%)而無法完全裂解破壞製程原物料所產生。13. 異味污染物特性分析作業,共完成10處次異味污染源製程,每個製程採上下風處各1點次(敦陽化工、復程實業、衍南壓克力、真時科技、啟耀光電等),合計20點次採樣,採樣分析結果顯示污染物排放物種與原物料使用種類較無關聯,分析可能原因應為原物料遇熱裂解或其他化學反應所致,另本項區內業者較少符合環保署建議優先檢測之81項物種,故應持續調查其他可能危害性較大污染物種,再行提報分析。 14. VOCS定性定量檢測,共計採樣分析東陽實業廠股份有限公司九廠、奇力光電科技股份有限公司一廠、典銘實業有限公司、衍南壓克力股份有限公司、欣瀛科技股份有限公司柳營廠等20家20點次,檢測結果顯示僅典銘、衍南壓克力、新力美等有測得甲苯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、二氯甲烷與原物料相關之VOCS物種,其餘業者無檢出相符物種,分析可能原因應為原物料遇熱裂解或其他化學反應所致。15. 異味官能測定分析配合不銹鋼筒指紋採樣,共完成20點(東陽實業、典雅實業、崑亨股份、戴鉅樺實業、復程實業、奇美實業(旭美廠)、奇美實業、衍南壓克力、真時科技、和明紡織等)之檢測分析,異味官能測定皆符合法規標準,同時不銹鋼桶指紋採樣結果分析顯示,與管道VOCS定性定量同樣測得甲苯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、二氯甲烷與原物料相關之VOCS物種。16. 完成辦理採樣方式與注意事項教育訓練,以強化環保人員巡查及緊急事件之處理技巧,合計3場次。17. 完成辦理空氣污染事件敏感受體緊急應變教育說明會,藉由對污染物質特性的了解提高對空污災害發生之敏銳度及緊急事件之處理技巧,合計辦理2場次,邀請學校(國中、小、高中教師)、各區公所、衛生所及醫院等單位,共298人參加。18. 完成指紋資料庫共計291家資料更新及維護管理作業,並辦理指紋資料庫操作教育訓練1 場次。19. 完成高陳情對象工廠進行污染評鑑改善輔導共6家次,包含屢遭陳情對象東陽、物阜等業者,並持續追蹤輔導業者改善異味源頭與防制措施,受輔導業者之陳情案件,於輔導作業完成後,已有明顯減少或未再發生陳情案件,顯示輔導成效良好。20. 執行相對準確性測試查核(RATA)主動查核8根次及監督查核8根次(包含複檢)、執行不透光率校正誤差查核(OP)主動查核8根次及監督查核8根次(包含複檢)、執行標準氣體查核(CGA)主動查核8根次。(包含複檢)、執行二氧化氮轉化率查核6根次,結果顯示業者無違法操作或排放情形,另與歷年資料相比較,無異常排放數據產生,僅東展、森霸公司設備較老舊,建議加強維護管理。21. 加強宣導連續自動監測設施法規,邀請半導體業、光電業、石化業及轄區已連線8家公私場所,完成辦理連續自動監測設施法規宣導說明會,合計2場次,共160人參加;對台灣汽電共生股份有限公司及森霸進行連續自動監測設施現場評鑑各1場次,並提出相關改善建議,目前業者仍持續改善中。22. 更新局端連續自動監測系統伺服器2部,另完成膝關數據資料上傳、趨勢圖資料分析等作業。23. 完成辦理1場次CEMS技術轉移教育訓練,主要說明CEMS法令規範、常見操作缺失與查核作業技巧等。24. 購置空氣污染緊急應變背心20件、N95口罩及活性碳口罩各一箱、無線電對講機10支、1組攜帶型電子式氣味偵測器。25. 新聞稿刊載於相關平面媒體見報、電子報及環保局網站,合計有10則主題(防止竄改監測數據 環保局加強查核、思危杜漸 環保局全面清查工業區、敏感受體緊急應變說明會 歡迎踴躍參加、環保局舉辦固定污染源連續自動監測設施法規宣導、南市建置簡易氣象監測站 協助鑑別空氣污染源等)。26. 配合父親節節日主題結合臺南市低碳元素與代表性動物:黑面琵鷺而設計,已完成製作電子賀卡、著色塗鴉各1則;另依據問答小學堂模式,完成環保達人遊戲動畫1則。
EngAbstract The plan designated industrial area of the city EPD collection exchange and analysis of public and private spaces of the raw materials, process and pollution control facilities and pollutant emissions and other data, and repeatedly petitioned the factory petition, set filtering on behalf of The sexual manufacturers or the specification of the process, according to object to filter the monitoring and sampling.Simple meteorological monitoring equipment and VOCs automatic sampling device by implementing the follow-up related to stainless steel bottle sampling and analysis, the OP-FTIR and CC-FTIR monitoring operations, build the sources of pollution fingerprint data, and gradually a complete grasp of the city odor pollution information, as in air pollution event occurs judged master pollution sources of the basis, in order to implement the City in fixed sources of pollution control work; and assistance in developing the emergency air pollution event contingency operating procedures, and handle the war games and field drills operations to facilitate real emergency event occurs too rapidly to properly handle hoping to through the above control strategy to gradually improve the people petitioned the problem, upgrade policy satisfaction and improve the quality of studies on the dangers of air targets.This project started from January 31, two thousand twelve years, Statistics, July 20, 101 years, the progress are in compliance with contract requirements and related work at this stage the outcome of the various sections of the report will issue a detailed description, following above are summary overview :1. On the grounds that EPA designated industrial area inventory operations, the plan for the Security Industrial Zone, Heshun Industrial District "," total Touliao Industrial Zone "and the" Tree Valley Park inspection jobs and key industrial areas Screening operating the selected "Security Industrial Area, Heshun Industrial District" and "Tree Valley Park" three industrial zone of the implementation of the fingerprint database built object.2. During the 760 completed inventory of high potential risk industrial zone replied table factories , preliminary determined to comply with the Environmental Protection Department announcement permit factories should be set 1-8 batches of 23, subject to the transfer of fixed source control plan for further review confirm (Security Industrial Area 19, Heshun Industrial Zone 2 and the total Touliao industrial zone 2), and the other to handle over the years has been to review a total of 83 inspections of the industrial zone of the new industry.3. Proposed four quarters repeated petitions factory nearly two years of analysis of petitions submitted project report submitted to the central office audit, in 101 years, first to the fourth quarter of the type of petition information analysis, the third quarter of petition cases dropped trend, which reduce noise complaint cases the trend is clearly longer possible with the summer people activities or construction engineering construction at night due to a decrease in. Relationship of odor and air quality more pollutants petitions against the first, third and fourth quarters than differences in proportion compared to the second quarter occurred, but no clear reason for Analysis and Discussion; 101 first petition to the fourth quarter of location data analysis each quarter to petition predilection was no significant difference in location, population density, pollution source distribution area with a positive correlation between the cause; than the calendar year, the top five repeated petitions object data show 101 years the same period last year, compared with wide political Tannery Co., Ltd., of Fu Biological Technology Co., Ltd., Top International, Inc. Petition Cases trend of significant improvement, but Chuen Lee decrease agricultural and industrial.4. Establish a health hazard characteristics of the high-risk air pollutants kinds of information MSDS sheets and also fimished the inspections of job, type of database construction standard operating procedures B; completion of the ASRs information to establish within its jurisdiction all industrial areas 5 km radius of the perimeter neighborhood (including schools, communities, and hospitals), attach the emergency manual for future contingency operations use.5. Tree Valley and Anping Industrial Zone Station and VOC automatic sampling system 2 stations and integrate existing systems with new build system central office monitoring software functionality, while providing follow-up maintenance the device frequency with funding recommendations enlisted.6. Building emergency boxes should contain simple meteorological monitoring equipment, shall have at least detect wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, flow correction (range of flow rate of 20 mL / min to 6 L / min, used to correct sampling pump flow, Gilian, SKC or similar products), diaphragm pump (flow rate of 4 L / min or more, odorless and will not absorb odor pollutants) each set.7. Complete update contingency Box and decrees, strain-related paper, paper city district map, detection of contamination maps and inspection company.8. Build standing at least two are available for immediate sampling of the cylinders in the central office, and plan to go to the the rapid industrial zone line emergency response manual, and the other with the emergency response (Taiwan Ying-made paint fire) and high pollution petition area (matt Applied Materials), the completion of 4:00 followed by immediate cylinders sampling and analysis work, the analysis showed no raw materials used in industry is directly related to the discharge of pollutants.9. To complete the listing of major air pollution event emergency procedures and operating manuals, emergency handling mechanism, including the industrial zone industrial safety and environmental management units emergency notification mechanism suspicious of the sources of pollution sampling and analysis, specimen samples to ensure that the emergency medical transport path, the follow-up to the crisis management mechanism.10. With the toxic disaster response center, National Cheng Kung University Sustainable Environment Research Center the completed screenings emergency air pollution event response drills, including war games and field exercises, the major drills content to enhance campus emergency operational capability.11. Opened diameter full-range remote infrared telemetry analyzer (OP-FTIR) monitoring and analysis jobs completed Heshun Industrial Zone (Dongyang Industrial) on the downwind total survey line, integrated analysis of P407 discharge pipes CC-FTIR measurements results and lower wind OP-FTIR measurements line measurement results and Chen lover home and plant relative position, display arising from factories manufacturing process odor pollutants (organic solvent) through the chimney emissions to the atmosphere is indeed possible proliferation to the petitioner at where location and odor pollution; another completion of the the Liuying industrial zone on the downwind total survey line, a comprehensive analysis of the overall perimeter detection Jiewei higher than the legal value, upwind the organic solvent PGMEA measured value display may cause the main cause of the odor; PGME and PGMEA measured value of downwind organic solvents may cause the main cause of the odor; downwind gasoline and acetate measured value of possible minor odor sources.12. Closed full range the remote infrared telemetry Analyzer (CC-FTIR) monitoring and analysis operations, the completion of the the Heshun industrial zone (Dongyang Industries, Stark Chemical and multiple Cheng Industrial) three times, the Dongyang Industrial total of 302 document monitoring data, wherein toluene, o -, m -, - xylene, ethyl acetate, methanol, acetic acid, n-butyl acetate, acetone and PGMEA are paints diluted with solvents or process the organic solvent used, in addition to toluene and xylene In addition, wherein the organic solvent composition were not found in the license information; source of petrol and methylene chloride at this stage is not yet recognized. Stark Chemical 306 document for monitoring data in the monitoring of the measurement of the discharge conduit 24 hours, after data screening of detected toluene, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, acetic acid, n-butyl, methyl ethyl ketone, cyclohexane Room - xylene, ortho - xylene, methanol and the - xylene, etc., 10 kinds of organic solvent contaminants; wherein toluene, o -, m -, p - xylene, ethyl acetate, n-butyl license The declaration of the original material, methyl ethyl ketone, cyclohexane and methanol is not found in the licensed material. Multiplexing Cheng Industrial were obtained 316 document monitoring data, by data screening result is as follows: toluene, isopropanol, methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate, n-butyl acetate and IV were detected by the measurement of the discharge conduit 24 hours vinyl chloride and organic solvent contaminants; another completed detection liuying Industrial Area the three petitions manufacturers (Koyo Syndyne Xinying) detected three times, the results display, are the Koyo Xinying measured average concentration of species conform to only the highest concentration measured at slightly more than the olfactory threshold and its possible causes combustion process in the factory within the olfactory threshold incomplete (Koyo) unstable raw material components of the sludge (Xinying) the lead. Syndyne measured by a species containing a high concentration of phenol 63.39ppm, 69.64ppm methanol, formaldehyde 25.23ppm, toluene 33.83ppm, the above species are beyond the odor threshold value having a high odor intensity, since these species are not completely combustion byproducts, The reason may be the plant oxidation furnace combustion efficiency (average combustion efficiency 93.2%) and unable to complete lysis destruction process raw materials.13. Odor contaminants features analysis job, completed a total of 10 odor pollution source process, each process mining up and down wind at each point (Stark Chemical complex process Industries, Yan South acrylic true technology, Kai Yiu photoelectric, etc.), a total of 20:00 sampled significantly associated with sampling and analysis results show that the pollutant emissions species and raw materials use types, analysis of the possible causes for raw materials when exposed to heat due to cracking or other chemical reaction, another of the industry in the region less in line with the EPD proposed priority detection of 81 species, and it should continue to investigate other possible dangers of the larger pollutant species further mention of analysis.14. VOCS qualitative and quantitative detection, for a total sampling and analysis Dongyang INDUSTRY CO., LTD nine plants, plant Kellett Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Dian Ming Industrial Co., Ltd., the derivative South acrylic Corporation, Yan Ying Technology Co., Ltd. Liuying factory 20 20:00 test results show only typical Ming derivative South acrylic, Sony United States have measured toluene, methyl methacrylate, methylene chloride, and raw materials the VOCS species, the rest of the industry no detectable matches species, analysis of the possible causes for raw materials when exposed to heat due to cracking or other chemical reaction.15. The odor olfactometric analysis with the stainless steel tube fingerprint sampling, completed a total of 20 points (Dongyang Industrial, elegant Industries, Kunheng shares, the Dai Juhua Industrial complex Cheng Industrial, Chi Mei Corporation (Asahi plant), Chi Mei Corporation, Yan South acrylictrue science and technology, and Ming textile), detection of odor olfactometric are in compliance with regulations and standards, while stainless steel barrel fingerprint sampling results analysis shows, the same pipeline VOCS qualitative and quantitative measurement of toluene, methyl methacrylate, methylene chlorideand raw materials related the VOCS species.16. Complete the processing of the sampling methods and precautions training to strengthen environmental inspectors and emergency handling skills, for a total of 3 performances.17. Complete the processing of sensitive receptors of air pollution incident emergency response education seminars to increase the acuity of air pollution disasters and emergency handling skills through the understanding of the characteristics of pollutants, the total for the 2 sessions, invited schools (junior, small, high school teachers), and the district office, health centers and hospitals and other units, a total of 298 people attended.18. Data updates and maintenance management jobs, and to handle fingerprint database operations training sessions, a total of 291 completed fingerprint database.19. Completed high Chen love object factory pollution evaluation to improve counseling of 6 hotels times, contains repeated petitions object Dongyang, material Fu and other industry persons, and continued to track the counseling industry to improve the odor source control measures, by counseling industry by the Chen love cases, in counseling after the job is completed, have been significantly reduced or not happen again petition cases, counseling effectiveness.20. Perform relative accuracy test audit (RATA) to take the initiative to check eight times and supervision to check eight times (including re-examination), the implementation of opacity calibration error check (OP) to take the initiative to check eight times and supervise the audit eight times (including re-examination), perform gas audits (CGA) initiative check eight times. (Including re-examination), to perform nitrogen dioxide conversion rate checking six times, the results show that the industry is no illegal operation or discharge circumstances, another calendar year data compared, no abnormal emissions data generation older, only Dongzhan Pa equipment old, it is recommended to strengthen the maintenance and management.21. Strengthen advocacy continuous automatic monitoring facilities and regulations, invited to the semiconductor industry, the photovoltaic industry, the petrochemical industry and the area connected eight public and private establishments, to complete the processing of continuous automatic monitoring facilities regulations advocacy seminars, a total of 2 sessions, a total of 160 participants ; Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation and Mori Pa continuous automatic monitoring facilities on-site evaluation of each screening and make recommendations for improvement, the industry is still continuing to improve.22. Updated central office two continuous automatic monitoring system server, another knee data upload, trend graph data analysis operations.23. Complete the processing of the screenings CEMS technology transfer training, mainly to explain the CEMS laws and regulations, common operating missing check operation skills.24. Purchase of air pollution emergency vest 20, a box of N95 masks and activated carbon masks, 10 radios, portable electronic odor detectors.25. Press release published in the print media, newspapers, newsletter and EPA Web site, total 10 topics (to prevent tampering with monitoring data EPA to strengthen check Siwei Du gradually EPA comprehensive inventory of the industrial zone, the sensitive receptors emergency strain Description will be welcome to join the EPA held stationary sources continuous automatic monitoring of facilities regulations advocacy, and studied to build Easy meteorological monitoring stations to assist in identifying sources of air pollution, etc.).26. With the Father's Day holiday theme design combined Tainan low-carbon elements and representative animals: black-faced spoonbills, has completed production of electronic greeting cards, a coloring graffiti; according to the Q & A small school model, complete environmental Daren game animation.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司