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Title 「廢棄物非法棄置案件資料整合計畫」專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.透過系統教學使用單位了解「廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統」之操作與欄位定義。2.協同地方環保局人員進行非法棄置場址清查與實地現勘示範。3.針對既有非法棄置場址清查狀況,進行系統資料統計及分析。4.提供諮詢服務與配合辦理事項。在系統教學部分,為強化使用者系統應用操作能力,本計畫針對系統操作及欄位定義說明等內容,派遣種子講師前往全台19縣市,總計完成共19場77人次之教學輔導行程。在實地現勘示範部分,為使本系統無縫承接舊系統資料,並進一步清查全國目前非法棄置場址現況,本次完成18場縣市現勘輔導作業(包括原規劃進行15縣市既有場址輔導,另配合3縣市新案件需求辦理),主要為協同環保局人員至現場進行座標定位、場址照片等資料蒐集,同時針對現勘流程、應注意事項等問題提供說明與專業意見,進而彙整各單位回饋之建議與意見進行後續討論。協助確認及清查全國既有案件部分,依各縣市清查結果顯示,至101年2月29日止已由原258筆(件)縮減為138筆(件),故本計畫就該相關案件之資料登載情形,區分為巡檢名單填報、場址資訊登載及監督場址紀錄三大軸向進行彙整統計。在巡檢名單部分,目前19縣市已全部完成填報;場址資訊登載部分,其281筆(包含解列、重覆、列管及新增)案件之場址調查資訊整體資料填報完成率為45%。有關上述未完成之項目,本計畫亦將各欄位填報情形進行分析,共可區分4項原因,並提出8項因應改善建議。提供諮詢服務與配合辦理事項部分,則完成協助或舉辦各類會議,包括土基會非法棄置場址研習會、署內非法棄置系統記者會、非法棄置案件管理系統辦理情形署長會報、清理方案與經費估算專案討論等4場相關會議。另亦設置專屬窗口提供使用者進行問題諮詢,並對0800客服人員進行2場次系統功能教育訓練,以提升客服人員對於系統內容之了解。另更參與4場次署內重點非法棄置場址現勘行程,提供現場諮詢與記錄協助。
EngTitle 2011 Project on the Integration of Illegal Dumping Management Data
EngAbstract The project consisted of 4 parts: 1. Instructed users on the operation of the Illegal Dumping Management System (IDMS) and the column definitions; 2. Worked with environmental protection bureaus on the inspection of illegal dumping sites and demonstration of field investigation; 3. Performed data statistics and analysis of the inspection results of existing illegal dumping sites; and 4. Provided consultation service and other assistance requested.To enhance users’ ability to utilize the IDMS, the project sent instructors to all 19 cities and counties to instruct on the operation of the system and the column definitions. A total of 19 training sessions were held and attended by 77 people.Eighteen demonstrations of field investigation were held in cities and counties under the project to ensure a seamless data transition from the old system to the IDMS, and to further understand the current conditions of illegal dumping sites nationwide (3 of the 18 demonstrations were arranged for new cases). The project team visited the sites to assist EPB personnel in coordinate positioning and data collection such as site photos, offered clarification and advice on such issues as the procedure of field investigation and the points requiring attention, and compiled suggestions and comments from all units to facilitate subsequent discussion.In the aspect of confirming and checking the existing cases nationwide, the inspection results of all cities and counties revealed that the number of illegal dumping cases was reduced from 258 to 138 by February 29, 2012. The project set out to check the filling of inspection list, site information registration, and monitoring site information record based on the reported data. The results for the filling of inspection showed there were 19 cities completing the creation of the list, while the results for site information registration shows there are 281 cases including delisting, repetitive reporting, enlisting, and newly created cases with a completion rate of 45%. For the uncompleted working items, thirteen solutions were suggested to further improve the inspection list filling, site information registration, and monitoring site information record by analyzing 4 reasons from filling condition for each data block. Assistance was given to organize or help organize meetings, including the workshop on illegal dumping sites given by the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board, a press conference on IDMS held in the EPA, EPA Minister’s report on the implementation of IDMS, as well as a discussion on clearance methods and budget estimation. A telephone service was established to provide technical support for users; two training sessions were held for staff at the 0800 toll-free service hotlines to increase their understanding of the system. The project team also provided information support and assisted in record taking during 4 EPA field investigations of important illegal dumping sites.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司